tmj type
head of mandible articulates with
mandibular fossa
articular tubercle
articular surfaces are covered by
capsule is attached to
margins of articular surfaces
fibrous capsule is lined by
synovial membrane
articular disk is formed of
articular disk upper surface is
articular disk lower surface is
articular disk upper surface fits
mandibular fossa
articular disk lower surface fits
head of mandible
which structures are attached to the articular disk
fibrous capsule
tendon of lateral pterygoid
joint cavity is divided into upper & lower compartment by
articular disk
temporo-mandibular ligament is attached to
1- on root of zygomatic process
2- outer surface of neck of mandible
role of temporo-mandibular ligament
1-limits posterior movement &
2-prevents posterior dislocation
3-protects external auditory meatus
stylomandibular ligament extends from
apex of styloid process—> angle of mandible
stylomandibular ligament extends from
apex of styloid process—> angle of mandible
structures separated by stylomandibular ligament
parotid gland & submandibular gland
ligament posterior to capsule
stylomandibular ligament
ligament lateral to capsule
temporo-mandibular ligament
stylomandibular ligament is a condesation of
investing layer of deep cervical fascia
ligament medial to capsule
spheno-mandibular ligament
condesation of investing layer of deep cervical fascia
stylomandibular ligament
embryological remnants of 1st pharyngeal arch
sphenomandibular ligament
sphenomandibular ligament extends from
spine of sphenoid—>lingula of mandibular foramen
position of jaws when closed
occlusal position
at rest, the 2 jaws are separated by
minimal interval
blood supply of TMJ
superficial temporal artery
maxillary artery
nerve supply of TMJ
auriculotemporal nerve
masseteric nerve
dislocation of TMJ happens in which direction
TMJ lies in front of which structure
external auditory meatus
depression of mandible is initiated by
lateral pterygoid
depression of mandible is assisted by
elevation of mandible is performed by
medial pterygoid
protrusion of mandible is done by
medial pterygoid
lateral pterygoid
retraction of mandible is done by
temporalis (post. fibers)
side to side movement (chewing) is done by
medial & lateral pterygoid