Origin of anterior belly of digastric
digastric fossa of mandible
insertion of anterior belly of digastric
intermediate tendon held to hyoid by fibrous loop (from investing fascia)
Origin of posterior belly of digastric
digastric notch of mastoid process
insertion of posterior belly digastric
intermediate tendon held to hyoid by fibrous loop (from investing fascia)
origin of stylohyoid
posterior surface of styloid process
insertion of stylohyoid
hyoid bone where its tendon gets perforated by posterior digastric
origin of mylohyoid
mylohyoid line of mandible
insertion of anterior & middle fibers of mylohyoid
mylohyoid raphae
mylohyoid raphae extends from…?
symphysis menti to hyoid
origin of geniohyoid
inferior genial tubercle of mandible
insertion of geniohyoid
hyoid bone
nerve supply of anterior belly of digastric
nerve to mylohyoid
nerve supply of posterior belly of digastric
facial nerve
nerve supply of stylohyoid
facial nerve
nerve supply of mylohyoid
nerve to mylohyoid
nerve supply of geniohyoid
C1 via hypoglossal nerve