Anterolateral system carries
cutaneous sensations
lemniscal system carries
deep sensations
anterolateral system tracts
lateral spinothalamic
ventral spinothalamic
pathway for pain & temp from BODY
Fast: DRG–>lamina I, IV-VIII–> VPLN
slow; DRG–> Lamina II–> VPLN
A-delta & C fibers run in
Lissauer’s tract
spinothalamic lamination
cervical= medial
sacral= lateral
neospinothalamic tract ascends in brainstem as
spinal leminscus
neospinothalamic tract terminates in
VPLN(–>postcentral gyrus)
paleospinothalamic tract terminates in
intralaminar nucleus of thalamus
paleospinothalamic tract sends collaterals to
axons of lamina II ascend in which tract
spinoreticular tract
discriminative component of pain ends in
postcentral gyrus (SMI)
the affective component of pain ens in
anterior cingulate cortex
3rd order neuron of discriminative component of pain
3rd order neuron of affective component of pain
intralaminar nucleus
pathway of pain & temp from FACE
V ganglion–>Spinal nucleus–>VPMN
lamina of crude touch & pressure sensations
cervical fibers of crude touch and pressure lie
sacral fibers of crude touch and pressure lie
lamina IV-VII joins
medial leminscus
pathway of crude touch & pressure
DRG–>lamina IV-VII–> VPLN
fibers of arousal terminate in
intralaminar nucleus & midline nuclei of thalamus
spinoreticular fibers terminate in
pontomedullary RF
spinotectal tract is responsible for
spinovisual reflexes
spinoreticulothalamocortical pathway is route for
slow dull aching pain
spinotectal tract terminates in
superior colliculi
gracile tract lies
cuneate tract lies
medial leminsci lamination
sacral& coccygeal=lateral
cervical= medial
gracile tract carries sensations from
below T6
cuneate tract carries sensations from
above T6
gracile & cuneate collaterals
septomarginal (G)
comma shaped tract (C)
cuneo-cerebellar fibers are?
they pass to?
axons of the accessory cuneate nucleus
gracile & cuneate nuclei axons form?
internal arcuate fibers
dorsal column pathway
DRG–> G&C nuclei–> VPLN
axons of accessory cuneate nucleus form
cuneocerebellar tract (external arcuate fibers)
post spinocerebellar tract carries proprioception from
LL & Trunk
ant spinocerebellar tract carries proprioception from
spinoolivary tract carries proprioception from
cuneocerebellar spinocerebellar tract carries proprioception from
post spinocerebellar tract enters cerebellum via
ant spinocerebellar tract enters cerebellum via
spinoolivary tract enters cerebellum via
cuneocerebellar tract enters cerebellum via
central processes of anterior spinocerebellar tract end on
lamina V-VII
origin of corticospinal tract
area 4
area 6
SMI–>terminate on contralat dorsal horn
corticospinal tract lamination
CC= face is lowermost & foot is most medial
IC= face muscles in genu, UL in most anterior & LL in most posterior
MB & SC= cervical is medial & sacral is lateral
corticospinal tract course
cc–>corona radiata–>post limb IC–>crus cerebri–>basis pontis–>pyramid of medulla–> lateral AHCs or medial AHCs
crossed corticospinal tract fibers end on
lateral AHCs
uncrossed corticospinal tract fibers end on
medial AHCs
uncrossed corticospinal tract fibers descend in spinal cord as
anterior corticospinal
crossed corticospinal tract fibers descend in spinal cord as
lateral corticospinal
lateral corticospinal tract supplies
corticonuclear fibers pass through
genu of IC
ipsilateral corticospinal tract fibers join?
this is important why?
lateral corticospinal tract
helps in recovery in UMNL
anterior corticospinal tract & ipsilateral corticospinal tract supply
abdominal & respiratory muscles
corticonuclear tract controls
muscles of head
corticonuclear tract terminates on?
motor nuclei bilaterally
exceptions of double control of corticonuclear tract
facial nuclei (lower part)
hypoglossal nucleus (genioglossus)
muscles receiving contralateral corticonuclear fibers
lower facial muscles
medial vestibulospinal tract origin
lateral vestibulospinal tract
medial reticulospinal tract origin
lateral reticulospinal tract origin
tectospinal tract origin
rubrospinal tract origin
crossing of tectospinal tract
crossing of rubrospinal tract
function of tectospinal
rubrospinal tract function
crossing of medial vestibulospinal tract
crossing of lateral vestibulospinal
site of medial vestibulospinal tract
site of lateral vestibulospinal
site of medial reticulospinal
site of lateral reticulopsinal
end of tectospinal
rubrospinal end
tectospinal site
rubrospinal site
medial vestibulospinal tract