AG 330/332/331/324/320/318 Flashcards
5 330-02 administrative sick (1/11/22)
Administrative Return Sick- A sick excusal tour, which does NOT require a visit to the department surgeon. The first and second admin return will count as one sick incident.
Administrative return sick is NOT authorized for ______ (acronym)
(Civilian MOS _____ (can? Or cannot?) go admin sick)
LOD and hospitalization doesn’t count towards chronic sick programs.
Umos voluntary exchange tour (Mutual) Major Illness Dental Stress/psych B chronic (b) Injury LOD (illness or injury) Late (less than 2 hours) Supv thinks it inappropriate
5 330-01 regular sick (1/11/22)
When an UMOS wants to report sick, he/she must call assigned command and notify D.O/ supervisor by phone OR in person by at least ______prior to start of tour. Inform DO/Supervisor of any pending arraignment or scheduled appearance in COURT, TRIAL ROOM or any other GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY.
IF permanent command is Closed,notify ________direct, to obtain sick serial # and notify _______/________ when command reopen.
D.O/supv should advise UMOS calling that each admin excusal is for one tour.
D.O should also advise UMOS that they must remain at residence or other authorized location unless permission to leave is granted by ______ OR _____.
(UMOS may not leave city or residence counties without approval of _______)
OR unless , on RDO and Outside assigned tour of duty.
D.O/Supv must then “Record” pertinent in_____ and ____ if member has accepted admin return.
“Make Entry” on ______and_______.
(If ineligible for admin sick the D.O should direct MOS to report to dept surgeon)
(Also notify relieving D.O IF member is to perform duty with either of the next TWO platoons)
Then UMOS must call ______________ and get serial number, name of sick desk member and record time notified and then call command and give serial number to supervisor . Also inform MEDICAL DIVISION SICK DESK of any change of address/location or telephone number.
(Sick log will be stored separately from other command logs and accessible only to persons authorized by C.O to have access to them)
(Cont. on next note card with more D.O/Supv duties)
2 hours
Medical division sick desk
District surgeon OR Sick desk supv
Chief of personnel!(Leave city or residence county)
Sick log and telephone record
Roll call and Roll call adjustment
Medical division Sick desk
5 330-01 regular sick (1/11/22)
D.O should make return phone call to verify member is at stated location.
(The supv who accepts the sick report ALWAYS makes an immediate phone call to the MOS to verify the MOS is at stated location. Record sick serial # in ______)
If member suspected of malingering , D.O should notify _________.
D.O should notify _______ if special/unusual circumstances (out of state/country) exist regarding member Reporting Sick
D.O should query med. div. sick reporting system via intranet to ensure member who reported sick is listed as being on sick report.
D.O should also access med. div. sick reporting system at START OF EACH TOUR to determine which members assigned to command are on sick/not on full duty.
If not eligible for admin return sick then UMOS should report to dept surgeon at next office hours, if unable to VISIT dept surgeon UMOS should notify __________ AND be guide by instructions received.
Umos unable to visit Dept Surgeon: Limited Capacity —although it is not necessary to report sick to request a limited capacity assignment from Dept Surgeon, all UMOS,with the Exception of those requesting pregnancy related position limitation status, must visit the Dept Surgeon PRIOR to requesting such assignment.
- (UMOS on terminal leave may not be placed on sick unless sickness or injury is the result of LOD action while on terminal leave)*
- (Designation of an old LOD injury for a specific sick event will be granted only upon examination and interview of the requesting member by a __________)*
Sick log
Med. div. absence control and investigation unit
Sick desk supv
sick desk supervisor
Dept surgeon
205-02 Reporting sick from OUTSIDE city and resident counties
If UMOS is reporting sick from outside city or resident counties he can call__________ OR ____________ (the D.O notifies sick desk supv when sick is unusual-out of state/country)
UMOS should comply with instructions received from C.O medical division. UMOS should obtain letter from attending physician describing disability and prognosis and send letter to _________
Upon being directed to return to duty by a dept surgeon UMOS should notify command by telephone, and deliver SICK REPORT RETURN to _________ upon return
Sick desk OR
Send telegram to C.O medical division
C.O medical div
2 205-03 Responsibilities for weapons while sick
While sick, if UMOS is unable to safeguard firearms shield and ID, thenUMOS should deliver them to _______. If unable to deliver, then UMOS should notify ________.
D.O from the permanent command should check force record to determine firearms to be safeguarded. Determine length of time property will be safeguarded.
D.O from the permanent command should then notify D.O of a “specified PCT” to assign a SUPV to the location to obtain property.
Supv officer from designated pct should visit location and obtain property.
Prepare ONE COPY of PCI for firearms obtained and mark invoice “property of sick member, held for safekeeping only”.
Supv officer from designated pct then delivers all property to D.O with copy of PCI, and makes A/L entry of facts.
The command clerk prepares PCI for weapons being safeguarded HOWEVER
________ prepares a 49x2 indicating circumstances for shield and ID card being safeguarded.
The desk officer should make CLE of facts.
D.O should know to store firearms in command for _________ week and then send it to _____ with PCI.
D.O should know to to store shield and ID for safeguarding up to _________ week then forward to __________ with report on typed letterhead to the Shield, ID and Retirement Unit after One Week
(Firearms get sent w/PCI!)
(Shield/ID get sent w/ report on typed letterhead!)
When member is capable of caring for property the command clerk prepares copies of “authorization to obtain property”
The D.O then signs that authorization.
The UMOS picks up his property at ____________ and signs bottom of authorization as receipt for his property.
D.O of permanent command!
Command clerk prepares 49x2
One week then sent to borough property clerk with PCI
One week then forward to Shield and ID card with report on typed letterhead
Command where stored
205-04 Department ambulance service
When a UMOS wants to Administer a department recognized program that offers treatment to MOS and their families, when active or retired he/she must notify _________
Ambulance service, oxygen therapy, medical appliances (hospital beds, wheelchairs, walkers) are available M-F 0630-2300. Ambulance service is available all other times is sufficient notice is given.
EMS will respond to locations within NYC or a _____mile radius, without prior approval!!!
Emergency medical squad, ESU
250 mile radius
3 330-01 regular sick (1/11/22)
When going REGULAR sick report to assigned district surgeon at next regular office hours except:
Chronic B sick should report to____________
Reporting sick fri/sat report to _______ at ______
Unable to travel will remain at place of confinement and call ____________________
-Dental problems _______________________
When directed otherwise by the Medical Division supervisor.
(Remember IF unable to “VISIT” dept surgeon UMOS should notify __________ AND ___________
IF unable to “TRAVEL” UMOS should call ________)
Do Not leave residence or authorized location for Entire sick Occurrence without permission of Dept surgeon or sick desk supv IF:
- Chronic A or B
- Modified assignment
- Dismissal probation
- Suspension and/or
- Dept SURGEON deems home confinement necessary
- Special medical district/ Confidential Medical District at next regular office hours.
- Report to weekend surgeon at 1000 hours the following day
- Call assigned district surgeon or “weekend surgeon” during next office hours
- Be guided by sick desk supervisor/member regarding reporting requirement.
- Sick desk supv (unable to visit)
- Assigned district surgeon or weekend surgeon during next office hours unable to travel)
3 330-01 regular sick (1/11/22)
UMOS should know, AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT CHRONIC SICK, that they are NOT subject to routine Supervisory visits or calls if they have
- heart conditions,
- broken limbs,
- post surgical convalescent
- pregnant,
- illness diagnosed by dept surgeon to be in excess of 6 months after conferral with the Supervising_____.
Umos unable to visit Dept surgeon:
- paid detail: umos are not permitted to perform paid detail assignment while out on regular sick report,
1-this includes when a umos is outside their assigned tour of duty or on rdo.
2- Umos must notify the paid detail unit as soon as it becomes apparent that they will not be able to appear at a scheduled assignment
Chief Surgeon
3 330-04 Notifying court, Trial room or other agencies when MOS reports sick.(1/11/22)
IF calling in sick, and UMOS has a scheduled court date UMOS should inform _____ OR ______ of any pending court appearance
The desk officer should then enter that in ____________ under date of appearance and _____ days prior. (Exclusive of sat, sun, holidays)
(So if court is on Thursday, then D.O should make an entry on Tuesday and again on that Thursday)
If sick Member is unable to appear for pending arraignment, D.O should notify _______________
Roll call clerk notify court or other agency concerned immediately of the MOS’s inability to attend due to being on sick report.
Scheduled Appearance at Court/Agency
- A UMOS on sick report whose condition change after being directed to appear in court or before another agency, thereby preventing a scheduled appearance, will notify the ________or _______,as appropriate.
The Roll Call Clerk/Desk Officer /Supervisor will make required notifications.
Roll call clerk OR D.O/Supv
Command diary
Two days prior
BCS concerned
Roll call clerk or Desk
3 330-05 Chronic absence control program
MOS is Chronic A sick when ________
MOS comes off chronic A sick in______ from date of return to duty following last absence
(MOS can still go admin sick if they are designated chronic A)
Report sick 4 or more times in 12 months
6 months from return to duty
3 330-05 chronic absence control program
MOS is chronic B sick when _________ or __________
MOS comes off chronic B sick when ______ from date of return to duty following last absence
(EXCLUDING ARE INITIAL LOD OR HOSPITALIZATIONduring 6 or 9 months period will extend the designation period accordingly UNLESS such designation is revoked on appeal.)
Reports sick 4 or more times in 12 months AND loses 40 or more workdays.
If he reports sick 6 or more times in 12 months
9 months after return from duty
3330-05 chronic absence control program (1/11/22)
MOS wishing to appeal his chronic designation he must do a _____ addressed to __________ within _____ days of designation and hand it to _________
-NOT eligible for admin sick
-assignment to Special Medical District /Confidential Medical District regardless of residence and existing medical District
-Not permitted to leave residence , or other authorized location, FOR THEIR ENTIRE SICK OCCURRENCE, without the express permission of the Special Medical District/Confidential Medical District Surgeon
• Members violating this procedure will be subject to CHARGE AND SPECIFICATIONS, not CD…
(Chronic A or B does NOT automatically stop promotion, off duty employment, scholarship)
- Typed Letterhead
- CO Med division within
- 30 days
- Your CO for review and recommendation
5 330-03 LOD/Injury/Death(1/11/22)
INVESTIGATING SUPERVISOR (outside NYC LOD injuries _______or above)
If you are LOD then your assigned command supervisor will become investigating Supv, but not available then Precinct of occurrence supervisor will become investigating Supv.
(Upon receiving an injury in the performance of police duty, whether ON OR OFF duty, or arriving at a location where a uniformed member of the service is injured)
-request Supv to respond and notify _____of circumstances of injury and names and addresses of witnesses.
-request witnesses to await arrival of ______ .
- UMOS remain at scene unless: Hospitalization or medical attention is required or Further Police action is necessary.
UMOS notify _____and _____ immediately, if reporting LOD injury from OUTSIDE of City.
- respond to scene and request medical attention, if necessary
-Interview injures Member and investigate circumstances
-interview witnesses and ensure preparation of:
1- Witness Statement-injury to member of the Dept, if Non-Dept witness
2- LOD Injury reporting system witness statement, if witness is MOS.
- Prepare MV104AN if vehicle collision involved
-Direct injured member OR if they are incapacitated assign a member to prepare an Aided Report IF Vehicle is NOT involved.
-comply with PG 221-06 “MOS subjected to force while performing lawful Duty”
To determine investigating supervisor,If any force is used by a UMOS or civilian and a UMOS sustains an Injury.
-prepared LOD injury report, if injured MOS is ________.
- local police authorities and operation unit
- incapacitated
5 330-03 LOD injury or death (1/11/22)
-prepare LOD Injury Report using LOD injury reporting system on Dept internet or smartphone and include:
1-witness information
2-document related to injury (photographs,hospital discharge paperwork) as appropriate
-submit electronically LOD injury report to ________.
Investigating Supervisor review LOD injury report for completeness and accuracy and sign-off , electronically, prior to completion of Tour , absent exceptional circumstances.
- indicate recommendation for approval/disapproval of LOD designation
- include Findings of review of any available BWC or other video surveillance of incident
The D.O should notify Injured member’s command , if mos is not assigned to PCT of Occurrence,
DO notify if the cop is DOA or Likely to die the desk officer notifies _____________ (3 ppl)
Do notify______ if member requires hospital treatment
DESK OFFICER Notify ______or ______ when any following conditions relating to a LOD injury EXIST:
-When not specifically witnessed AND injury occurred inside (building,office ect) / immediate vicinity police facility (parking lot, perimeter sidewalk)
OR injury occurred within first 2 hours of tour D.O notifies ________ or _______
If cop is off duty and requests LOD D.O notifies ________ or ______
Investigating supervisor
Boro CO, Operations, C.O/XO/ duty captain
Operation unit
Sick desk Supv or sick desk
Sick desk supv or sick desk
Sick desk supv or sick desk
5 330-03 LOD/Injury/Death (1/11/22)
UMOS consult medical division’s webpage on Dept internet regarding LOD prescription program coverage eligibility
- when MOS is treated at a hospital for a LOD injury, the following information, ONLY , is to be entered in hospital records pertaining to address and telephone number of injured member:
1- police Dept, city of NY , medical division, 1Lefrak City Plaza
2-Member’s command, home address and telephone number will NOT be disclosed to hospital authorities or anyone else unless authorized supervisory officer determines requesting person is entitled to the information
Bullet Struck a Protective Vest;
-when UMOS is struck by a bullet on a vest and is uninjured, the member must be examined by a ______ to ascertain if a blunt body trauma or internal injury has occurred.
1- when an injured member is hospitalized or Die , the _______
will ensure that Firearms, Dept property(shield, ID , nameplate ) and personal effects of member are removed and safeguarded
Patrol supervisor
5 330-03 LOD/Injury/Death(1/11/22)
(Additional Data)
Member’s command, home address and telephone number will not be disclosed to hospital authorities or anyone else unless authorized supervisory officer determines requesting person is entitled to the information
The investigating supervisor will make an entry on the __________________ indicating whether the injury comes under F.E.C.A. or whether F.E.C.A. does not apply in such case.
(Federal Employees Compensation Act)
In unusual circumstances, when a LOD designation cannot be made expeditiously pending the results of an investigation or other circumstances, the ranking officer responsible for forwarding the LINE OF DUTY INJURY REPORT to the Medical division will have report prepared on Typed Letterhead, clearly indicating the reasons for the delay and the approximate time period required to complete the investigation.
The Typed Letterhead will be forwarded to the __________ within ___ days (explain delay)
from the date that the initial request for line of duty designation was made. Subsequent reports will be forwarded for each additional sixty day period, if necessary.
CO have to forward the LOD paperwork to the medical decision for qualified FECA, LOD death or injuries within _______days, forward to medical division (attn: Federal Compensation Liaison Officer), 1 Lefrak City Plaza.
The following members of the service will be permitted to speak to the injured member
or view the body of the deceased member ________(long list)
“Line of duty injury report”
Medical division within 60 days
a. Police Commissioner
b. First Deputy Commissioner
c. Chief of Department
d. Bureau chief concerned
e. Patrol borough commanding officer (or
f. Detective assigned to the case
g. Crime Scene Unit detective or technician
h. Union representative (PBA)
i. Policewomen’s Endowment Association
representative IF a female police officer is the victim
j. Department Chaplain
2 332-02 Monitoring off-duty visits to inmates at correctional facilities by MOS(1/12/22)
When uniform MOS intends to visit an inmate at a correctional facility he must prepare a Typed Letterhead and forward to ______________ at least ____ days prior to intended visit. A SEPARATE notification must be made for each visit.
CO via a 49 (typed letterhead)
At least 7 days prior to intended visit
205-06 LODI outside city (in resident counties)
If MOS gets injured taking police action while off duty, in resident counties, he must notify local PD if appropriate, and _______.
The investigating Supv should respond to location. (A dept vehicle may be used in this purpose without prior permission being obtained)
The D.O makes entries on dept records and ensures forms have been prepared
Medical division Sick desk
205-07 Death to MOS
If active MOS uniform or civilian dies the desk officer of the MOS RESIDING COMMAND, must immediately notify _____________ and __________.
The desk officer must also post info on bulletin board for benefit of members command (ONLY IF ACTIVE MOS) and telephone info in to ______________
If retired MOS (uniform or civilian) dies while residing in command the DO of MOS RESIDING COMMAND must notify _____________ only and telephone info to _____________. (If member NOT ACTIVE then don’t notify IAB)
IAB command center AND Unit commander
Communications sections
Unit commander
Communications section
3 330-07 Trauma counseling Program (1/11/22)
Trauma counseling will respond to all incidents involving MOS shot, killed or seriously injured in LOD, MOS causes death/SPI to another (accidental or otherwise), members directly involved in incident where his partner was killed/SILD or member involved in serious disaster with multiple DOA.
Any incident Pursuant to a request from a ________or above.
For trauma incidents the D.O will notify _________ and provide details of incident.
RANKING Supervisor at scene::
-ensure members in need of Trauma Counseling are available for Interview, where Possible , by responding “Trauma Team (TCT) upon their arrival.
1- provide a suitable place for the trauma interview, where possible
2- trauma team members will wear authorized Nylon Windbreaker jackets with the NYPD logo on the front and the words “N.Y.C POLICE “ printed on the back.
MOS will report to “Psychological Evaluation Section” or other location as required ____ hours after the incident, or initial contact with TCT,Trauma Counseling Team. And also report for additional follow-up counseling/interview meetings scheduled with the TCT.
The services of the Trauma Counseling Team Ensure the TCT members are assigned NO other duties other than Trauma Counseling and also the services of the TCT are also available to members who are involved in personal or family tragedies, e.g., violent criminal incidents involving themselves or their families, death in family, etc.
Operations Unit
48 hours
1 330-20 Supervision of MOS receiving physical therapy for LOD (1/12/22)
When a district surgeon determines that a MOS injured in LOD requires physical therapy.
MOS should initial item 9b of authorization for release of health information pursuant to HIPPA and sign form.
MOS gives photocopies of certification of LOD/ Authorization for Treatment, Authorization for release of Health Information Pursuant to HIPAA, Therapy Verification and release of information to ________. Also gives original notification of LOD therapy authorization and completed therapy verification report to _________
MOS should update “therapy verification” after each physical therapy session.
An MOS who is injured in LOD will report any changes in therapy schedule to ________ and also obtain schedule of treatment from therapy provider and Forward to roll call personnel.
(A tour change should NOT be granted just to ensure therapy occurs on dept time
A tour adjustment can be made for a MOS starting their tour at physical therapy, needs or service permitting)
Amount of travel time is “a reasonable amount of time”. No specific number!
(If going to therapy at beginning of tour then no travel time to therapy location from RESIDENCE but you get travel time back to command
IF going to therapy at middle of tour you get travel time back and forth to and from therapy
End of tour you get travel time to therapy from command but not when traveling back to residence)
If the therapies complete PRIOR to the schedule end of tour , the member must request LOST TIME by calling the command
Roll call personnel
3 330-09 Exposure of MOS to infectious disease or hazardous materials (hazmat) (1/11/22)
Hazardous Material- as used in this procedure, include any Chemical, Biological, or Radiological substance which is a health hazard
Infectious Disease-as used in this procedure, includes disease capable of being transmitted by contact with an infected animal’s saliva or Central Nervous system tissue, or with an infected individual’s blood or body fluids
Universal Precautions- fluids are to be treated as if they are known to be infectious.
Upon being exposed to an: ( 4 scenario) 1-infectious disease, 2-hazardous material, or 3-suffering a human or animals bite, or 4-punctured by hypodermic needle UMOS must notify \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
** If numerous individuals are involved, who is responsible for coordination of the information and documentation of the MOS involved_______.**k
The ____ must obtain exposure # via LOD injury reporting system and make _____of information and include Exposure Report # in LOG ENTRY.
-UMOS will record the exposure # in digital A/L.
The D.O must notify _________ of the facts involved.
- confer w/ EMS
- wash clothes (NO bleach)
- wear gloves
- wash hands and exposed body parts
- avoid needle puncture wounds
- affix biohazard labels
MOS should then comply with directions of department surgeon and make A/L entry of facts (include exposure #)
•Accidental spills of blood or body fluids ,cells,RMP’s or on other surfaces, OTHER than CLOTHING, or Fabric may be cleaned by applying a FRESHLY MIXED solution of 1 part household BLEACH with 10 parts water to clean spilled blood. Disposal of bleach or bleach dilutions should go only on SINK. (NEVER urinal or toilet since they sometimes contain Chemical deodorizer).
Exposure Causing Actual Injury:
-MOS concerned will be transported to the hospital for treatment and LOD Injury or Death will be complied with, as appropriate
Exposure NO Actual Injury:
-And the exposure is related to TUBERCULOSIS, the MOS concerned should consider this Dept’s offer of Mantoux (PPD) skin testing.
1- when tested and the results are positive, notify ______ to initiate entry on State of New York Dept of Labor Log and summary of Occupational Injuries and Illness (DOSH 900)
2-Tuberculosis infection and Tuberculosis disease are both recorded on DOSH 900 logs
3-A code ( maiden name pseudonym) may be used to substitute for the description of injury or illness.
Desk officer. Pct of occ.
Patrol supervisor
D.O and CLE
Department surgeon
205-11 Request for pre-exposure vaccination against hepatitis B
Training sgt should report, as directed, to PA for instruction and materials
Training sgt then delivers training and distributes “hepatitis B vaccination acceptance/declination” form to all members
MOS then prepares form indicating intention to accept or decline vaccination by signing appropriate section after receiving “right to know” training
Training sgt collects form and places PHOTOCOPY in ___________
Training sgt sends ORIGINAL of completed form to _______ VIA DEPT MAIL
Training sgt forwards summary indicating MOS by title, who accepts or declines vaccinations to ___________
(MOS should note that participation in the inoculation program is entirely voluntary and will be free of charge. MOS MUST receive entire 3 inoculation series in order to ensure effective protection against hepatitis B)
OSHA file (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
C.O medical division via dept MAIL
Boro safety officer or overhead command counterpart
205-12 Donating or requesting blood from the dept blood bank
UMOS should telephone donation center and identify self as active or retired. Provide dept ID # _________
Make appointment to donate blood during off duty time for _________
Make appointment to donate blood during scheduled work hours for __________
When a MOS is seriously injured and requires blood the ________ will be notified
(205-13) If outside New York State and UMOS requesting blood then UMOS should telephone ________ during business hours and _________ during non business hours
(205-16)(New PG 3/18/19)Integrity Review Board Recommendation procedure.
To set forth the guidelines to be followed when a uniformed MOS is recommended for recognition by the member’s CO for effecting an arrest for a bribery-related offense or an action which demonstrated the uniformed member’s commitment to the department’s integrity policy.
Controlled Pad-for the purpose of this procedure is a purported payment to uniformed members of the service to protect existing or contemplated illegal activities which will constitute more than one time bribery payment.
Operations unit
Medical div-Business hours
Sick desk supv- non business hours
205-16 “read”
All uniformed members of the service directly involved in a “controlled pad”incident, receives payoffs, acts as an intermediary, are eligible to receive recognition from the Integrity Review Board.
The Integrity Review Board May recommend that uniformed members of the service be granted interviews for a potential assignment to one of the Department’s investigative track units for having effected arrests for bribery or other acts of high Integrity. The actual impact or perceived impact of the “Eighteen Month Detective Designation Law” should NOT effect the decision to grant an interview to a well deserving uniformed member. The Integrity of the Department is of the utmost concern and efforts to properly reward uniformed members for their exemplary conduct should NOT be diminished.
205-14 Application for transfer (57)
When an MOS prepares an application for transfer it must be typed, he must obtain supv/witness signature on form, and he submits all copies to __________
MOS (after getting it back from C.O) forwards white copy to __________
D.O’s only duty in this procedure is to have copy or receipted application placed in members personnel folder.
To withdraw application MOS do _____________ requesting application be withdrawn to _____________
Members of the service (uniformed and civilian) desiring a mutual transfer will submit a
request for transfer, on Typed Letterhead, including all the information required on APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER, to their respective ___________ for
approval. (BUT DO NOT ACTUALLY PREPARE an application for transfer, just a 49!!)
C.O personnel order division
49x4 direct to C.O personnel orders division
49 to Respective CO’s
205-15 Career program P.O/Det specialist
The UMOS prepares the “career program transfer application/recommendation” form. Put top 3 choices in priority order (form expires after ______).
Make a copy of it and forward original to ________ in a SEALED envelope and copy to ___________
(Only time in entire PG “members outreach section” is mentioned. UMOS should fwd ORIGINAL “career program transfer application” form to them!)
You need _________ in rank of PO to go investigative (exceptions made by PC)
You need a minimum of _______points and _____ years to submit an application.
If applying for investigative C.O must give “highly recommend”
(Exceptions made by P.C)
Maximum of twelve career points may be earned based on the rating received from the last five Annual Performance Evaluations:
- 5.0= 3 career points
- 4.0-4.5 = 2 points
- 3.5= 1 point
- 3.0 and under = 0 points
“Nypd qualified linguist” gets ____. IF you’re qualified in more than one language you get one additional point. But max you can get is 3 points!
(No such thing as a “NYPD qualified interpreter anymore”)
2 years
ORIGINAL- Members outreach section
COPY- Personnel officers, current Boro/Bureau
4 years
12 points and 3 years
2 points
1 324-15 Overtime (1/12/22)
PO must submit OT report to ________ when OT is in regular command. (____ of dismissal time!)
When OT performed at outside command deliver OT report to _______. (___of dismissal time!)
When OT is for parade/demo submit OT report to __________ (____ of dismissal time!)
The D.O forwards Overtime reports to __________ of member’s permanent command.
The ___ certifies time of dismissal on OT report.
The maximum amount of compensatory time a UMOS may accumulate is _________. When MOS accrues compensatory time in excess of 5 days, the excess MUST be taken within ____ days, needs of service permitting
In any event, compensatory time must be taken within _____ of date earned.
(Non-ordered OT is extension of scheduled tour by 15 min OR more. Non-ordered OT is not authorized for admin duties)
(ORDERED OT is extra duty required for on-going or future operational situations, demonstrations, parades etc. - Only authorized by PC, 1st Dep, Chief of dept)
(Emergency ordered OT is extra duty performed in EMERGENCY when work schedules are suspended by dept order-Only authorized by PC, 1st Dep, Chief of Dept)
D.O/ Supervisor concerned(C.L.E or Digital Active Log entry of dismissal time)
D.O of outside command (C.L.E of dismissal time)
Immediate supervisor!!! (Dismissal time entry in AL ONLY)
D.O (certifies dismissal time)
5 days
30 days
1 year
4 324-17 AWOL (1/11/22)
(Does not apply to CMOS)
When a MOS goes AWOL for 2 hours at beginning of tour the D.O makes telephone inquiries to _____________ and __________ and ____________ and ___________.
D.O should also check DEPT Records maintained in the Command ,(“telephone record, roll call change sheets””)
DO make inquiries of Command Personnel as deemed necessary.
The D.O must also request __________ to have a SUPERVISOR respond to his residence.
If member resides outside city the D.O requests _______ to notify local PD to respond member’s residence.
If MOS is AWOL for 4 hours the D.O must notify _______ (4ppl) and make a entry in the _______ including facts and notifications made.
**(Remember it’s a CLE!!!!!)*
If MOS is AWOL for entire tour will not be assigned to duty without prior permission of ___________
- Command roll call, sick desk supervisor, court sign in room,member’s residence.
- D.O of members resident pct
- ICCU to notify local PD to respond
- CO/Duty captain, Boro command/Counterpart, operations unit , IAB command center
- Command log
Chief of dept
205-19 Vacation lost due to sick leave
When UMOS loses vacation earned DURING PREVIOUS calendar year due to illness or injury the UMOS must does a 49x2 addressed to and submitted to ___________
205-20 Leave of absence- 29 calendar days or less
If MOS (uniform or civilian) wants to take leave without pay for 29 calendar days or less he must notify __________ and submit ________ copies of 28
(A leave without pay will be granted ONLY after all other accrued leave has been exhausted)
3 copies
205-21 Leave of absence- 30 calendar days or more
If MOS (uniform or civilian) wants to take leave without pay for 30 calendar days or more must notify _________ at least __________ in advance
MOS must also burn off all accrued time first and submit all forms to _______ as directed by ________.
Must surrender all department property, including firearms on last tour, except for ______________
(A leave of absence without pay may be terminated prior to its scheduled expiration date upon advance notification to MELD)
C.O at least 6 weeks in advance
C.O as directed by MELD
Department manual (Patrol guide)
2 205-22 Military leave not exceeding 30 days
UMOS must submit 28 to timekeeper at least __________ prior to commencement of military leave. UMOS must also sign certificate of attendance to timekeeper within ___________ AFTER return.
IF drill cancelled, UMOS should notify _______ and _______ IMMEDIATELY.
The designated supervisor should notify ________ when member fails to provide proper documentation.
A request for military leave for an unscheduled drill MUST be accompanied by a Standard Military Order indicating the reason
(MOS may not be disciplined for failing to provide documentation regarding military IF said leave is 30 days or less, or failing to elect the type of leave to be used. However dept may investigate if member actually performed leave, and if not, member may be subject to disciplinary action)
(Leave without pay 29 days or less doesn’t require a submission of 28 two weeks prior HOWEVER military leave not exceeding 30 days requires a submission of 28 atleast 2 weeks prior!)
2 weeks prior
Within 10 days AFTER return.
Roll call and Timekeeper
205-23 Indefinite military leave
When MOS (uniform or civilian) takes military leave for 30 days or more OR if leave wraps around new year MOS must notify \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. MOS should also submit all forms to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ as directed by MELD. Surrender All department property except\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and prepare Property Receipt-discontinuance of service for military leave of absence of 30days or more. Personally deliver shield if applicable and ID Card to Employee Resources Section,Shield,ID and Retirement Unit and obtain receipt. If member wish to retain Department ID Card with “ Military Leave -No NYPD Firearms” imprinted on it, report to MELD for Authorization document on typed letterhead to be delivered to Shield ,ID and Retirement Unit. -personally deliver Metro Card, LIRR/Metro north police pass to Employee Resources Section (For vouchered guns, in PCI remarks "property of member on extended military leave. Not to be returned without approval of C.O MELD) -“Timekeeper “contact MELD for instruction if leave commences in the current calendar year and continues into following year(s) (leave begins on December 20th and ends the following January 5th) and /or military leaves exceeds 30 days. -Timekeeper Retain copy of member’s MELD military leave package at the command. -MOS contact MELD for return to duty assignment IMMEDIATELY after change occurs. -All Department property and firearms (except Department Manual and ID CARD marked “ military Leave-NO NYPD Firearms”) must be surrendered on the member’s last tour of duty prior to commencement of Indefinite Military leave of Absence.
(Leave of absence 30 days or more requires at least a 6 week notice HOWEVER indefinite military leave doesn’t specify a notice time)
C.O/supervisory head
department manual (patrol guide)!
205-24 Special leave for former members of military
(To establish eligibility for Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day leave of absence)
UMOS submit to ______ honorable discharge/separation certificate.
Due to exigencies of leave, leave will be granted as follows:
Not more than _____% of P.O
If 7 or more SGT are performing duty then only ___ Sgt’s
If 6 Sgt’s or less performing duty than only ____ Sgt’s
If UMOS works the holiday said member will be excused from one tour of duty for such a day upon request within _______ of specific holiday
(IF on vacation, sick, AWOL, excused from duty then they are not eligible for this leave)
6 months
3 324-07 Jury duty leave for UMOS (1/12/22)
UMOS will notify _____&_____ immediately when notice to appear for jury duty is received.
UMOS Notify _________ and _________ when jury duty conflicts with other court appearances. Retain Jury duty fee, if go on RDO and be guide by COURT instructions regarding carrying Off-duty firearms during jury duty, as required.
UMOS scheduled to work on a day in which they are also scheduled for jury duty will be excused from their regular tour of duty and will begin their tour at 0800 hours for payroll purposes (the length of the tour shall be consistent with the officer’s normal chart).
1-UMOS shall be entitled to keep travel fees as provided by the courts.
UMOS: Notify ______ and/or _______ and ________ if reporting sick while on jury duty, and members are also required to notify _________ immediately upon returning to residence from jury duty.
Member attending jury duty is required to provide “Certificate of Service” (jury duty document) to the _______ , who reviews it.
When jury duty appearance conflicts with scheduled annual vacation UMOS can attempt to postpone jury duty or cancel their vacation pick or portion thereof or retain jury duty fees for those days. Notify command of the option elected.
- Roll call personnel and immediate supervisor
- C.O & Appearance Control Unit
Command and/or medical division and the appropriate court.
Medical division
2 330-10 Pregnant Related Guidelines for UMOS 1/12/22
POSITION LIMITATION STATUS– A UMOS who is placed on ___________by the Pregnancy Medical District Surgeon due to the UMOS’s pregnancy, is similar to restricted duty.
1- The UMOS will remain on full duty status until such time that the UMOS elects to request Position Limitation Status from their district surgeon, or the UMOS’s high-risk status necessitates Position Limitation Status.
2- It is recommended that the pregnant UMOS register at the Pregnancy Medical District as early as possible.
3- All communications regarding pregnancy and Position Limitation Status are to be kept confidential and only
between the _____and______.
*When a UMOS informs the Dept, they are pregnant *
UMOS- notify district surgeon by telephone of pregnancy. UMOS will not have to personally visit their district surgeon to report their positive pregnancy condition. UMOS make follow-up notification to district surgeon indicating Pregnancy due DATE VIA: _____&_____(send original documentation from_______).
UMOS telephone the ____________ on the following ___occasions. And also notify for confirm actual DELIVERY DATE within _______days of said date . During the 8th POST-delivery week (after baby born) to allow the pregnancy Medical District Surgeon to determine return to duty date. If UMOS need additional sick time , UMOS provide documentation to Pregnancy Medical District Surgeon.
The Pregnancy Medical District Surgeon located at 1 Lefrak City Plaza.
Assignment- Once electing Position Limitation Status, the UMOS may be reassigned to another command that performs non-enforcement duties (e.g., the Medical Division, etc.), or they may remain within their permanent command depending upon the needs of the Department.
→ Pregnant UMOS who require additional pregnancy-related accommodations should contact the:
1-Pregnancy Medical District Surgeon or the EEOD.
Pregnancy Related Sickness: Recurring pregnancy related illness will be counted as one sick report, if the member provides proper documentation from their private physician and with the approval of the Pregnancy Medical District Surgeon.
→ Repeated “undocumented” and “unapproved” sick leaves can lead to a “chronic sick” designation.
→ The following conditions, if minor, will NOT automatically be valid reasons for pregnancy related
1-Nausea (morning sickness).
2-Lower back pain.
3-Mild leg swelling.
5-Other conditions limited to a few days duration.
→ The above listed conditions are considered by the medical profession to be a normal part of pregnancy. If a MOS reports sick for these minor conditions, the sick report will NOT be valid for consolidation
as an absence related to pregnancy illness.
ISSUANCE OF A PSAA: A pass MAY be granted, if the Pregnancy Medical District Surgeon determines that the issuance of such a pass would not adversely affect the member’s health.
→ The pre-delivery pass becomes void after hospitalization.
PROMOTION: Pregnancy alone does not preclude a UMOS from being promoted.
→ Pregnant UMOS, as well as members on restricted duty/limited capacity who are assigned to
“Investigative Track Units,” may appeal any deductions of investigative time earned while on Position Limitation Status, if they were performing normal investigative duties during that time period.
COURT: When a pregnant UMOS is required to appear in court, before a Grand Jury or other government agency, business attire or uniform may be worn.
FIREARMS TRAINING: Pregnant UMOS are NOT required to attend the Firearms and Tactics qualification cycles.
UNIFORM: Pregnant UMOS, when appropriate, may wear business attire and display their ID Card on their outermost garment.
→ Proper business attire will conform with that worn to other official appearances, such as post- arraignment court appearances, professional career interview, etc.
- Non-enforcement duties
- Dept email & Dept mail w/ original doc from private physician
- Pregnancy Medical District Surgeon & 2
- 10
205-28 Child care- Leave of absence
CHILD CARE LEAVE OF ABSENCE - An unpaid leave of absence for a continuous period not to exceed three hundred and sixty-five days commencing no later than __________ after the birth of the member’s child, natural OR adopted.
(So basically you have 1 year to decide if you want to take child care leave of absence, and it doesn’t matter if child is adopted or natural!)
The approving officer will be the ___________.
When a UMOS requires child care leave of absence without pay:
Notify ___________ of intention to request leave of absence a minimum of _____ weeks prior to anticipated birth date of child OR six weeks prior to date when UMOS wishes to commence leave of absence, as appropriate
Submit all forms to ____as directed by _____
While on leave of absence a UMOS will be required to appear for any hearings or trials when the members is the A/O, witness, or respondent.
All dept property except for the _______ must be surrendered on members last tour of duty (if leaving for 30 days or more)
(Child care leave of absence without pay will be granted only after all accrued leave has been exhausted)
(A member will NOT be considered ineligible for promotion solely because of an approved leave of absence, member will be notified by the dept to be PFD on day of promotion)
One year
Chief of personnel
Commanding officer/supervisory head
Six weeks prior
C.O as directed by
Department manual (patrol guide)
205-29 Random drug testing
When notified to dole UMOS must present shield and ID card at testing location.
When notified for a dole, report as ordered unless on ________ (acronym)
(Members previously scheduled for IVD (or any other day off other than RDO/Annual vacation) may be excused from test with approval of _______.
Members scheduled for court or training on 8x4 tour will appear for testing immediately upon COMPLETION of court or training.
Members schedule for 12x8 tour will appear immediately upon COMPLETION of their scheduled 12x8 tour.
Members reporting sick on testing day will be REQUIRED to visit ________ and obtain approval for excusal of test
UMOS should prepare form listing all medication ingested or prescribed in past ____ day PROR to testing.
Present shield and ID at testing location to ensure proper individual has reported for testing.
Bereavement leave Sick Military Annual vacation RDO Terminal leave
Bureau chief (chief of patrol/housing/transit)
Dept surgeon
90 days
- 2* 332-06 Administration of Drug Screening Tests for Cause (1/12/22)
- This procedure is to investigate and detect illegal drug/controlled substance usage by MOS* (UNLIKE THE FIT FOR DUTY PROCEDURE)
When a MOS suspects that another member (uniformed or civilian) may be illegally using drugs/controlled substances he is required to immediately notify ___________And provide rank, name and command of suspected member and obtain ______.
A supervisor is investigating but it does not state what supervisor and how that supervisor is chosen
An investigating supervisor Finding controlled substances/contraband, such as drugs or instruments used to administer drugs ( hypodermic syringes /needles, crack pipe,etc) on or in the vicinity of MOS (uniform or civilian) suspected of illegal drug/controlled substances usage will have such items involved/vouchered as _______________ and ensure PCI in “REMARKS” states IN LARGE CAPITAL LETTERS “not to be destroyed w/o approval of ___________”
- UMOS MUST submit to hair and urine analysis drug screening test; refusal is a must SUSPEND !!!
IAB command center
Log number
Investigatory evidence
“Not to be destroyed without approval of Departments advocate office”
1 332-11 Voluntary drug screening
This procedure is for MOS who have been a subject of unsubstantiated allegations of illegal drug use where reasonable suspicion standard has NOT been met.
MOS requesting to voluntary take drug test will prepare request on TYPED letterhead to _____________ and personally deliver request to the Chief of Personnel or designee within ____________ of the time the MOS became aware of the allegations of illegal drug/controlled substances use.
Chief of personnel
24 hrs
5 332-01 Employment discrimination(1/11/22)
(Employment discrimination can be based on persons consumer credit history, familial status (I.O3), color, race, gender, military, unemployment, caregiver status, prior record of Arrest, marital/partnership status, predisposed genetic characteristics, victim of DV/stalking/sex offenses).
UMOS & CMOS supervisors and managers and EEO Liaisons MUST report allegations or complaints of employment discrimination and retaliation and any observations of conduct of a discriminatory or retaliatory nature.
For EEO allegations MOS (cops) are strongly encouraged to call EEOD however Supervisors/EEO Liasons must notify the Office of the ______ via telephone or in person, by the next business day whenever they observe conduct of discriminatory nature OR become aware of an allegation or complaint of employment discrimination/sexual harassment OR observes/becomes aware of any act of retaliation regarding EEO matters.
Member concerned (cops) may file a complaint with office of EEOD by phone, BY EMAIL at “, by “Facsimile,In Writing, or In person at 375 Pearl Street , 15th floor, suite 4). Member can also file complaint with -After business hours and on weekends the office of EEOD receives messages via office voice mail and Email and will make return call on next business day.
- MOS may telephone the EEOD “ANONYMOUSLY” to file a complaint and/or discuss matters regarding employment discrimination and/or related retaliation.
- Non Supv MOS may report an allegations of employment discrimination and/or related retaliation in writing “ANONYMOUSLY “ by preparing a detailed written report to the Deputy Commissioner, Equity and Inclusion Attn: EEOD 1plz -room 1204
- supervisor (uniform or civilian)
- manager
- CO
- EEO Liaison
(Non-supv may telephone or write ANONYMOUSLY to file a complaint!)
Supervisors/manager/C.O/EEO Liaison MUST IMMEDIATELY telephone facts in to EEOD when observing “Discriminatory or Retaliation nature, or becoming aware of an allegation or complaints of employment discrimination,sexual harassment or retaliation relating to an EEO issue:
Supv telephone facts to EEOD during Business hours or the next business day, Mon-fri 0800-1800hrs. During non-business hours , leave a message on Voicemail with Contact number and an investigator assigned to the EEOD will contact caller. Obtain EEOD case or inquiry Number and Name of the investigator and then be guided by information received from the EEOD.
Supervisors must also know if matter is issued DCEEO______, forward _______report on ________ to the EEOD (direct), within ___________ BUSINESS DAYS .
- A supervisor receiving an allegation of employment discrimination, SEXUAL HARASSMENT and/or related retaliation against ONESELF must immediately notify ________.
- • Any Supv OR EEO liaison who fails to report employment discrimination complaint, OR problem including retaliation, to the EEOD as required and/or within the required time frame and /or who fails to take such actions as directed by the EEOD to prevent employment discrimination,including sexual harassment and retaliation from occurring in the future will be subject to “disciplinary action”.
Case number , Confidential, Typed Letterhead
5 332-01Employment discrimination(1/11/22)
•Confidentiality- copies of all documents related to EEOD complaints and investigations must be kept in a confidential file maintained by the_______Designee consistent with the confidentiality requirements of this directive.
••Additional Place where a complaint of discrimination may be made:
-Any MOS or applicant for employment who believes that they have experienced discrimination has a right to file a formal complaint with the federal, state or local agencies listed below.
-A person does not give up this right when the person files a complaint with the Dept’s EEOD.
In regards to filing allegations from time of occurrence, MOS has ____________ to file with NYPD, NYC commission on human rights or NYS division of human rights. NYPD & NYC Commission on Human Rights- 3years for statue of limitations for complaints of Sexual Harassment only(NYPD) & 3yrs for Sexual harassment (NYC Commission on Human Rights)
MOS only has ___________ to file with US EEO commission. (None of these dates limit dept authority to discipline)
All forms of employment discrimination, including retaliation are PROHIBITED both in the actual workplace and in any location that can be reasonably regarded as an extension of the Workplace, such as as OFF-SITE Dept sanctioned social function.
(When charges and specifications are pending or preferred against a MOS, an allegation of discriminatory treatment raised as a defense to the charges by the respondent MOS shall vest in the exclusive jurisdiction of the ___________ until the charges and specifications have been resolved.
After the charges and specifications have been resolved, jurisdiction over the allegation
of employment discrimination shall be assumed by the EEOD upon request of the affected party)
300 days
Deputy Commissioner, Trials
5 332-02 sexual, Ethnic, Racial, Religious or Discrimination Slurs through the Display of offensive material (1/11/22)
• NO form of defacement of Dept property, display of offensive materials, sexually explicit television programs, videotapes or DVDs, derogatory email communications, text messages or voice mail communications, in or using Dept facilities or resources, is acceptable.
- CO, managers and Supervisors shall Keep their work sites free from such displays.
(Includes tattoos, graffiti drawn on lockers, activity logs, summonses, any dept form OR an adult movie/video showed though any electronic device)
•Member Concerned
- Any NON-SUPERVISORY MOS who becomes aware of the display of Offensive material is strongly encouraged to report it to any of the following:
1-the EEOD BY telephone, by email at by FACSIMILE, in WRITING, or in PERSON at 375 Pearl street , 15th Floor, suite 4; or
-After business hours and on weekends, the EEOD receives messages via office voice mail and will make return phone calls on the next business day.
2-Supervisors (uniform or civilian) or
3-C.O; or
4-EEO Liaison
Same way to report an EEO complaint!!
A Supervisor who becomes aware of the Display of Offensive Material will as soon as Possible:
1-When display of offensive material is discovered, supervisor must FIRST __________ during business hours or next business day, Mon-Fri, 0800-1800 hrs,and BE GUIDED BY Information received from EEOD.
- during non-business hours, leave a message with a contact number on the voice mail and:
••If you called during NON-business hours then ________ it and “secure/remove/cover “ and safeguard it (corrective action may include a work order or simply removing it)
Supv must then prepare _____ using pets and invoice it as ____________.
Supervisor Must also make an entry in ___________ BUT DO NOT DESCRIBE OR IDENTIFY the specific offensive material/object that was discovered . Then notify ________.
Last step forward confidential 49(Typed Letterhead)to ___________ within ________ with EEOD case number, photo(s) of the offensive material and copy of PCI (INVOICE), if applicator.
Daily Inspections:
-It will be incumbent upon all supervisors, and in particular the ________ and the _______, when they make their daily inspections to ensure that NO form of offensive material is displayed.
1- all Dept vehicles will be inspected by the operator PRIOR to use to ensure that there is no graffiti or any other form of offensive sexual, ethnic , racial, religious or other discriminatory material displayed.
2- Should any such material be found in a Dept vehicle, the procedure detailed above will be followed.
-The following rules regarding audio recordings and broadcasts, cable/satellite television services or the use of electronic storage media or devices (video cassettes, DVDs/CDs, flash drives, hard drives, etc) in Dept facilities will be adhered to:
1-Sexually explicit audio broadcasts, television programs or videos shall not be listened to, shown or viewed in Department facilities, UNLESS necessary as part of a documented, on-going, official investigation
2-Premium channels, which provide sexually explicit material, will not be permitted to be received on any cable/satellite receiver at a Department facility
Phone EEOD
- photograph,
Investigatory evidence
Command log
C.O EEOD (DIRECT) within 5 BUSINESS days!
-operations coordinator and DO
3 332-14 Investigations of incidents of retaliation against MOS (1/11/22)
• It is the policy of this Dept that retaliation against any MOS for voluntarily providing information regarding misconduct and corruption WILL NOT be tolerated.
When a MOS believes they are the victim or Retaliation for voluntarily providing info regarding MISCONDUCT OR CORRUPTION, MOS should notify __________
When a MOS believes they are the victim of retaliation for voluntarily providing info regarding EEO issues: MOS notify_____or_____or_____.
Allegations of retaliation involving EEO issues ( Employment Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, etc) MUST BE referred to the Office of the _________, Equity and Inclusion, EEOD for investigation.
Employee Assistance Units
-MOS are reminded that resources ( Employee Assistance Unit, Chaplains Unit, Police Officers providing Peer Assistance (POPPA), etc) are available to provide help in addressing a personal or professional problem.
1- to obtain additional resources, information and guidance, members can refer to the Personnel Bureau’s Dept Internet homepage, ONCE on the homepage, members are directed to click on the “ Employee Assistance “ folder in the “Documents” section.
IAB command center
Any Supervisor/ EEO Liaison/ EEOD
Deputy Commissioner
2 205-39 Dept recognition
NEW PG 03/18/19 update
(When a UMOS performs an act of worth dept recognition and is recommended by a SUPV/CO-WORKER/MEMBER OF COMMUNITY)
Members immediate supv must prepare “dept recognition request”
(Prepare separate request for each member involved)
Enter results of investigation under “Remarks” caption of the Departmental Recognition Request.
Members immediate supv should then deliver forms to ________ PCT OF OCC
The ranking officer interview members involved, obtains signed statements from witnesses, attaches statements to “dept recognition request” and enters results of investigation under “remarks” of “dept recognition request”
Ranking officer then delivers completed forms to _______
Ops coordinator pct of occ.
Pct/Command Recognition Committee!
4 332-04 Off duty employment (Not paid detail) (1/11/22)
When UMOS wishes to engage in off duty employment or maintains an ownership interest in a firm or when any MOS wishes to engage in the practice of law off duty:
-Enter total number of hours to be worked each week (do not use term “Varies” or “Changes”. If applicant is an officer of a corporation then enter name and address of corporation in space captioned “outside employer” (do not use term “self employed”) if applicant is part or sole owner of corporation. Enter administrative, managerial, or planning functions to be performed (Describe specific duties and responsibilities) And enter name of president of corporation if employed by a corporation. Then UMOS deliver complete Off Duty Employment Application/Notification to _____.
(If off duty employment involves dealing in firearms outside NYC also deliver a copy of completed application “class 1 federal firearms license” ;
1-after subsequent issuance by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, provide a copy of the license to ______and _______(ERS),
2- if Off duty employment involves dealing in firearms outside NYC , also deliver a copy of completed Application For License as a Gunsmith or Dealer in Firearms ( Individual) or Application for License as a Gunsmith or Dealer in firearms ( Partnership) . After subsequent issuance by the local licensing officer , provide a copy of the license to _____.
3- Submit new Off Duty Employment Application/Notification to report any change in status of employment ( change of employer, duties , location of employment)
4-MOS should submit renewal application for continuing off duty employment beyond each 12 month period at least _______ prior to expiration of current approved request.
5-prepare a report on 49 Typed Letterhead requesting review of Off Duty Employment Application/ Notification that has been disapproved and submit to _________.
ALL Off Duty Employment MUST be:
- performed OUTSIDE regular hours of police duties
- Approved PRIOR to starting or Changing employment, AND for each extra job or change of job for the same employer
- Approved in writing form the Chief of Patrol (C.O, Movie/Television Unit) if employment involves working as a technical advisor/consultant for motion picture or television productions
- Performed not exceeding _______hrs each week when a UMOS on approved Family Medical Leave engages in Off duty employment
MOS may engage in Off duty employment without prior approval when MOS is _____________ or on _______________.
Any UMOS (uniform or civilian) seeking part time employment in another city agency or in any other governmental agency MUST prepare “certification of compatibility or dual employment” in quadruplicate and forward it to _______ for processing.
(Excessive sick or other evidence indicating off duty employment impairs ability to perform assigned police duties is cause for REVOCATION OF APPROVAL to engage in off duty employment)
CO and Employee resources section
10 days
C.O,Employees Resources Section
20 hrs
Suspended without pay
Continuous vacation/Terminal leave immediately after filing for retirement
-Human Resources Division,Employee resource section
4 332-04 Off duty employment
(Not paid detail) (1/11/22)
UMOS engaging in or seeking off duty employment are reminded that the law prohibits certain types of employment;
•some members while engaging in Bona-Fide occupations, may unknowingly, in the normal pursuit of their particular off duty occupation, be violating one of these statutes ; MOS may consult with _______.
-If employment involves being a technical advisor for motion picture or television programs WRITTEN approval is needed from ___________
Any conflict of interest issues requires WRITTEN approval of ________and __________
Conflict of interest questions, contact__________
Legal Bureau
Chief of patrol, (C.O movie/television unit)
Police commissioner and conflicts of interests board
- 4* 332-04 Off duty employment (Not paid detail) 1/11/22
- The Charter prohibits members from engaging in any business, transaction or private employment which is in conflict with the proper discharge of their official duties; using, or attempting to use their position to obtain any financial gain, or other benefit, including employment for themselves or any person “associated” with them (“associated” is defined to include a spouse, domestic partner, child, parent or sibling and a person with whom a member has a business or financial relationship); and disclosing any confidential information which is obtained as a result of a member’s official duties or using such confidential information for any financial gain or other benefit.
-A UMOS is prohibited from holding any position or engaging in business dealings which involve the manufacture, sale or recommendation of any _________.
→ However, employment is permitted in a premises licensed to sell beer at retail for off-premises
consumption (supermarkets and grocery stores).
-A member may not accept any valuable gift from any person or firm which the member knows or should know, has or intends to have business dealings with the City.
-UMOS may write fiction or non-fiction books and articles on their own time and receive compensation provided that the restrictions contained in P.G. 212-76, “Information Concerning Official Business of Department” are adhered to.
→ Application/Notification should be submitted in this regard to the extent that MOS are being paid for
their writing.
-A MOS may be employed as technical or background advisor/consultants by television and film production companies. The consulting position may relate either to a particular incident (e.g., a homicide, robbery, rescue effort, etc.) or to a specialized field of expertise (e.g., arson, explosives, aviation, etc.). Again, the restrictions contained in P.G. 212-77 “Release of Information To News Media” and 212-76 “Information Concerning Official Business of Department” MUST be adhered to, Application/Notification must also be submitted for these positions.
→ In addition, prior to entering into any contractual relationship of this nature, MOS are advised to seek private legal counsel.
→ The sale of exclusive proprietary rights, based on the involvement of an individual in a particular incident, is strictly prohibited.
-For example, a MOS assigned to the Aviation Unit can be retained as a consultant or advisor on
general technical matters or for background on a particular incident; they cannot sell exclusive
“rights” to a production company for the story of the officer’s role in that incident.
→ A written approval from the ________, (CO, Movie/Television Unit) is required, IF employment
involves working as a technical advisor for motion picture or television productions.
-Many of the off duty employment prohibitions and guidelines involve conflict of interest related issues as addressed in Chapter 68 of the NYC Charter.
→ Each MOS should be familiar with those provisions.
→ In certain limited circumstances, a MOS may hold an otherwise prohibited position with written
approval of the ______,and a determination by the ____________that the position would not
conflict with the purposes and interests of the City.
→ Conflict of interest questions or questions regarding waivers may be directed to the DCLM.
-Department equipment, supplies, letterhead, personnel, or any other Department resources may not be used for off duty employment.
Sergeant – Important AG Procedures January 6, 2022 – Page 21 of 46
-Not permitted if related to or concerned with matters that any City agency is required to inspect, approve or
license, unless authorized.
-Not permitted if the employment creates a prohibited subordinate-superior financial relationship.
- Alcoholic Beverage
- chief of patrol
- P.C and conflict of interest board
205-43 Discontinuance of police service
Update NEW PG 09/20/18
If MOS decides to resign he will notify ___________. However in absence he will notify _________.
The D.O (command of resignation) will notify C.O, Boro, roll call clerk, and Instruct member concerned that benefits, pension contributions, etc., will NOT be returned until ALL property is accounted for and that the Police Commissioner will decide if resignation is without permission
D.O will also make command log entry of resignation and notify ______ of members resignation
Resigning member must deliver Helmet, Mace, and Mace holster to _______________
Resigning member should deliver NYPD metro card to ______
(D.O should have it hand delivered to _________)
Resigning member should deliver vest to _________
Body-Worn Camera if applicable to command’s ICO who will return to ITB telecommunication Unit.
D.O command of resignation prepares resignation and exit interview
D.O command of resignation notifies operations
D.O of resigning members permanent command should have “property receipt….” and “acquisition or disposition of firearms….” prepared and inspect members force record to determine dept property and firearms possessed by member.
D.O of resigning members permanent command should have SUPV and CLERICAL member open members locker and obtain property.
D.O should assign member to second platoon on last working day
D.O of permanent command should assign member to deliver “property receipt…” and 2 copies of PCI and ALL dept property to ________
Officer in charge at FTS police headquarters
Employee resources section
Police academy vest unit
Police pension fund
2 205-42 Retirement or Vested service
05/29/19 Update
When a UMOS wishes to apply for retirement or discontinued police service WITH vested interest UMOS should notify ______
Prior to reporting to police pension fund, call them for instructions and appointment.
Report to pension fund in civilian clothes atleast _____ days prior for tier 2, and without notice for tier 3.
If applying for terminal leave all members report atleast 10 days prior
Hand in your vehicle ID plate and parking permit to _______
If retiring you may keep vest. In order to keep vest D.O must notify _______ and send them a copy of “property receipt discontinuance of service” VIA _________, ensuring vest information is entered on from!
If vesting or resigning and/or civilians cannot keep vest*
Tier 3 members must retire no later than midnight on the eve of their ____ birthday
30 days
PA ballistic vest unit VIA
62nd birthday
2 205-48 Evaluations General
Read NEW PG 02/15/18
THE RATER SHOULD prepare appropriate PERFORMANCE EVALUATION form according to directions contained on the form and in the Performance Evaluation Guide.
Examine ratee’s CPI record, Department recognition, sick record, commendation letters, CCRB record, for entries pertaining to the rating period, as well as any other record of performance documentation (e.g., Command Discipline Log, Minor Violations Log, etc.).
Comment on all Performance Areas/Behavioral Dimensions rated below competent (i.e., rated either 2 or 1).
Discuss the Department’s equal employment opportunity (EEO) policy with ratee.
-Make all evaluation decisions in accordance with the Department’s EEO policy to ensure compliance
-Record any disciplinary action received by a member of the service that was a result of an EEO related issue
-Record comments in the section titled “__________” indicating that the employee’s rights and responsibility regarding EEO issues were discussed
-Record comments in the section devoted to the “Overall Rater’s Comments”, indicating how well a supervisor has demonstrated his/her compliance with the Department’s EEO policy.
-Review ratee’s FORCE RECORD (PD406-143) with member to ensure emergency notification and personal information is up to date.
(Update ratee’s FORCE RECORD as required)
-Discuss PERFORMANCE EVALUATION with ratee after the rater and the reviewer have made comments.
-Report efforts made to improve attendance of members who are classified “Chronic Absent - Category A” or “Chronic Absent - Category B.”
(Include a statement concerning efforts made to improve attendance)
-Confer with ratee’s former supervisor and consult transfer PERFORMANCE EVALUATION if observation of ratee is of a limited duration, when appropriate.
(Include identity of supervisor conferred with in Overall Rater’s Comments.)
-A uniformed or civilian MOS who is absent for either the majority or the entirety of a rating period due to military service is still entitled to receive a PERFORMANCE EVALUATION.
Pursuant to NYS Military Law, to compute the rating for such a member, raters are to take the average of the _____ PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS that the member received prior to his/her absence
for military duty.
However, the credited rating must not be less than _______ OR less than the rating that the member received for the period immediately prior to his/her absence for military service.
In the “Overall Rater’s Comments:” caption the rater will note the length of time the member was on military duty during the evaluation period and
that the evaluation is being prepared pursuant to NYS Law.
Additional questions concerning evaluations of MOS absent from their positions due to military service may be directed to either the _________ or _________
“Overall Rater’s Comments”
Average of last 3 evals
3.0 (satisfactory)
Performance Analysis Section OR
Legal Bureau
3 331-10 Appeal of evaluation UMOS
- This procedure does NOT apply to UMOS who are in the rank on ______
ONLY Reasons to appeal:
1-Factual error
2-Rater’s misinterpretation of instructions
3-Bias or prejudice on the part of the rater
4-Performance evaluation is completed and based upon OTHER THAN performance factors
Rater inform ______
Rates - submit a report on Typed Letterhead , within _____days of the hearing , if appeal is NOT RESOLVED at rater/receiver level, as follow: UMOS below the rank of captain-personnel officer concerned
30 days
3 331-04 Evaluations of PO and Detective Assigned to Non-Investigative Duties 1/12/22
Performance Evaluation =ANNUAL
Supervisor’s Quarterly Evaluations= prepare at the end of each Quarter -January to March,etc
When preparing annual evaluations of PO’s and detective specialists assigned to non-investigative Bureaus:
>Access the PERF System and select “Start Annual Evaluation” to prepare annual Performance Evaluation, after completing the Supervisor’s Quarterly Evaluation for the _______ rating period.
→ Ensure all applicable Supervisor’s Quarterly Evaluations are prepared for the member concerned.
>Examine following prepared during the year for each assigned police officer and detective specialist: → Officer Profile Reports. → Supervisor Feedback Forms. → Officer Self-Report Forms. → Supervisor’s Quarterly Evaluations. → Command Discipline Log. → CPI record. → Department recognition. → Sick record. → Commendation letters. → CCRB records.
> Provide comments indicating the overall performance of the MOS.
Discuss the Department’s EEO policy with ratee.
1-Record any disciplinary action received by a MOS that was a result of an EEO related issue
2-Record comments indicating that the employee’s rights and responsibilities with regard to EEO issue were discussed.
Review ratee’s Force Record with member to ensure emergency notification and personal information is up to date.
1-Update ratee’s Force Record as required.
Report efforts made to improve attendance of members who are classified “Chronic Absent - Category A”
or “Chronic Absent - Category B.”
1-Include a statement concerning efforts made to improve attendance.
Confer with ratee’s former supervisor if observation of ratee is of a limited duration, when appropriate.
1-Include identity of supervisor conferred with in comments section.
Ensure the total annual score the member earned as per the Police Officer/Detective Specialist
Monthly/Quarterly Performance Review and Rating System corresponds with the assignment of the Overall Evaluation rating:
4th quarter
3 331-04 Evaluations of PO and Detective assigned to Non-Investigative Duties 1/12/22
>Sign off on ____________.
>Interview ratee in a private setting and discuss overall performance.
1-Review Performance Evaluation with ratee and direct ratee to accept or appeal on Performance Evaluation.
*RATEE* >Review Performance Evaluation. >Provide comments. >Accept or appeal Performance Evaluation.
> Comply with AG 331-10, “Appeal of Evaluation – Uniformed Members of the Service” when MOS appeals their Performance Evaluation.
1-Notify ______of ratee’s decision to appeal.
*MOS are reminded that appraisal of subordinates’ performance is a continuous process.
1-The use of the Performance Evaluation System DOES NOT relieve supervisors of their responsibility to
monitor and document subordinates’ performance throughout the rating period.
> When preparing a Performance Evaluation, the rater will take into account the ratee’s performance concerning substantiated _____violations.
1-EEO factors having a bearing on the rating in that category will include, but not be limited to, whether
the member has engaged in conduct that violates provisions of the Department Manual, Title VII, other applicable equal employment opportunity laws, or the Department’s equal employment opportunity policy.
Translation and Interpretation
> Raters will ensure that recognition is given to members who utilize their language proficiency for translation and interpretation in the performance of their regular duties, or as part of the Language Initiative Program.
1-The use of this skill shall be afforded the same recognition as any other special skill needed by the
2-Any experience gained while serving as a translator/interpreter in criminal investigations will be
included in the comments section of the Performance Evaluation.
3-CO’s will ensure that evaluations of volunteer members are not negatively affected by their assignment
to translation/interpretation duties.
-These tasks shall be evaluated as a proportionate part of their assigned duties
Military Service
>A UMOS who is absent for either the majority or the entirety of a rating period due to military service is still entitled to receive a Performance Evaluation.
1-Pursuant to NYS Military Law, to compute the rating for such a member, raters are to take the average
of the three Performance Evaluations that the member received prior to his/her absence for military duty.
—The credited rating must not be less than meets standards (68-76) or less than the rating that the
member received for the period immediately prior to his/her absence for military service.
—In the comments section the rater will note the length of time the member was on military duty
during the evaluation period and that the evaluation is being prepared pursuant to NYS Military
—Questions concerning evaluations of MOS absent from their positions due to military service may be
directed to either the Performance Analysis Section or the Legal Bureau.
Performance Evaluation
3 330-16 Counseling service unit 1/11/22
To Afford confidentiality to MOS who utilize this program, the CSU is located in NON-Dept facility Mon-Fri 0700-1800 hrs
• Dept Counseling Guidelines•
1-Being in counseling won’t jeopardize promotional opportunities.
2-records maintained by the CSU are absolutely confidential and not duplicate or FORWARDED ANYWHERE within the Dept
3-Federal law and regulations governing confidentiality PROHIBIT disclosure of any information or record pertaining to substance abuse treatment
A supervisor may contact Counseling unit to request MOS be evaluated for difficulties with “ ALCOHOL, PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION, GAMBLING, AND FINANCES “.
- The service of the CSU are NOT available to MOS for illegal drugs use.
During non-business hours contact counseling unit through _______________
(Remember trauma counseling team is notified through operations!)
Counseling services unit may not disclose info that identifies member unless required by: _____ (A DOC)
In addition, their current assignments will not ordinarily be changed because of their participation in this program unless, due to the nature of
the assignment, a change is deemed to be in the best interests of all parties concerned.
However, participation in this program will not exempt a member of the service from disciplinary
action for specific acts of misconduct and the
consequences of such disciplinary action.
Sick desk supervisor
- Abuse of child (suspected)
- Danger to self (or others)
- Ordered from US district court and valid subpoena
- Consent in writing from member concerned
5 331-09 PO/Detective special Monthly/Quarterly performance review and rating system 1/12/22 (2)
*Designated Supervisor *
•Review member’s Officer Profile Report.
→ Evaluate the uniformed member’s performance in proactively addressing community concerns.
→ Assess the quality and caliber of the member’s efforts by carefully reviewing activity including,Supervisor Feedback Forms and Officer Self-Report Forms.
1-Determine the accuracy, validity, and integrity of the Officer Self-Report Forms.
→ Provide positive feedback and comments for proactive and quality activity.
→ Compare member’s current monthly performance to other members with similar duties by referring to
the “Officer Comparison” page of the Officer Profile Report.
→ Provide guidance and direction for improvement and conduct regular follow-ups, when a deficiency is
1-Take appropriate steps to improve the uniformed member’s performance.
2-These steps include, but are not limited to:Assisting the uniformed member in identifying the conditions to be addressed.
3-If member fails to improve performance, confer with Platoon Commander/Special Operations
Lieutenant or next higher supervisor.
— Officer Profile Report.
—Deliver completed Officer Profile Reports to Platoon Commander or other reviewer by the ______day of the following month.
(January-March, April-June, July-September and October-December)
Designated Supervisor
> > Log into the Performance Evaluation System to conduct Supervisor’s Quarterly Evaluation within ____ days following the quarter for which the review is due.
→ Review activity for all 3 months of the quarter.
→ Rate UMOS in each of 12 performance areas and be guided by instructions on the electronic form.
1-Documentation is mandatory for any rating above or below “Meets Standards.” Examples of documentation include, but are not limited to,
2-Supervisor Feedback Forms, Officer Self-Report Forms, and content listed on the Officer Profile Report
3-Performance Evaluation System in the Department Intranet will automatically calculate members rating as a score out of 100 points based on ratings.
—In the “Supervisory Comments” section of the Supervisor’s Quarterly Evaluation, note the following:
•Any outstanding action or achievement.
1-Examples of outstanding action or achievement include, bribery arrests, pattern robbery arrest or other action, which significantly impacts on crime or issues of community concern
•Any deficiencies or areas that need improvement.
1-Include notation if member is designated chronic sick, subject of any disciplinary action or
placed on performance monitoring.
> > Discuss ratee’s Supervisor’s Quarterly Evaluation with Platoon Commander or other reviewer.
Sign off on completed evaluation.
Interview member in a private setting and discuss overall performance.
-Review evaluation with member
Forward evaluation to the Platoon Commander or other reviewers by the _____day of the month following reporting period.
5 days
5 331-09 PO / detective monthly /quarterly performance review and rating system (1/12/22) (1)
UMOS whose duties do not involve enforcement activities will not prepare the OFFICER PROFILE REPORT nor be evaluated Quarterly using the SUPERVISOR’S QUALITY EVALUATION .
These members will NOT prepare MONTHLY/QUARTERLY(unless temp assigned to enforcement duty) __________ (acronym)
When preparing monthly/quarterly performance reviews of police officers and detective specialists utilizing the Police Officer/Detective Specialist Monthly/Quarterly Performance Review:
Uniformed Member of the Service
»Access the Performance Evaluation System and print out a hard copy of the Officer Profile Report at the conclusion of each month.
→ The Officer Profile Report is an electronic form that is generated in the Performance Evaluation System,
which compiles data from numerous Department databases to provide an accurate account of a uniformed member’s performance.
1-It will include statistical data (e.g., 7 Majors, Top 911 Locations, Top Collision Locations, etc.)
unique to the precinct and platoon to which the reporting member is assigned.
2-It will contain information from “Officer Self – Report Forms and the Supervisor Feedback Forms”,when submitted.
»Review and submit Officer Profile Report to designated supervisor for review by the ________day of the following month.
1-Submit Report prior to leave, or if not possible, without delay upon return to duty if scheduled for vacation or other leave.
2-Inform designated supervisor of any excessive time off patrol for the reported month due to vacation,sick,
administrative duties, details, etc.
The designated supervisor or another supervisor may print the Officer Profile Report for the UMOS concerned, if the member is unavailable for an extended period due to vacation or other leave
Comm affairs officer
Aux coordinator
Traff. safety officer(NOT summons!!)
Crime prevention coordinator
2 205-64 LEOSA
(LEOSA exempts active and retired law enforcement officers from local and state
prohibitions on the carrying of concealed firearms. The qualification course must be performed at a firearms range and is valid for a one-year period from the date of qualification)
This card is solely for MOS off duty/service firearms. (NOT FOR ALL FIREARMS OWNED!)
The qualification course must be performed at range and is valid __________ FROM DATE OF QUALIFICATION.
UMOS should inform firearms instructor of intention to retire and desire to obtain LEOSA qualification
UMOS should then provide range attendance slip to _______ when being issued an ID card marked “retired”
This is a one time benefit provided in appreciation for UMOS retiring in good standing
1 year
ID card unit
2 205-65 Dept medals
Awarded to a uniformed member who intelligently and in line of police duty distinguished himself/herself by the performance of an act of gallantry and valor at imminent personal hazard to life with knowledge of the risk, above and beyond the call of duty.
Awarded to next of kin of a uniformed member of the service, in recognition of the dedicated performance of duty under unusual hazards and demands where the uniformed member of the service has ________
Awarded for the successful performance of an act of extraordinary heroism while engaged in personal combat with an armed adversary at imminent personal hazard to life in the intelligent performance of duty.
Awarded for an act of outstanding personal bravery intelligently performed in line of duty at imminent personal hazard to life under circumstances evincing a disregard of personal consequences.
Awarded to uniformed members of the service, or their next of kin in the event of a line of duty death, who have suffered extremely serious physical injury or death, permanent disfigurement, protracted or permanent impairment of health, or of any bodily function while performing an official act either while ON OR OFF DUTY
Awarded for an act of extraordinary bravery intelligently performed in the line of duty at imminent and personal danger to life.
The Honor Committee will review all Honorable Mention awards granted during the previous year and may select uniformed members of the service as recipients of the aforementioned medals.
Awarded for an act of bravery intelligently performed involving personal risk to life.
Unit Citations recognize outstanding performance by an entire unit in developing and implementing goals and objectives or other highly creditable accomplishments over a substantial period of time (calendar year).
Awarded to units that do not otherwise qualify for a Unit Citation.
Awarded for an act which demonstrates an EXTRAORDINARY commitment to integrity.
Awarded for an act which demonstrates HIGHLY creditable integrity.
New PG 205-68
MOS seeking to notify the Department of Transgender or Gender NON-Conforming transition or status
Suffered death (distinguished service medal)
5 332-01 Employment Discrimination (1/11/22)
A complaint made in good faith will NOT be considered a false accusation.
- KNOWINGLY making a false accusation of discrimination or knowingly providing false information during the course of an investigation of a complaint may be grounds for ________.
•Employment discrimination- disparate treatment of employees regarding any terms,conditions or privileges of employment including hiring, assignments, working conditions,salary and benefits, evaluations, promotions, training, transfers, discipline and termination.
•Sexual harassment-unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:
1- submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; or
2- submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual;or
3-such conduct has the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
•Disability-any physical,medical,mental, or psychological impairment, or a history or record of such impairment.( in the case of alcoholism, drug addiction or other substance abuse , the term “disability “ only applies to a person who is recovering or has covered and is currently free of such abuse)
1- an employee or applicant who requires a reasonable accommodation related to their disability shall complete section “I” of REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION REQUEST for JOB APPLICANTS or REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION REQUEST for EMPLOYEES, as appropriate. These forms are readily available at the Dept facilities and on the Internet.
5 332-01 Employment Discrimination (1/11/22)
Confidentiality- the EEOD and all Dept uniformed and civilian supervisors, managers and EEO Liaisons will treat each complaint __________.
1- this means that information obtained from the complaint or revealed during the course of the investigation conducted by the EEOD will not be discussed with other personnel EXCEPT as necessary to investigate and resolve the complaint or other matter or as required by LAW
2-Complaints should make every effort to maintain the confidential nature of this process
3- Witnesses and respondents of a EEO investigation shall NOT discuss the nature of the complaint being investigated by the EEOD or any aspect of an OPEN or CLOSED EEOD case with anyone Except their union representatives of a line Organization and /or legal counsel
4- In order to ensure confidentiality, supervisors and EEO Liaisons must NOT make any entries regarding a complaint of employment discrimination and/or related retaliation in any official Dept record.
332–04 Off duty employment 1/11/22
Off duty employment is PROHIBITED when ANY of the following conditions exist:
-Member is a PPO with less than___year aggregate service who has not completed Entry Level Training in the
Police Academy.
Existing law prohibits a police officer from employment in such job or premises.
Off duty employment is also prohibited, as follows:
→ Interferes or conflicts with regular or emergency police duties.
→ Requires the Police Department uniform or shield to be worn or used in any manner in any off duty
employment, except if approved by the Paid Detail Unit.
→ Affects member’s ability to perform police duties.
→ Exceeds 20 hours each week, except when performed during vacation period/terminal leave.
→ Is to be performed 3 hours immediately prior to regular tour of duty.
→ Requires member to be an officer, organizer, or hold a position in an employee organization, i.e., labor
union, or member will become involved in a strike or labor dispute.
→ Requires UMOS to work, unless authorized, for an organization licensed or inspected by the NYPD.
→ Is knowingly performed for a person who has a criminal arrest record.
→ Is required to be performed when member is on sick report, sick leave or disability.
→ Involves the guarding of licensed premises.
→ Involves employment in any premises licensed by the SLA, pursuant to the ABC Law, except that
employment is permitted in a premises licensed to sell alcoholic beverages as long as they are not
handled by the applicant.
→ Involves employment by a UMOS in precinct to which assigned.
A UMOS assigned to a command whose jurisdiction encompasses more than 1 precinct may be permitted to engage in off duty employment within the area to which assigned, unless circumstances of such employment would constitute a conflict of interest or a corruption hazard, i.e., MOS’s ability to provide off duty services while on duty.
→ Involves employment as a process server, anywhere.
→ Involves operating or having a financial interest in an arcade, video or pinball game.
→ Involves working, owning, driving, training, selling goods or services or obtaining licenses relating to
horse racing activities, race horses, tracks or firms either owning or dealing in the racing of horses.
→ Involves the consultation/installation/repair of burglar alarms and security systems.
→ Involves employment as a street vendor within NYC.
→ Involves employment as a locksmith within NYC.
→ Involves being employed in any capacity as a second hand dealer (except used cars) or second hand
dealer purchasing and selling precious metals (gold, silver, etc.).
→ Requires UMOS to perform investigative duties or secure a NYS investigator’s license.
→ Involves the guarding of diplomatic personnel and/or the premises of diplomatic personnel.
1 yr
5 331-09 PO/Detective Specialist Monthly/Quarterly Performance review and rating system. 1/12/22 (3)
Fails to Perform at Satisfactory Levels
-If a member consistently fails to perform at satisfactory levels, the supervisor will confer with the
Platoon Commander or next higher level supervisor regarding referring the member for performance monitoring.
Finalization of Rating Score
1-Supervisor’s Quarterly Evaluation rating score will not be finalized until Platoon Commander or other reviewer reviews and concurs with rating.
→ Supervisor’s Quarterly Evaluation may be appealed to the next higher-ranking supervisor.
→ In all cases, the member’s CO (in the rank of captain or above) will make the final determination.
Officer Self-Report Form
>Can be accessed on a member’s Department mobile phone through the “Craft” application and will allow UMOS to document notable actions that they consider to be positive (e.g., achievements in crime prevention, problem-solving, community engagement, etc.).
1-By noting community interactions and engagements, members are afforded the ability to showcase their
efforts towards furthering the Department’s commitment to neighborhood policing.
Supervisor Feedback Form
•Can be accessed on a supervisor’s Department mobile phone through the ________application and will allow the supervisor to highlight commendable actions by a UMOS (e.g., supervisor observes or becomes aware of exceptional community interaction, UMOS makes an arrest that closes a precinct pattern,etc)
1-The Form will also allow supervisors to note areas that may need improvement and indicate what actions were taken to address the deficiency.
2-In addition, minor violations of Department regulations committed by UMOS can be documented using
the Form.
3-The Form can also be completed by supervisors for uniformed members outside of their command (e.g.,
UMOS assigned to supervisors on details,
3 330-23 Employee Assistance Unit (1/12/22)
Employee Assistance Unit (EAU)
*The Department’s primary resource for peer support.
1- EAU is comprised of UMOS and CMOS in various ranks and titles who have undergone specialized training/education in peer support, suicide prevention and education, and critical incident response.
2- EAU assists MOS with problems that may be causing concern, either at work or within their personal lives, and are available 24/7, via ________or in person.
3- EAU peer counselors are not mental health practitioners and they are not intended to replace professional mental health counseling.
Critical Incident
* EAU serves to support MOS who may be directly involved in an on or off duty critical incident.
1- For the purpose of this procedure, a “Critical Incident” is defined as an unusually challenging event that
has the potential to create significant human distress and interfere with one’s normal coping mechanisms.
2- In the event of a critical incident, ANY supervisory MOS may request the immediate response of
EAU to provide peer support and post-critical incident stress management.
3- When an immediate response by EAU is necessary, EAU can be reached directly via phone
* EAU accepts referrals made by supervisors, coworkers, friends and family members.
1- A supervisory referral to EAU does not relieve supervisory MOS of their obligations, which are outlined elsewhere in the Department Manual.
2- MOS may seek peer assistance for themselves or someone else, and they may remain anonymous.
3- Referrals should be made as a preemptive measure when a MOS is experiencing stress and/or may
benefit from peer assistance or appropriate professional referrals.
4- EAU is NOT part of the disciplinary process or any investigative unit within the Department, and referrals will NOT be accepted for the purpose of disciplinary action.
* MOS should be aware of behavioral indicators that suggest personal stress.
1- Those who observe behavioral indicators may consult with EAU, or they may remain anonymous and refer a MOS to EAU.
2- Such indicators include, but are not limited to:
-Excessive civilian complaints, particularly regarding use of force,
- Excessive lateness or absenteeism,
- Abnormal impatience, irritability, aggressiveness, or overreaction,
- Irrational or bizarre thoughts/actions,
- Changes in work habits,
- Erratic mood swings,
- Significant changes in hygiene, and/or - - Indications of alcohol or drug use.
* EAU does not maintain any records detailing information shared during peer support interactions, and will not disclose the content of conversations or interactions with peer counselors to the MOS’s command, supervisor, or other Department units/personnel.
→ Exceptions to confidentiality include:
1- A MOS who is a danger to themselves or others,
2- Suspected or actual child, elder or domestic abuse,
3-In other cases, where law or Department policy requires disclosure
o E.g., criminal activity, employment discrimination, etc.), and/or
4- Where disclosure is requested by the MOS seeking peer assistance.
- Promotional and assignment opportunities will NOT be jeopardized by participation in or utilization of EAU peer counseling services or provided external resources.
3 332-15 GRIEVANCE-UMOS (1/12/22)
NEW Procedure
*GRIEVANCE- For the purpose of this procedure shall mean:
1- A claimed violation, misinterpretation or inequitable application of the provisions of the collective
bargaining agreement;
2- A claimed violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of the written rules, regulations or procedures of the Police
Department affecting terms and conditions of employment. Grievances shall not include disciplinary matters;
3- A claimed violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of the Guidelines for Interrogation of Members of
the Police Department as contained in the collective bargaining agreement;
4- A claimed improper holding of an open-competitive rather than a promotional examination;
5- A claimed assignment of the grievant to duties substantially different from those stated in the grievants job
title specification.
Commanding Officer:
-immediate Commanding Officer of the aggrieved employee.
Grievant :
-an employee or group of employees asserting a grievance or the Union or both, as the context requires.
When a UMOS has a grievance:
Grievant:Continue to perform assigned duties and obey lawful orders.
-Grievant : Present grievance to Commanding Officer either orally or in writing within ______days of occurrence.
- the grievant may permit employee representatives to present grievance , if desired
The availability of the grievance or arbitration procedure shall not justify a failure to follow lawful orders.
90 days
3 320-01 Exchange of tours for UMOS
(1/12/22) NEW
Exchange of Tour – The voluntary performance of another UMOS’s tour (otherwise known as a “mutual”).
1-UMOS must be the same rank, below the rank of captain, assigned to the same command, and be qualified
to perform the other UMOS’s duties to ensure there is no interruption in the delivery of police service.
2- Exchange of tours must be performed in the same 28 day Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) cycle and no FLSA or contractual overtime will be generated for the tour actually performed.
When a UMOS below the rank of captain who is assigned to a Precinct, TD or PSA, requests to voluntarily exchange tours with another UMOS of the same rank:
REQUESTING Uniformed Member of the Service
- Confer with command timekeeper to ensure exchange of tours is. within__day FLSA cycle, as appropriate.
- Prepare Exchange Of Tour Request and adhere to the following:
1- UMOS are NOT permitted to perform ________ tours; I.e., perform duty on a third platoon followed by a first platoon,
2- UMOS are NOT permitted to report Administrative Sick and must report Regular Sick, which requires a visit to the Department surgeon,
3- Exchanged tours must be performed in the same 28 day FLSA cycle, and
4 - UMOS requesting to exchange tours must be qualified to perform each other’s duties.
-Submit Exchange Of Tour Request to REPLACING UMOS.
- REPLACING Uniformed Member of the Service*
- Review Exchange Of Tour Request for completeness and accuracy, and SIGN.
- Submit Exchange Of Tour Request to ______at least 5 days in advance.
Reschedule of Tours
- If a UMOS fails to perform the exchanged tour, the Department may reschedule ANY UMOS of the same
rank scheduled to perform duty on the date in question without 24 hour notice.
1- This includes any UMOS, including a UMOS not a party to the exchanged tour, provided the member is
qualified to perform the same duties.
2- The UMOS rescheduled to perform a tour that another UMOS failed to perform will be compensated in accordance with the provisions of the FLSA.
28 day
2 conservative
Operation Coordinator