Anatomy glossary Flashcards
How much blood is in the average adult?
6 Quarts or 5.5 Liters
Body area between the diaphragm and the pelvis
To move away from the midline
To bluntly adjoin another structure; for example the line of eye closure
This term is applied to a lesser structure that resembles in structure and function a similar organ, as an example the accessory pancreatic duct
Organs that contribute to the digestive process but are not part of the alimentary canal, including the tongue, teeth, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder
Accessory Digestive Organs
Cup-like cavity on lateral surface of hip bone that receives the femur
A contractile protein in cells, especially abundant in muscle cells
A large, transient depolarization event, including polarity reversal, that is conducted along the plasma membrane of a nerve axon or muscle cell without diminishing in intensity
Action Potential
Producing severe symptoms in the short term; rapidly developing
The study of glands
A triangular body covering the superior surface of each kidney
Adrenal Gland
To move toward the midline of the body
This muscle makes of the medial border of the femoral triangle
Adductor Longus
This muscle appears at the bottom of the femoral triangle
Adductor Magnus
The pharyngeal tonsil on the roof of the pharynx
Molecule in cells that stores and releases chemical energy for use in body cells
Adenosine Triosphate ATP
Hormone secreting gland located superior to the kidney; consists of medulla and cortex areas
Adrenal Gland AKA Suprarenal Gland
Outer coat of a tube shaped structure such as blood vessels
Adventitia aka Externa
Oxygen requiring
Nerve cell that carries impulses toward the central nervous system; sensory neuron
Afferent Neuron
The digestive system tube from the mouth to the anus, including the mouth or buccal cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines
Alimentary Canal
Overzealous immune response to an otherwise harmless substance
A bony ridge found on the inferior surface of the Maxilla and the superior surface of the Mandible which contains the sockets for the teeth
Alveolar Process
An abnormal protrusion of the Alveolar Process(es)
Alveolar Prognathism
Literally a small cavity; in the lungs, these are microscopic saclike dilations of terminal bronchioles
Organic compound containing nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; building block of proteins
Amino Acid
Saclike dilation of a tube or duct
To cut off a limb; to dismember
Connection between vessels; for example, the Circle of Willis is this of certain cerebral arteries
A descriptive reference for locating arteries and veins by means of anatomical structures which are known
Anatomical Guide
Points of origin and points of termination in relation to adjacent structures; used to designate the boundaries of arteries
Anatomical Limits
The body is erect, feet together, palms facing forward, and thumbs are pointed away from the body
Anatomical Position
The structure of an organism; the branch of science dealing with the structure of organisms
Reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood; results from too few erythrocytes or from abnormal hemoglobin
Blood filled saclike dilation of the wall of an artery
The study of the circulatory system
The degree from vertical at which the surfaces of a prominent feature projects
Angle of Projection
The small convex prominence found lateral to the end of the line of closure of the mouth; a natural facial marking
Angulus Oris Eminence
The groove found at each end of the line of closure of the mouth, a natural facial marking
Angulus Oris Sulcus
An opening
The depression just in front of the elbow joint
Before or in front of; refers to the ventral or abdominal side of the body
Anterior aka Ventral
External opening of the nostrils
Anterior Nares
A protein molecule that is secreted by a plasma cell and that binds to an antigen in immune responses
A molecule that is recognized as foreign by the immune system, activates the immune system, and reacts with immune cells or antibodies
The inner rim of the ear
A small eminence obliquely opposite the tragus on the superior border of the lobe of the ear
Cavity; for example, the _______ of Highmore, the space in each maxillary bone, or the maxillary sinus
The main trunk of the systemic arterial system
Pointed end of a conical structure
Death brought about by the cessation of respiration or improper functioning of the respiratory apparatus
Flat sheet of white fibrous tissue that serves as a muscle attachment, a tendon
Pertaining to an appendix; pertaining to the limbs
The bony structure that makes up the shoulder girdle, upper extremities, pelvis, and lower extremities
Appendicular Skeleton
Includes the scapula, clavicle, humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges
Appendicular Skeleton (Upper)
Includes the os coxa, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges
Appendicular Skeleton (Lower)
Circular, pigmented area of skin surrounding the nipple
Vessels carrying blood away from the heart
Small arteries whose walls are comprised of smooth muscle and endothelia cells
Watery fluid in the anterior segment of the eye
Aqueous Humor
Curved, as the beak of an eagle, as viewed form the profile, a nose which exhibits a hook of convexity in its dorsum
The web-like middle layer of the three meninges
Arachnoid Matter
A structure which exhibits a curved or bow-like outline
The inferior margin of the nasal wing which forms a distinct concave arc superiorly
Arch of the Wing
Containing minute interspaces in a tissue
Hardening of the arteries; any of a number of degenerative changes in the walls of arteries leading to a decrease in their elasticity
Minute arteries with muscular walls and about .2 mm in diameter; a terminal artery continuous with the capillary network
The place of union between two or more bones; a joint
The first part of the colon in the right side of the abdomen
Ascending Colon
Accumulation of serous fluids in the peritoneal cavity
Indicates a weakness or feebleness of any organ or function
Lack of symmetry, balance, or proportion
Changes in the walls of large arteries involving the deposit of lipid plaques; the most common variety of arteriosclerosis
Fatty degeneration or thickening of the walls of the larger arteries occurring in atherosclerosis
Paired, superiorly located heart chambers that receive blood returning to the heart
Chamber or cavity; for example, atrium of each side of the heart
A wasting, decrease in size of an organ or tissue
General visceral motor division of the peripheral nervous system; innervates smooth and cardiac muscle, and glands
Autonomic Nervous System
Situated in or pertaining to an axis (a real or imaginary line that runs through the center of a body or about which a point revolves)
This includes 74 bones that form the upright axis of the body and 6 tiny middle ear bones
Axial Skeleton
The bones included in the axial skeleton are
Skull Hyoid Vertebrae Ribs Sternum
The armpit area is known as
Lymphocytes that oversee humoral immunity; they divide to generate plasma cells, which secrete antibodies
B Cells aka B Lymphocytes
Areas of gray matter located deep within the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres; regulate certain aspects of movement
Basal Nuclei aka Basal Ganglia
The arm pit
Base of the axillary space
Established by drawing a line along the fold of skin which envelops the lateral border of the pectoralis major muscle
Anterior Boundary
Established by drawing a line along the fold of skin which envelops the lateral border of the latissimus dorsi muscle
Posterior Boundary
Established by drawing a line which connects the two points where the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi muscles blend into the chest wall
Medial Boundary
Established by drawing a line which connects the two points where the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi muscles blend into the arm
Lateral Boundary
Is the heart valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle
Bicuspid Valve aka Mitral Valve
Relating to, or having two sides
Dissimilarities existing in the two sides or halves of an object
Bilateral Differences
The bilateral view; an inferior or superior viewpoint which permits the comparison of the two sides or halves of an object or facial feature
Bilateral Silhouette
The symmetry of paired organs, of an organism whose right and left halves are mirror images of each other, or in which a median longitudinal section divides the organism into equivalent right and left halves
Bilateral Symmetry
Greenish fluid secreted by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and released into the small intestine; helps start the breakdown of fats
Pertaining to bile
The organs and ducts that participate in the secretion, storage, and delivery of bile in the duodenum
Biliary Tract
A reddish-brown (actually yellow) pigment from the result of hemoglobin breakdown
A green discoloration resulting from further breakdown of hemoglobin due to high HCHO index and an acid medium
Removing a piece of living tissue to examine it under a microscope. Usually done to diagnose a suspected disease condition
A membranous sac or receptacle for a secretion
A thin vesicle on the skin containing liquid matter
Tissue that circulates through the vascular system and is composed of approximately 22% solids and 78% water
The pH of blood is slightly
Alkaline aka Base (7.4)
Force exerted by blood against a unit area of the blood vessel walls; differences in blood pressure between different areas of the circulation provide the driving force for blood circulation
Blood Pressure
The cell type, present throughout life, from which all blood cells arise. Present in the bone marrow.
Not only gives rise to blood cells, but also to mast cells, osteoclasts, and dendritic cells of the immune system.
Blood Stem Cell aka Pluripotential Hematopoietic Stem Cell
Circulatory network composed of the heart, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins
Blood Vascular System
The horizontal portion of the lower jaw
Body of the Mandible
Acute, deep-seated inflammation in the skin which usually begins as a subcutaneous swelling in a hair follicle
Boil aka Furuncle
A rounded mass of food prepared by the mouth for swallowing
Pertaining to the arm
Collectively, the midbrain, pons, and medulla of the brain
Brain Stem
A raised support; the arched portion of the nose which is supported by the nasal bones; a structure or span connecting two parts of a mutilated bone
Small branch of a bronchus
One of the two branches of the trachea
An injury caused by a blow without laceration
Bruise AKA Contusion AKA Ecchymosis AKA Suggilation
Relating to the cheek or mouth
The space between the lips and the gums and teeth; the vestibule of the oral cavity
Buccal Cavity
Natural, shallow concavities of the cheeks which extend obliquely downward from the medial or lateral margins of the cheekbones
Buccal Depressions
The principle muscle of the cheek which compresses the cheeks and forms the lateral wall of the mouth
Buccinator AKA Trumpeters Muscle
The vertical furrow of the cheek; an Acquired facial marking
Bucco-Facial Sulcus
Tendon that attaches the calf muscles to the heel bone
Calcaneal AKA Achilles Tendon
The posterior; lower leg
Cup shaped division of the renal pelvis
The dome like superior portion of the cranium; that portion removed during cranial autopsy
A narrow tube, channel, or passageway
Microscopic blood vessels; capillaries connect arterioles with venules
Capillary AKA Microscopic Lymphatic Vessels
Several communicating boils of the skin and subcutaneous tissues with the production and discharge of pus and dead tissue
A cancer-causing chemical or material
Is an indentation in the left lung where the heart lies against the lung forming an indentation
Cardiac Notch
The yellow pigment of the skin
Pertaining to the wrist
The smallest vessels between the arterioles and venules which walls are only comprised of endothelia cells
Capsula; a sheath or continuous enclosure around an organ or structure
A canal in the petrous portion of the temporal bone that transmits the internal carotid artery and the internal carotid plexus of sympathetic nerves
Carotid Canal
A specialized type of dense connective tissue; attached to the ends of bones and forming parts of structures, such as the nasal septum and the framework of the ear
Refers to the study of the heart
The formation of cavities in an organ or tissue; frequently seen in some forms of tuberculosis
A hollow place or area
White, semiopaque, resilient connective tissue
Cartilage AKA Gristle
Pertaining to the tail of an animal; Opposite of cephalic
Blind pouch; the pouch at the proximal end of the large intestine
Pertaining to the abdomen
Situated at or pertaining to a center
Brain and spinal cord. Centriole Barrel-shaped organelle formed of microtubles and located near the nucleus of the cell; active in cell division
Central Nervous System (CNS)
The head
Brain region that is attached to the pons and smoothes and coordinates body movements.
The narrow cavity of the midbrain that connects the third and fourth ventricles
Cerebral Aqueduct
The external, gray matter region of the cerebral hemispheres
Cerebral Cortex
Neck; Any neck-like structure
Funnel-shaped openings, especially of the posterior nares; one of the communicating passageways between the nasal fossae and the pharynx
A steroid lipid found in animal fats as well as in the plasma membranes of the cells
Bar-like body of tightly coiled chromatin, visible during cell division; typical human cells have 46
Long-term; prolonged
Food that has been processed by the stomach that is ready to exit via the intestine
The eyelashes
Motile, hair-like projection from the apical surface of certain epithelial cells
Is comprised of 9 arteries, the right and left internal carotid, the anterior communicating artery, which serves to link the right and left anterior cerebral arteries, the right and left posterior cerebral arteries and the right and lest posterior communicating arteries
Circle of Willis
A chronic disease, particularly of the liver, characterized by an overgrowth of connective tissue, or fibrosis
A phase of somatic death lasting from 5-6 minutes during which life may be restored
Clinical Death
Snail shaped chamber of the bony labyrinth in the inner ear; houses the receptor for hearing (spiral organ, or organ of Corti)
The large intestine from the end of the cecum to the anal canal that surrounds the anus
The fleshy termination of the nasal septum at the base of the nose; located between the nostrils; the most inferior part of the mass of the nose
Columna Nasi
Exhibiting a depressed or hollow surface
A facial profile variation in which the forehead protrudes beyond eyebrows while the chin recedes from the plane of the upper lip
Concave-Convex Profile
A depressed profile form which may dip concavely from root to tip
Concave Nasal Profile
A basic facial profile form in which the forehead protrudes beyond the eyebrows while the chain protrudes beyond the plane of the upper lip (least Common)
Concave Profile (Infantine, Retrousse)
A facial profile variation in which the forehead protrudes beyond the eyebrows while the upper lip and chin project equally to an imaginary vertical line
Concave-Vertical Profile
One of the three nasal conchae; a scroll like bone
A rounded protuberance at the end of the bone forming an articulation
A primary tissue; form and function vary widely, but all connective tissues contain a large amount of extracellular matrix; functions include support, holding tissue fluid, and protection from disease
Connective Tissue
Thin, protective mucous membrane that covers the white of the eye and the internal surface of eyelids
Transparent anterior portion of the eyeball
That portion of the cornea recovered for transplantation in situ. The cornea and sclera considered together comprising the tunica fibrosa or fibrous coat of the eye
Corneal Sclera Button
Legal term referring to a dead body
Having an abnormal amount of fat on the body
Corpulence AKA Obesity
The outer layer of an organ as distinguished from the inner medulla, as in the adrenal gland, kidney, ovary, lymph node, thymus, and cerebrum and cerebellum
A glucocorticoid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex
Pertaining to the ribs
Sensory nerves in the retina of the eye having to do with color detection
Cones of the Eye
Basically serves the purpose of protecting, supporting, and binding body parts together
Connective Tissue
Curved evenly; resembling a segment of the outer edge of a sphere
A profile variation in which the forehead recedes from the eyebrows while the chin protrudes beyond the plane of the upper lip
Convex-Concae Profile
A nasal profile which exhibits a hump in its linear form
Convex Nasal Profile (Roman, aquiline)
A basic profile form in which the forehead recedes from the eyebrows while the chin recedes from the plane of the upper lip (Most Common)
Convex Profile
A profile variation in which the forehead recedes from the eyebrows while the chin and upper lip project equally to an imaginary vertical line
Convex-Vertical Profile
Vertical prominences of the neck; an acquired facial marking
Cords of the neck
The transparent structure which constitutes the anterior segment of the external layer of the eyeball
Having an abnormal amount of fat on the body
A pyramid shaped muscle of facial expression which draws the eyebrows inferiorly and medially
The 12 pairs of nerves that attach to the brain
Cranial Nerves
The part of the human skill which encloses the brain
A ridge; example, the iliac crest; a less prominent ridge is called a line
Crackling sensation produced when gases trapped in tissues are palpated, as in subcutaneous emphysema
Thin, medial portion of the ethmoid bone of the skill
Cribriform Plate
The topmost part of the head
Crown AKA Vertex
The superior and anterior bifurcating branches of the antihelix of the ear
Crura of the Antihelix
Pertaining to the forearm
A normal or abnormal bending or sloping away; a curve
Pertaining to the skin
A condition of skin puckering caused by the contraction of the erector pili
Cutis Ansernia
Bluish discoloration of the skin or mucous membrane due to lack of oxygen
A sac within or on the body surface containing air or fluid
Of or pertaining to a cyst; pertaining to the gallbladder; pertaining to the urinary bladder
The part of a cell between the plasma membrane and the nucleus; contains many organelles
Irreversible cessation of all vital functions
Separation of the head from the body; The act of such separation
Below the surface
Carrying away
Elimination of the contents (feces) of the bowel
Loss of moisture from body tissue which may occur antemortem or postmortem
Neuron process that transmits signals toward the cell body and serves as receptive region of the neuron; most branch extensively
Oblique insertion of the teeth
Dental Prognathism aka Buck teeth
A nuecleic acid found in all living cells; carries the organisms hereditary information
Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA
To lower inferiorly or to reduce projection
A hollow or concave region; the lowering of a part
A muscle of facial expression which depresses the angle of the mouth
Depressor Anguli Oris
A muscle of facial expression which draws the lower lip inferiorly and slightly lateral
Depressor Labii Inferioris
The leathery layer of skin, deep to the epidermis; composed largely of dense irregular connective tissue
Dermis, Derma, Corium, True Skin
The section of the colon which turns downward at the splenic flexure and descends on the left side of the abdomen
Descending Colon
Process of drying out
Sloughing off of the epidermis wherein there is a separation of the epidermis from the underlying dermis
Desquamation aka Skin Slip
Reduction of the toxic properties of a poisonous substance
Refers to the study of the body before birth
Developmental Anatomy aka Embryology
A variation from the common or established
Disease characterized by passage of a large quantity of dilute urine plus intense thirst and dehydration; caused by inadequate release of antiduretic hormone
Diabetes Insipidous Type 1 AKA Juvenile Diabetes
Disease cause by deficient release of, or deficient use of, insulin; characterized by an inability of the body cells to use sugars at a normal rate and by high blood sugar levels
Diabetes Mellitus aka Type 2 aka Adult Onset Diabetes
Relaxation phase of the heart action, or beat
A double bellied muscle which draws the hyoid bone superiorly
Anatomical term describing fingers and toes
The condition of the heart being enlarged, occurring normally, artificially, or as a result of disese
Dilatation (Dilation)
Any partition or wall separating one area from another; the muscular sheet that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity
The spreading of particles in a gas or solution from regions of high particle concentration to regions of low concentration, with movement toward a uniform distribution of the particles
Expansion or widening of a vessel, organ, or opening
Disjoining of bones
Any abnormal color in or upon the human body
Any deviation from or interruption of the normal structure or function of a body part, organ, or system
Farthest from the center, from a medial line, or from the trunk; opposite to proximal
A state of being twisted or pushed out of natural shape or position
Outpocketing from a tubular organ such as the intestine
Pertaining to the book; opposite of ventral
Dorsal aka Posterior
A wooden or metal rod used as an armature; Inserted into the foramen magnum to reattach a decapitation
The first and shortest part of the small intestine
Most external and toughest of the three membranes (meninges) covering the brain and spinal cord
Dura Mater
The organ of hearing
Ear aka Pinna
Abnormal accumulation of tissue fluid in the loose connective tissue; causes the affected body region to swell
Edema AKA Dropsy
Muscle or gland capable of being activated by motor nerve endings
Carrying away or away from, especially a nerve fiber that carries impulses away from the central nervous system
Efferent aka Motor (neurons)
A raised surface or part
Excessive leanness; a wasted condition resulting in sunken surfaces of the face
A severe skin irritation due to prolonged exposure to formaldehyde or other embalming chemicals
Embalmer’s Eczema
Any abnormal mass carried freely in the bloodstream; maybe a clot, bubble of air, mass of fat, or clumps of cells
A prominence or projection, especially of a bone
The layer that lines the inner surface of the heart wall; consists of endothelium and areolar connective tissue
Secreting into the blood or tissue fluid rather than into a duct
Mucous membrane lining the uterus
The simple squamous epithelium that lines the walls of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels
The removal of an entire mass or part, especially a tumor or the eyeball, without rupture
An organic catalyst produced by living cells and capable of autolytic decomposition
The outermost layer of skin; the cuticle or scarf skin
Bleeding from the nose
Comma shaped structure in the scrotum adjacent to the testis; contains a duct in which the sperm mature
A leaf-shaped structure of elastic cartilage that extends from the posterior surface of the tongue to the larynx; covers the opening of the larynx during swallowing
Ends of a long bone
A primary tissue that covers body surfaces and lines body cavities
When mature, an erythrocyte is literally a sac of hemoglobin covered by a plasma membrane
Erythrocyte aka Red Blood Cell
Female sex hormones
A term applied to the external secretion of a gland
Glands that secrete onto body surfaces or into body cavities; except for the one-celled goblet cells, all of these have ducts
Exocrine Glands
Loss of blood to the point where life can no longer be sustained
Straightening out a body part such as the arm
Exterior; the opposite of medial or internal
The lateral, outer opening of the external auditory canal
External Auditory Meatus
Outside a cell
Outside of the blood vascular system
Originating outside an organ or part
Also the superficial hairs covering the superciliary arches
Eyebrows aka Supercilium
Two movable flaps of skin which cover and uncover each eyeball
Eyelids aka Palpebrae
The bony region containing the eyeball
Eye Socket aka Oral Cavity
Sheet of connective tissue
Organic compound containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; chemically a triglyceride ester, composed of glycerol and fatty acids
A product of decomposition of fats
Fatty Acids
Fibrous insoluble protein formed during blood clotting; takes the form of a fiber network
Passage of a solution or suspension through a membrane of filter with the purpose of holding back the larger particles
Bending a body part such as the arm
A hole, small opening; example, foramen magnum of the occipital bone
An opening in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes from the brain
Foramen Magnum
A hollow or depression
Cavity or hollow
The vertical restraining fold of mucous midline of the inside of each lip connecting the lip with the gum
The anterior third or the cranium, forming the forehead and the anterior portion of the roof of the skull
Frontal Bone
The two rounded prominences, one on each side of the frontal bone, located where the forehead turns backward to become the anterior portion of the crown of the head
Frontal Eminences
The ascending part of the upper jaw which gradually protrudes as it rises beside the nasal bone to meet the frontal bone; the ascending process of the upper jaw
Frontal Process of the Maxilla
The hollows formed on either side of the separation of the two plates of the frontal bone beneath the superciliary ridge
Frontal Sinuses
Helps to raise the eyebrows
Frontalis Muscle
Base of a hollow organ, for example, the part farthest from its outlet
A crevice in the skin accompanied by adjacent elevations
Furrow aka Wrinkle
A pear shaped sac on the underside of the right lobe of the liver that stores bile received from the liver
Combining form meaning stomach
Pertaining to the stomach
Reproductive organs
The period of pregnancy; averages 280 days in humans
A single bony prominence of the frontal bone located between the superciliary arches in the inferior part o fhte frontal bone above the root of the nose
A secretory organ or structure; a cell or group of cells that can manufacture a secretion discharged and used in some other part of the body
A protein found in blood
Of the tongue
The opening between the two vocal cords in the larynx
The principal blood sugar; the main sugar used by cells for energy
The buttocks
A long chain of glucose molecules; the main form in which sugar is stored in animal cells; takes the form of dense granules in the cytoplasm
Primary reproductive organ; the testis of the male or the ovary of the female
Gray area of the CNS; Contains neuron cell bodies and unmyelinated processes of neurons
Gray Matter
The viscous, spongy part of the extracellular matrix of connective tissue; its large molecules attract water and hold tissue fluid
Ground Substance
Reers to the study of the body with the unaided eye
Gross Anatomy
An influential person in medical embalming who discovered the circulation of blood in 1628
Dr. William Harvey
A rounded projection beyond a narrow neckline portion
Abnormal heart sound (usually resulting from valve problems)
Heart Murmur
The outer rim of the ear
Blood present in vomitus; Vomiting of blood from the stomach
The study of blood
A mass of blood that has bled from blood vessels into the tissues
The non protein portion of hemoglobinl the red pigment of the hemoglobin
The red respiratory portion of the red blood cells; iron containing pigment of red blood cells functioning to carry oxygen to the cells
Blood in sputum
Pertaining to the liver
Hepar aka Hepatic
A gland that has both endocrine and exocrine functions
Depression where vessels enter an organ
Hilus or Hilum
Shaped like the letter U; the bone of this shape is at the base of the tongue
The third portion of the small intestine, about 12 ft in length
The depression between the mental eminence and the inferior incisor teeth
Incisive Fossa
The four teeth located anteriorly from the midline on each jaw, used for cutting
Incisor Teeth
Beneath; lower; used medically in reference to the undersurface of an organ or indicating a structure below another structure
The lowermost scroll-shaped bones on the sidewalls of the nasal cavity
Inferior Nasal Conchae
The furrow of the lower attached border of the inferior palpebra; an acquired facial marking
Inferior Palpebral Sulcus
A form of prognathism in which the base of the nasal cavty protrudes abnormally
Infranasal Prognathism
Pertaining to the groin
Anatomical structure forming the base of the femoral triangle
Inguinal Ligament; Poupartous Ligament
Extends from the anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle
Inguinal Ligament; Poupartous Ligament
Eminence at the medial corner of the closed eyelids
Inner Canthus
Relating to the inegument
Superiorly, the skin portion of the upper lip from the attached margin of the upper mucous membrane to the base of the nose; and inferior, the skin portion of the lower lip from the attached margin of the mucous membrane to the labiomental sulcus
Integumentary Lips
Between the cells of a structure
The vertical or transverse furrow between the eyebrows; acquired facial markings
Interviliary Sulci
Space between the ribs
Intercostal Space
Fluid in the supporting connective tissues surrounding body cells
Interstitial Fluid
Within a cell or cells
Within the body; within or on the inside; the opposite of external
Of or forming small spaces between things
From within the body
Reduction in arterial blood supply
A tiny isolated mass of one kind of tissue within another type
Clusters of cells in the pancreas that are responsible for secreting insulin
Islets of Langerhans
The portion of the small intestine, about 8 ft in length, between the duodenum and the ileum
The point of juncture between two bones; Usually formed of fibrous connective tissue and cartilage
Furrows of age; the vertical furrows of each lip extending from within the mucous membranes into the integumentary lips
Labial Sulci
The junction of the lower integumentary lip and the superios border of the chin, which may appear as a furrow
Labiomental Sulcus
Pertaining to tears
Space or cavity
Is comprised of first the ascending colon, second the transverse colon, third the descending colon, and finally the sigmoid colon
Large Intestine
The organ of voice production; the upper part of the respiratory tract between the pharynx and the trachea
Of or toward the side; opposite of medial
Are specialized blood cells to fight off infection
A muscle of facial expression which elevates the angle of the mouth
Levator Anguli Oris
A muscle of facial expression which elevates the upper lip and dilates the nostril openingl the common elevator
Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi
A muscle of facial expression which elevates and extends the upper lip
Levator Labii Superioris
A line drawn or visualized on the surface of the skin to represent the approximate location of some deeper luing structure
Linear Guide
Eyelid furrows which are short and broken, extending horizontally on the palpebrae themselves and which may fan from both the medial and lateral corners of the eye
Linear Sulci
The largest gland in the body; secretes bile and is of great importance in protein and carbohydrate metabolism
Liver AKA Hepatic System
Well defined parts of an organ separated by boundaries. The fatty inferior one-thid of the ear
Pertaining to the lower back, between the ribs and the hip bone
Passageway or space within a tubular structure such as an opening of a vein, artery, or intestine
Cone-shaped organs, large enough to fill the pleural portion of the thoracic cavity completely.
This lung is divided by fissures into two lobes
Left Lung
This lung is divided by fissures into three lobes
Right Lung
In relation to the lungs, the heart is
The clear fluid transported by the lymphatic vessels
Bean-shaped lymphoid organ that filters and cleanses the lymph
Lymph Node
Organ system consisting of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and the lymphoid organs and tissues; drains excess tissue fluid and fights disease
Lymphatic System
General term used to designate lymphatic vessels
A specific antibody acting destructively upon cells and tissues
A membrane-bound, sac-like cytoplasmic organelle that contains a wide variety of digestive enzymes
Life-threatening; pertains to neoplasms such as cancer that spread and lead to death
Mammary Glands
The horseshoe shaped bone forming the inferior jaw
The depression in the temporal bone into which the condyle of the mandible fits
Mandibular Fossa
The general phagocytic cells of the body, capable of engulfing and digesting a wide variety of foreign cells, particles, and molecules; present throughout the connective tissues of the body and especially abundant in lymphoid tissues of the immune system
Handle; upper part of the sternum
A boundary such as the edge of a structure of the anatomy
Muscles of mastication which close the mandible sometimes called the chewing muscle
Masseter Muscles
The rounded projection on the inferior portion of the temporal bones just posterior to the lobe of the ear
Mastoid Process
A paired bone with several processes that form the skeletal base of most of the superior face, roof of the mouth, sides of the nasal cavity, and floor of the orbit
Superior jaw protrudes
Maxillary Prognathism
A tube-shaped passage or opening
Of or toward the middle
In the midline of the body
Middle section of the thorax, that is, between the two lungs
Latin for marrow; hence the inner portion of an organ in contrast to the outer portion or cortex
Inferior part of the brain stem
Medulla Oblongata
Dark pigment formed by cells called melanocytes; imparts color to the skin and hair
Sheet or thin layer
T and B lymphocytes that provide for immunologic memory
Memory Cells
Protective coverings around the brain and spinal cord; from external to internal, they are dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater
Inflammation of the meninges
A triangular projection on the inferior portion of the anterior mandible
Mental Eminence
Elevates and protrudes the inferior lip, wrinkles the kin over the chin
Mentalis Muscle
Fold of peritoneum that attaches the intestine to the posterior abdominal wall
Situated in the middle, median
Energy expended by the body per unit time
Metabolic Rate
Sum total of all the chemical reactions occurring in the cells of the body
The spread of cancer from one body part or organ to another not directly connected to it
Refers to the study with the aid of a microscope
Microscopic Anatomy AKA Histology
Region of the brain stem that lies between the diencephalon and the pons
Cellular power plants which produce energy
Division of the nucleus during the typical process of cell division, during which the chromosomes are distributed to the two daughter nuclei
The study of the shape and structure of living organisms
A sticky viscous fluid that covers many internal surfaces in the body; it consists of the protein mucin and a large amount of water
Moist membranes that line all tubular organs and body cavities that open to the exterior
Mucous Membranes
List the muscles of the Thorax
Pectoralis Major, External Intercostals, Internal Intercostals, and Diaphragm
List the Muscles of the back
Trapezius and Latissimus Dorsi
List the Muscles of the Abdomen
Rectus Abdomen, External Obliques, Transversus, and Psoas Major
List the Muscles of the Shoulder
Deltoid and Teres Major
Fatty insulating sheath that surrounds all but the thinnest nerve fibers; formed of the plasma membrane of supporting cells wrapped in concentric layers around the nerve fiber
Myelin Sheath
Condition characterized by dead tissue areas in the myocardium of the heart; caused by interruption of blood supply to the area; also called heart attack
Myocardial Infarction
The study of the muscular system
The nostrils
Directly inferior to the glabella and forming a dome over the superior portion of the nasal cavity
Nasal Bones
Space between the roof of the mouth and the floor of the cranial cavity
Nasal Cavity
The sharp, bony projection located medially at the inferior margin of the nasal cavity
Nasal Spine of the Maxilla
The angular area between the posterior margin of the wing of the nose and the nasolabial fold; a natural facial marking
Nasal Sulcus
The eminence of the cheek and adjacent to the mouth; extending from the superior part of the posterior margin of the wing of the nose to the side of the mouth; a natural facial marking
Nasolabial Fold
The furrow originating at the superior border of the wing of the nose and extending to the side of the mouth; an acquired facial marking
Nasolabial Sulcus
Depression superior to the medial portion of the superior palpebrae
Naso-Orbital Fossa
The dividing wall between the two nasal cavities, formed posteriorly of bone, anteriorly of cartilage
Nasal Septum
The branch of medicine that deals with the nervous system and its diseases
Pertaining to the nape of the neck
Controls most cellular activities, including reproduction, protein synthesis, and contains genetic material which determines a persons various characteristics
The shallow, curving groove below the medial corner of the eyelids; a natural facial marking
Oblique Palpebral Sulcus
The lower back of the skull
The prominence at the center of the external surface of the occipital bone
Occipital Protuberance
Epicranius; draws the scalp posteriorly and anteriorly and raises the eyebrows
Occipitofrontalis Muscle
Back of the ehad
Pertaining to the sens of smell
Pertaining to the eyes
Ophthalmic AKA Optic AKA Orbital
The furrows radiating from the lateral corner of the eye
Optic Facial Sulci AKA Crows Feet
Concerning the mouth
The mouth and the vestibule, or the opening to the throat
Oral Cavity
Close the eyelids; compresses the lacrimal sacs
Orbicularis Oculi Muscles
Closes the lips
Orbicularis Oris Muscles AKA Kissing Muscle
The mouth, entrance, or outlet of any anatomical structure; opening
Small bone, specifically one of the bones of the tympanum or drum of the ear
Bone formation
Age-related condition in which bones weaken as bone reabsorption outspaces bone deposition; weakened bones break easily
The palm of the hand
Roof of the mouth
One of the bones forming the posterior part of the hard palate and lateral nasal wall between the interior pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone and the maxilla
Palatine Bone
Using one’s fingers to feel deep organs through the skin of the body surface
Tadpole shaped gland posterior to the stomach; produces both exocrine and endocrine secretions
Pertaining to, or forming the wall of a cavity; pertaining to the parietal bone
Two bones that form the roof and part of the sides of the skull
Parietal Bones
The rounded peak of the external convexity of the parietal bones; determines the widest part of the cranium
Parietal Eminence
An elongated lobulated organ composed of both exocrine and endocrine glandular tissue. Secretes digestive enzymes, insulin, and glucagon
Located near the ear
Is concerned with studying the structural and functional changes which occur in the body as a result of disease
Pathological Anatomy
Pertaining to the pubic bone
Pertaining to the chest or breast
Inferior region of the body trunk; contains the basin shaped bony structure called the bony pelvis
Protein digesting enzyme secreted by the stomach lining
Double layered sac that encloses the heart and forms its superficial layer
Located at, or pertaining to, the periphery (outer part or surface of a body) ocurring away from the center
Portion of the nervous system consisting of nerves and ganglia that lie outside the brain and spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Serous membrane that lines the interior of the abdominal pelvic cavity and covers the surfaces of the organs in this cavity. Divided into two special subdivisions - Mesentery and Greater Omentum
Infection and inflammation of the peritoneum
At right angles to another surface
A cluster of lymph nodes embedded in the small intestine
Peyer’s patches
Potential of hydrogen; a number signifying the acidity or alkalinity of a chemical solution
The process by which a cell forms cytoplasmic extensions to engulf foreign particles, cells, or macromolecules and then uses lysosomes to digest these substances
Finger or toe bones
The throat; the upper expanded portion of the digestive tract between the esophagus below the mouth and nasal cavaties above and in front
Refers to the study of veins in the body
The vertical groove located medially on the superior lip
Pertaining to the diaphragm
Plays a major role in breathing
Phrenic Muscle aka Diaphragm
Would be concerned with the study of the function of the body and its parts
Most internal and most delicate of the three membranes covering the brain and spinal cord
Pia Mater
A hormone secreting, golf club shaped structure that hangs inferiorly from the brain and performs a variety of endocrine functions, such as regulating the gonads, thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, lactation, and water balance
Pituitary Gland aka Hypophysis
Temporary organ formed from both fetal and maternal tissues that provides nutrients and oxygen to the developing fetus, carries away fetal waste molecules, and secretes the hormones of pregnancy; shed as the afterbirth when labor is over
Refers to the sole of the foot
Is that structure that serves as the connecting link between the fetus and the mother’s babt
Liquid part of the blood
Cell formed from the division of an activated B lymphocyte; secretes antibodies
Plasma Cell
Thin layer of muscle covering anterior aspect of neck. Pulls the lower lip down and back as in a look of horror
Platysma Muscle
The transverse, dipping furrow of the neck
Platysmal Sulci
Serous membrane that lines the pleural cavity in the thorax and covers the external surface of the lung
Referring to the lungs
The part of the brain stem between the midbrain and the medulla oblongata
Behind the knee
Minute depressions in the surface of the skin, as in the openings of the sweat glands
Concerning an entrance to an organ, especially that through which the blood is carried to the liver
Following after; hence located behind; opposite of anterior. Toward the read or caudal end
Posterior aka Dorsal
A projection or outgrowth
To turn palm downward
Medial rotation of the forearm that causes the palm to face posteriorly
Refers to a body lying hortizontally with the face downward
A gland, partly muscular and partly glandular, which surrounds the beginning of the male urethra and secretes a milky fluid into the urethra at the time of semen emission
Prostate Gland
A long chain of amino acids or several linked chains of amino acids; the amino acid chains have bent and folded (coiled) to give each protein a distinct shape
The state or condition of being thrust forward or projecting
A part that is prominent beyond a surface, like a knob, an outgrowth, a swelling
Nearest the point of attachment, center of body, or point of reference
The junction of the pubic bones on the midline in front; the bony eminence under the pubic hair
Pubic Symphysis
Pertaining to the lungs
Opening in the center of the iris through which light enters the eye
A funnel shaped region of the stomach, just proximal to the pylorus
Pyloric Region
The aperture between the the stomach and duodenum. Smooth muscle around the opening of the stomach into the duodenum
Pyloric Sphincter
A seam in the midline
Automatic response to a stimulus
Is the study of some particular body region as a separate unit, such as the head, chest, etc
Regional Anatomy
Retaining to the kidney
Pertaining to or employed in reproduction
Pertaining to respiration
Relating to those organs and tissues from the nostrils to the air sacs in the lungs involved with the intake of air; 6 organs in this are nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs
Respiratory System
Neural tunic of the eyeball; contains the photoreceptor cells for vision
A nose which is turned up superiorly at its tip
Cytoplasmic organelle on which proteins are synthesized
Tricuspid valve; valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle in the heart
Right Atrioventicular Valve
The narrow superficial band of muscle which pulls the angle of the mouth laterally
Risorius Muscle aka Laughing Muscle aka False Smiling Muscle
One of the two types of photoreceptor cells in the retina of the eye
Rod Cell
The long, rod shaped sensory bodies of the retina of the eye responsive to light but not color
Rods of the eye
Wrinkles or folds
Pertaining to the Sacrum; the region in the midline of the bussocks
Like an arrow; longitudinal
A vertical plane that divides the body or a body part into right and left portions
Sagittal Plane
Pertaining to, producing, or formed from saliva
The three pairs of glands furnishing the saliva, the parotid, sublingual, and submaxillary
Salivary Glands
This muscle makes up the lateral border of the femoral triangle
Sartorius Muscle
From Greek for hard
Outer fibrous tunic of the eyeball. White portion of the eye
Sclera of the Eye
The oily secretion of sebaceous glands
The passage of material formed by a cell to its exterior; cell product that is transported to the exterior of a cell
Valves at the base of the aorta and the pulmonary trunk that prevent blood from returning to the heart ventricles after ventricular contraction
Semilunar Valves
A wall dividing two cavities
Any serous fluid, especially the fluid that moistens the surfaces of serous membranes; the watery portion of the blood after coagulation; a fluid found when clotted blood is left standing long enough for the clot to shrink
A protein found in blood serum
Serum Albumin
Shaped like a sesame seed; an inconstant number of small, flat, round bones ound in various tendons in which considerable pressure develops. Of these, only patellas are usually counted in the 206 bones of the body. An oval nodule of bone or fibrocartilage in a tendon playing over a bony surface
Sesamoid Bones
That portion of the large intestine that courses downward below the iliac crest. Described as an S shaped curve
Sigmoid Colon
A cavity or sponge like space within a bone; a dilated channel for venous blood; any cavity having a relatively narrow opening example the frontal _______
Pertaining to the skeleton
The 3 parts of the small intestine are of the duodenum, jejunum, and the ileum
Small Intestine
Pertaining to the region of the body that lies external to the ventral body cavity, including the skin, skeletal muscles, and the skeleton
A circular muscle constricting or closing an orifice/aperture
A sharp projection
Spinous Process or Spine
The vertical surface of the temporal bone
Constriction or narrowing
A muscle of the neck that is attached to the mastoid process of the temporal bone and superior nuchal line and by separate heads to the sternum and clavicle. Function together to flex the head, form the lateral boundaries of the cervical tirangle and widest part of the neck
Sternocleidomastoideus Muscle
Situated or occurring beneath the skin
Describing those portions which lie immediately inferior to the mandible
The junction of the base of the chin and the submandibular area, which may appear as a furrow
Submental Sulcus
The inferior part of the part of the forehead just superior to the median ends of the eyebrows
Superciliary Arches
Pertaining to or situated near the surface
Higher than situated above something else; opposite of inferior
The furrow of the superior border of the upper eyelid; an acquired facial marking
Superior Palpebral Sulcus
Region between the supercilium and the superior palpebrae
Supraorbital Area
The superior rim of the eye sockets
Supraorbital Margins
To turn the palm of the hand oppward
Refers to a body lying horizontally with the face upward
Located above the kidney
Another name for an adrenal gland
Suprarenal Gland
Arched ridge just below the eyebrow
Supraorbital Margin
Relating to a suture (the line of union in an immovable articulation, as those between the skull bones)
Correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts that are on opposite sides of the face
A line of fusion between two bones that are separate in early development. Greek for growing together
A joint in which the bones are connected by fibrocartilage
Specialized cell junction between two neurons, at which the neurons communicate
Death brought about by a cessation of cardiac activity, or a failure of heart action,
Is the study of individual organs and systems, such as the study of the digestive system, respiratory system, etc
Systemic Anatomy
Contraction phase of the heart action, or beat
Organizations of varying numbers and kinds of organs so arranged that together they can perform complex functions for the body
T lymphocyte that directly kills eukaryotic foreign cells, cancer cells, or virus-infected body cells
T Cell aka Killer T Cell
Pertaining to the ankle
Pertaining to the sides of the skull
Inferior portion of the sides and base of the cranium, inferior to the parietal bones and anterior to the occipital bone
Temporal Bones
The concave surface of the head overlying the temporal bone
Temporal Cavity
Muscle of mastication which helps to close the mandible
Temporalis Muscle
Band or cord of fibrous connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone
They are the smallest blood cells who are produced in the red bone marrow with the primary function to help form clots in the walls of broken blood cessels
Thrombocytes AKA Platelets
The formation or presence of an attached blood clot
Organ of the immune system that is essential for the production of T cells; located in the anterior thorax
Latin for shin bone
Refers to the study of surface shape and form of the human body
Topographical Anatomy AKA Surface Anatomy
Crosswise, lying across the long axis of the body or of a part
The part of the colon that passes horizontally across the abdomen, below the liver, stomach, and spleen, and is above the smalle intestine
Transverse Colon
Furrows which cross the forehead
Transverse Frontal Sulci
A tube about 11 cm long that extends from the larynx in the neck to the bronchi in the thoracic cavity
Trachea aka Windpipe
Depression between the crura of the ear, the second deepest depression of the ear
Triangular Fossa
Is the heart valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle
Tricuspid Valve
A very large projection
A small, rounded projection
A large, rounded projection
Consisting of tubes and alveoli
An abnormal growth of cells; a swelling; a neoplasm; can be cancerous
A covering or coat; a layer or membrane of tissue
The outer, fibroelastic coat of a blood vessel or other tubular structure comprised of connective tissue
Tunica Adventicia aka Tunica Externa
The inner, serous coat of an artery comprised of smooth muscle
Tunica Intima aka Tunica Interna
The middle, usually muscular coat of an artery or other tubular structure comprised of smooth muscle
Tunica Media
One of the outer layers of a part, especially a hollow organ or blood
The universal recipient
Type AB Blood
The universal Donor
Type O Blood
Erosion of the surface of an organ or tissue, such as a peptic ulcer in the wall of the stomach or small intestine
The tubes leading from the kidney to the urinary bladder
The tube leading from the urinary bladder to the external surface of the body
Pertaining to the secretion or containment of urine
Composed of kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra
Urinary System
Latin for a little grape; projection hanging from the soft palate
Any one of various membranous structures in a hollow organ or passage that temporarily closes to permit the flow of fluid in one direction only
Vessel or duct
Pertaining to or composed of blood vessels
The blood vessels; the arteries, capillaries, and veins
Vascular System
The second section of the spermatic duct
Vas Deferens
These are the minute vessels that supply blood to the outer layers
Vasa Vasorum
Narrowing of blood vessels, normally through the contraction of smooth muscle cells in the vessel walls
Relaxation of smooth muscle cells in the walls of blood vessels, causing the cessels to dilate
Wide, of great size
Vessels carrying blood to the heart
Of or near the belly
Ventral aka Anterior
Small cavity; in the heart, those chambers which pump blood away from the heart
Very small veins which walls are comprised of smooth muscle and endothelia cells
A long worm-shaped tissue which extends from the lower portion of the cecum. Its mucous lining may become inflamed, a condition known as appendicitis
Vermiform Appendix
The spin or spinal column; formed of a number of bones called vertebrae, the discs between these vertebrae, and two composite bone (Sacrum and Coccyx
Vertebral Column
The top of the head
Perpendicular to the plane of the horizon, balanced
One in which the forehead and the eyebrows project equally to a vertical line, and the chin protrudes more than the superior mucous membrane
Vertical-Concave Profile
One in which the forehead and the eyebrows project equally to a vertical line and the chin recedes less than the superior mucous membrane
Vertical-Convex Profile
One in which the forehead, upper lip and chin project equally to an imaginary vertical line
Vertical Profile aka Balanced
A small, liquid filled sac; also referred to as urinary bladder
Pertaining to viscera (internal organs enclosed within a cavity, especially the abdominal organs
The state of being sticky or gummy; resistance offered by a fluid to change form or relative position of its particles due to attraction of molecules to each other
The semi-fluid transparent substance which lies between the retina and lens of the eyeball
Vitreous Humor
Bone of the nasal cavity situated between the nasal passages on the median plane; it forms the inferior and posterior portion of the septum of the nose
Vomer Bone
White substance of the CNS contains tracts o myelinated nerve fibers
White Matter
Sword Shaped
The processes on the temporal and zygomatic bones; determines the widest part of the face
Zygomatic Arch
One of the lesser concavities of the face located on the lateral portion of the cheek inferior to the zygomatic arch
Zygomatic Arch Deprssion
Small bones of the cheeks; widest part of the cheek
Zygomatic Bones
The lateral rim of the eye socket formed by a process of the frontal bone and a process of the zygomatic bone
Zygomaticofrontal Process
Muscles of the face which draw the superior lip posteriorly, superiorly, and anteriorly
Zygomaticus Major Muscles AKA Smiling Muscle
Muscles of the face which draw the superior lip superiorly and anteriorly
Zygomaticus Minor Muscles
A thin projection from the temporal bone bounding its squamous portion; a part of the malar bone helping to form the zygoma
Zygomatic Process
Fertilized Egg