213 "Emergency Incidents" Flashcards
3 213-02 Emergency incidents
(EMERGENCY INCIDENTS - a serious accident, vehicle collision, explosion, civil disorder, demonstration, or similar incident)
UMOS, at scene of emergency incident, call for personnel and equipment BEFORE you call boss.
(Make a note of it! Cop at emergency incident should always call for personnel/equipment FIRST, then call for boss next!)
Call for _________ OR ________
The patrol supv should call a level 1 when appropriate(thru radio OR ops by phone).
Establish command post WITH TELEPHONE if necessary.
P/S should notify ___________ (4ppl) however only update __________(2ppl).
P/S should tell B-DOC the:
1. Location and nature of emergency
2. Location and phone number of command post
3. Location of and route to mobilization point.
The P/S should establish a mobilization point of sufficient size to accommodate a _____________.
P/S should request command post flag and log.
P/S should also prepare detail roster/assignment sheet.
(And assign a UMOS to serve as either a operations, intelligence, logistics officer, or personnel officer (OIL-P)
P/S/Platoon commander will INFORM responding __________ of:
a. Details of emergency
b. Action taken
c. Personnel and equipment on scene or requested
For fire incidents that requires scuba divers FDNY will respond, for every other incident PD will utilize their scuba divers. Get them thru radio in emergency.
If non emergency then get them through ________
P/S or Platoon commander
Boro, D.O, Ops, communications (B-DOC)
Desk and operations
Level 3 or 4 mobilization
C.O/Duty captain
Special operations division (SOD)
3 213-03 Rapid mobilization
(When immediate assistance is required at the scene of an unusual disorder/emergency incident)
For rapid mobilizations the P/S can call a level 1 thru the radio.
(But remember if for a MISSING PERSON the P/S should consult with _________ PRIOR to activating a level 1, ABSENT EXIGENT! )
Also call captain If you need a higher level mobilization
The activating supv of the level 1 mobilization should tell ______ and ______ of the situation that resulted in the mobilization (basically tell them why he activated it), and update them accordingly.
The activating supv is considered the incident CO until outranked or demobilized.
The activating Supv should also designate a mobilization point and advise _________ of mobilization point to be used by responding members.
The activating Supv should also provide traffic post coverage to allow for quick access of responding units.
ONLY IF MOBILIZATION GOES TO LEVEL 2,3,4 does the D.O get involved.
If level 2,3,4 the D.O stages, inspects, and supplies responders with van and sends them to mobilization point.
(Except transit they just go by train straight to mobilization point, they do not stop at the SH first!)
For transit and housing level 3 only covers their turf. But for Level 4 go wherever needed.
The mobilized sgt should respond, with necessary personnel, promptly, to the mobilization point,
upon notification, and ENSURE all responding members are properly equipped.
(D.O inspects responding members for proper equipment and Mobilized sgt ENSURES they are properly equipped!)
The mobilized Sgt ascertains response route and radio frequency to be used from ___________
The mobilized sgt advises members of the nature of the emergency and radio frequency to be used
(So the activating supv of mobilization advises communications of mobilization route and the mobilized sgt then ascertains response route from communications)
(Transit mobilized sgt and will coordinate communications between the command post and mobilized transit personnel present without citywide frequencies turned in to their radios)
(Housing Bureau and Transit Bureau personnel mobilized on a Level 3 mobilization will
ONLY be utilized to secure their own respective facilities/developments. Housing Bureau and Transit Bureau personnel mobilized on a Level 4 mobilization can be used for other duties)
C.O/Duty captain
Operations and Boro
3 213-05 Duties at a disorder
Sgt duties at a disorder is to 10-2 and then to to form a squad of ___ from respective precinct! (Not Boro!)
Except on first platoon that becomes a squad of ___ from respective PRECINCT!
Ensure they’re properly equipped in a VAN
(MUST BE A VAN, EVEN ON 1st platoon!)
Make roster IN ROUTE and hand to LT.
Direct parking only in designated areas, and have keys given to security detail, if required.
Sgt’s should tell cops to maintain a formation of 1 arms length and be “onguard” stance ONLY when in line OR wedge formation.
Don’t let a cop be alone on rooftops, alleys, rear yards. (ENSURE ONLY UNIFORMED MOS ARE GIVEN THESE ASSIGNMENTS)
Unnecessary conversation, complacency, and congregating are PROHIBITED.
While enroute all in van will have radios turn to correct frequency but only ______ and ______ will have radios on.
Sgt should identify alternate routes for detoured traffic.
Sgt’s and cops while ON PATROL should have in RMP: _______ (4 things)
But Sgt’s should also have ________ in RMP as well in addition to everything else.
When they 10-2 and are preparing to go to mobilization the __________ stages and inspects for proper equipment.
The _________ conducts thorough inspection of members upon arrival at mobilization point.
2 (First platoon)
Sgt and van operator
Helmet, baton, flashlight, disorder control guidelines
Desk officer
3 213-05 Duties at a disorder
Level 1 and 2 are ___________ mobilizations
Level 3 and 4 are __________ Mobilizations
Level 1 mobilizations SRG only from affected __________ but also 1 P/S from affected TD/PSA (Shows up to see what’s going on)
Level 2 mobilizations get SRG ___________ but also 1 P/S from affected TD/PSA (Shows up to see what’s going on) - (ESU supv also responds)
Level 3 mobilizations you get Pct/TD/PSA from affected___________ but you also get 1 and 8 from each pct/TD/PSA in the BORO.
Level 4 mobilizations you get Pct/TD/PSA ___________ but you also get 1 and 8 from each pct/TD/PSA CITYWIDE
In regards to level 3, and 4 mobilizations if it’s on first platoon then instead of 1 and 8 from each CMD, it’s 1 Sgt from every ____ commands picked by _______ and ___P.O’s from each command
- *(So on level 1 you get SRG from Boro
- *But on level 3 you get pct/td/psa from Boro
- *And on level 2 you get SRG citywide
- *But on level 4 you get pct/td/psa citywide
Patrol Boro - level 1 (SRG)
Citywide -level 2 (SRG)
Patrol Boro -level 3(pct/TD/PSA)
Citywide - level 4 (pct/TD/PSA)
3 commands picked by
2 P.O’s
213-06 Large scale arrest processing
The arresting supervisor should ENSURE each perp photo’ed with A/O BEFORE getting in patrol wagon and affix “mass arrest pedigree label” to the back of each perps printed digital photo, with all captions completed
The arrest supervisor calls __________ when 84 at SH, and also needs their permission to DAT, 96, etc.
The arresting supervisor ENSURES that city/state/federal warrant checks are performed, and assigns OTHER THAN APO to do Livescan.
(APO will assist arrest processing Supv and A/O in all computer functions however APO will NOT operate live-scan in large scale arrest processing!
The primary function of APO will be to return the arresting/assigned officer to patrol, disorder, or enforcement initiatives)
One A/O should NOT BE ASSIGNED MORE THAN ________ perps in a large scale arrest situation, whenever possible
And Arrest supervisors should be assigned no more than _______ arresting/assigned officers, when practical.
So the Arrest supv can only can only be in charge of overseeing the arrest processing of no more than ____ perps.
Incident CO
4 213-10 Off duty mobilizations
The “primary” mobilization point for off duty mobilizations is ALWAYS your _____________
(However, if circumstances dictate otherwise,
the Police Commissioner, First Deputy Commissioner or the Chief of Department, may require response to alternate mobilization points)
However PC, 1st dep, chief of dept (3 wise men) can dictate “alternate” mobilization points determined by members residence.
Alternate mobilization points are:
If city resident-_____________
If Staten Island resident who does NOT work in SI- ____________
If Upstate resident- ___________
If Long Island north resident- _______________
Long Island south resident- ________________
Those RDO are required to respond AND
If your next tour starts within next ______, then respond.
(If you’re NOT RDO and your next tour doesn’t start within the next 8 hours then don’t respond!!!)
- A mobile field force is ____________*
- Captains will always report to their permanent commands*
Permanent command
Permanent command
122 pct- Staten islander who does not work on SI
50pct (van courtlandt park)-upstate
110pct (flushing meadow park)- Long Island north
113pct (Baisley pond park)- Long Island south
8 hours
A mobile field force is a platoon under the command of a LT, composed of 3-5 squads, consisting of 1 Supv and 8 P.O’s/Det
4 213-10 Off duty mobilization
The Sgt in charge (at the command) puts 1 and 8 in rosters in accordance to 3 categories (RDO, next platoon ppl, On duty).
RDO-Organized in to __________
Next platoon-___________
On duty-______________
Sgt (at the command) also has to notify____________ of:
_____ (3 things)
Sgt (at the command) also calls everyone 3 times: early morning OR other times if they didn’t hear it OR if you get a poor response
The ranking member (Sgt) at the mobilization point sets up parking for the responders, makes traffic/command/security posts.
Notify ___________ of numbers, by rank, how many ppl showed up and How many were shuttled to commands
RDO-Mobile field forces and deployed as rapid response units
Next platoon-As per needs of their command
On duty-Deployed by operations unit
Patrol Boro # of squads # of people at command # of operational vehicles (by type)
Operations-mObilization Point Sgt=Ops
(REMEMBER boss at command calls patrol Boro, HOWEVER Boss at mobilization point calls operations)**
213-11 Policing special events/crowd control
(Upon receiving information that a special event will be held at a location of public assembly)
MOS receiving information of event should notify ______________, HOWEVER
IF time is a factor then notify ____________ direct
Supv assigned to pre-event survey should confer with community affairs officer, event sponsor, operator of facility, and security coordinators.
Barriers configuration should not unreasonably restrict access to, and participation in the event
Attendees should be permitted to leave barriers at any time.
IF crowd conditions permit, participants should be permitted to leave and return to the same area.
Sufficient opening in the barricades should be maintained for the purpose of permitting attendees to leave expeditiously and return to event.
IF using mounted THEN ENSURE crowd has reasonable chance to disperse
(WHEN request to search is due to an established security perimeter or security checkpoint (transit bag checks, large scale events) UMOS are NOT required to make such request in a prescribed manner or provide contact card UNLESS REQUESTED!)
Incident commander
Operations direct
- 3* 213-12 Apprehension plan (activate when cop shot/multiple homicides)
UMOS should notify communications when 84. UMOS should request_______ and ______.
UMOS should ALWAYS RENDER AID FIRST THEN, apprehend, secure crime scene, transmit description w/ direction of flight.
Patrol supervisor should know to respond and call a level 1.
P/S should notify __________ (utilize telephone, if possible)
P/S should request _______ to coordinate search with them
P/S should coordinate search for perps and expand search pattern as necessary.
P/S should also assign cops to canvass license plates, record evidence recovery and ID of responders.
(Results of canvass will be delivered to ________ THROUGH the ____________)
The P/S should also stage EMS at/near scene to treat “minor injuries” of UMOS and civilian witnesses so that a detective or boss can DEBRIEF them.
P/S should obtain brief synopsis of incident from UMOS in scene, and retransmit description/direction of flight.
P/S should establish command post (always!)
P/S should establish firearms control, IF necessary!!!
P/S should establish press area, IF APPROPRIATE!
(ONLY TIME IN PG WHEN P/S establishes firearms control, IF NECESSARY!)
(Command Post will INITIALLY be established in a __________)
P/S should assign a UMOS to record the identities of responding MOS, as well as personnel from the Fire
Department, EMS, etc.
(Information will be delivered to the Command Post when established)
The __________ will request response of Det. Bureau duty captain
Duty captain Request PDS (coordinate search with them)
Responding detectives
TARU/Detective Command Post
SRG Command Post vehicle
Responding detectives
3 213-12 Apprehension plan (activate when cop shot/multiple homicides)
The desk officers has to notify ________and _________ and _________.
Desk officer must also notify ________________ EVEN if they’re off duty.
(No other duties for D.O)
Borough and operations and C.O
Predetermined personnel as per command plan even if they’re OFF DUTY
(P/S already notified DUTY captain, so D.O is notifying C.O!)
3 213-12 Apprehension plan
Inner perimeter is the crime scene and its immediate vicinity (includes areas which requires heavy vests)
Ideally the command post vehicles (SRG, TARU) should all be located together and approximately _______ from incident.
Outer perimeter depends on incident but ______ block area is considered reasonable.
In regards to outer perimeter, DONT let garbage cans get taken by sanitation, watch mailboxes, and escape routes.
Put cops at lobbies near crime scenes.
Cops on outer perimeter or in building should interview and possibly ID ppl leaving area.
If the DB duty captain releases the crime scene while it’s still dark out, call ESU back when the sun comes up to do a ‘day light search”
(IF crime scene is in one room of a private home the entire premises in considered a crime scene)
Have cops get license plate #’s, state, make, model, location, and take note of warm engines.
Approval from ________ is needed to release the crime scene
1 block!
4 block area
Det bureau duty captain
- 2* 213-13 Emergency plans A, B, C
- Emergency plans A, B, C can only be activated by ________ or higher
Plan A -
Plan B-
Plan C-
C.O Traffic division
Plan A (A-bonimable snowman)- hazardous road conditions due to snow/ice/freezing rain
Plan B (Bermuda hurricanes)-Dangerous street conditions due to hurricane/storm/flood
Plan C (cars) - Traffic congestions/heavy traffic
2 213-13 Emergency plans A, B, C
The desk officer, when emergency plans kick in, should notify __________ and other units in same building.
D.O should make assignments of personnel in accordance with prioritized traffic post list maintained at the desk for each emergency plan or as conditions warrant.
(During school hours give priority to school crossings.)
D.O assigns MOS to survey expressways to aid stranded motorists
The D.O should also direct dept property be safeguarded against adverse whether conditions.
D.O should direct personnel on patrol and special emergency plan assignment to submit reports of occurrences and action taken, including recommendations.
(Also assign personnel to strategic locations to PERIODICALLY report on prevalent conditions, if necessary)
D.O should Notify ______________ initially AND HOURLY.
(Notify ______ regarding traffic conditions, detours established, intersections and traffic junctions covered, serious incidents or conditions)
(Notify _______ IF additional manpower or equipment required)
D.O should also notify ____________ ONLY IF person in need of ___________ or ____________.
D.O should direct _____ to survey assigned areas and report observations.
(ALL P/S does is survey assigned areas and report observations as directed by D.O)
Patrol borough initially and hourly
Patrol boro
Patrol boro!
Operations ONLY IF persons in need of temporary shelter OR emergency transportation
2 213-13 Emergency plans A, B, C
UMOS should contact command for possible reassignment upon learning of the activation of Emergency Plan.
If UMOS is as assigned to traffic duty or school crossing IN EMERGENCY PLAN THEN ____________
UMOS should also visit construction sites and have them secure cranes, scaffolding.
UMOS should remove portable traffic equipment from roadways, if required.
UMOS should report unusual/hazardous conditions, serious traffic congestion, slippery grades, dangerous bridge conditions, conditions requiring attention of other agencies to _________.
For downed wires UMOS should notify _________ AND __________
Utility concerned AND ESU
3 213-16 Relocation of vehicles during special events
(Precinct C.O assigns a boss to coordinate the NO Parking detail.)
-The assigned supervisor (P/S) should have “no parking” signs posted AT LEAST ________ prior and the ________ should ensure removal after event is over.
(Missing or damaged signs are to be replaced by _______ on each subsequent tour and they should also ensure signs stay up by surveying affected area at beginning and EOT)
-The assigned supervisor (P/S) should have vehicle relocated from affected area (tow cars away) and the Assigned Supv should assign a UMOS TO ESCORT EACH TOW.
-Assigned Supv should ENSURE each relocated vehicle gets “notice of relocation sticker” to alert other NYPD personnel that vehicle was relocated as a result of police action
-Assigned supv should ENSURE tow operators have enough stickers.
(A vehicle bearing handicap plate or DOT special vehicle ID permit will be relocated as close as possible to its original spot. Every effort will be made to ensure vehicles relocated are parked legally. Vehicles will NOT be double parked, parked at hydrant, bus stop, or crosswalk!)
-UMOS should escort tow operator.
(Put “notice of relocation” sticker on car.)
(______prepares “vehicle relocation report” and give copy to assigned supv)
-The UMOS (cop) should verify all doors are locked.
-The assigned supervisor (P/S) should verify “vehicle location report” is legible and contains a full description of the vehicle and damages, if any.
-The assigned supervisor should fwd a copy of list of relocated vehicles to _____________ so that
UMOS may inquire via radio as to location of a relocated vehicle.
-The assigned supervisor has “vehicle relocation notice” signs posted after cars are moved in affected areas telling car owners to contact pct, and they stay up for ___________.
-Assigned supervisor confers with _________________ for critique.
-The assigned supv (P/S) should put relocated vehicles in ____________ VIA finest
“Vehicle location report” gets maintained on a clipboard behind desk for ________ then it’s DISCARDED .
2 days prior
Assigned supv
Patrol supervisors
UMOS(cop)prepares “vehicle location report”
Field command post
48 hours
Precinct CO
TOPIS(Tow pound information system) VIA finest
45 days
212-17 Notifications regarding traffic related activities
Whenever police operations, planned or unplanned, FOR A SCHEDULED EVENT may affect pedestrian or vehicular traffic then supv in charge should call __________ and tell them T/P/O, nature of operations, commands involved, supv in charge, scope of anticipated disruption and length of time of event.
Traffic management center
213-18 Citywide security alert levels
Alert level: Risk:
Green. (Go). "Low" Blue. (Buy). "Guarded" Yellow. (Your). "Elevated" Orange. (Own). "High" Red. (Radio). "Severe"
Green-“Low”-Low risk of terrorist
Blue-“Guarded”-General risk of terrorist
Yellow-“Elevated”-Significant risk of terrorist
Orange-“High”-High risk of terrorist
Red-“Severe”-Severe risk of terrorist
Trick to remembering is each first letter for risk corresponds to the first letter in their condition, except for Yellow, which is “Elevated”, and creates a Significant risk (spells out YES)
ONLY A _______ CAN ACTIVATE AN AMBER ALERT (The child must be 17 years old or younger, AND, Police must believe that the child is in imminent danger of serious bodily harm or death, either at the hands of another or due to proven mental or physical disability.)
ONLY A ________ CAN ACTIVATE A SILVER ALERT (Sixty five+, Alzheimer’s/similar, and in imminent danger of serious bodily harm/death)
ONLY A __________ CAN ACTIVATE AN APPREHENSION PLAN (When MOS is shot, or multiple ppl shot)
Captain or above from det bureau
Captain or above from det bureau
C.O traffic div. or higher