202 "Duties and Responsibilities" Flashcards
*5* 202-18 D.O (11/20/21)
D.O signs name and time in command log when assuming desk officer duties.
D.O enters the names of SGTS and LT’s (not captains) in command log as PFD at the start of their tours, the only exception is the _______ (Signs himself in to the command log)
D.O enter time, rank, name command of assignment, address, reason and authorizing supervisor for any uniformed member of the service reporting for duty or end of tour via “———-“.
D.O is responsible for all POLICE operations within command during tour.
D.O is required to check email frequently, as well as _________ and __________. (Record checks in command log, and ensure important/actionable info from emails is relayed to outgoing platoon)
D.O should visit all areas in command facility ________ each tour, and inspect command for display of offensive material.
D.O personally checks both male and female restrooms/locker rooms for any structural defects that would permit visual access, and takes immediate corrective action when circumstances dictate.
D.O should sign out in command log when leaving desk for ANY reason.( sign in upon return but first step “” when assuming desk duty”” NEW””
*When there is more than one P/S working on patrol one will relieve D.O for meal. Meal relief is not an emergency. P.O’s will NOT be assigned to desk!!*
No FIO but only “”crime analysis SGT and FIS sigh out command log””
“Outside wire”
Immediately after start of tour AND During 4th hour
At least once
*5* 202-18 Desk officer 11/20/21
D.O should supervise APO (arrest processing officer) and monitor arrest processing.
D.O should inspect the arrest processing area __________ and ascertain # of prisoners on hand and length of time in command
D.O should question A.O regarding circumstances of arrest.
D.O inspects property locker and all areas in command where invoiced property is being held at _______of tour(NEW).
Conduct “physical inventory” of property utilizing _________.
-operate and monitor radio
Enter results of inspection in command log by documenting the “physical inventory” # from PETS.
D.O makes a separate entry indicating any invoices stored within command in EXCESS of __________ , listing each ——— ——— ——- number and notifies the ___________ of the number of PCI’s stored, and expedite delivery of the invoiced property to its final storage location .
D.O safeguards key and invoiced property during tour.
30 days
Property Clerk Invoice
Operations coordinator
*5* 202-18Desk officer (IO 49)11/20/21
D.O record adjustments/posts changes to _______and _______as they occur.(NEW)
Also notify ______operator of all post change and notify _______ of reassignment of members returning from court or other details.(NEW)
DO conduct immediately investigation when member of the service is UNACCOUNTED for at start of their tour.(new)
DO query Medical Division Sick Reporting system at start of tour to determine which members assigned to command are on sick report and/or not on full duty status.(new)
Upon completion of roll call, D.O provides dispatcher with _____________ (sector assignments, neighborhood coordination officers, fixed posts, transit/housing posts, bike units, etc.) and special resources (house of worship car, truancy auto, etc.) as listed on the_________.
D.O should also notify ________ throughout tour as changes occur (resources have been reassigned or additional resources have been added etc) new
D.O should login to DAS AFTER dispatcher has updated the command’s resources into the ICAD system, and enter TAX ID #s, assignment, and their assigned vehicle info, if applicable!! If Device (AVL) is not working D.O should call ____________ and make___________ and inform ________ OF NOTIFICATION TO ITB
Desk Officer is required to prepare Daily Vehicle Assignment Sheet on each tour. Maintain Sheets for the CURRENT month on a clipboard behind the desk
(D.O should promptly post any messages which modify the “Uniform of the Day.”)
D.O notify _________ of reassignment of members returning from court or other details
Roll call and in the command log
TS and patrol supervisor
‘Rundown’ as listed on ROLL CALL
Communications dispatcher
Make telephone record entry and inform
P/S of notification to ITB
Patrol supervisor
*5* 202-18Desk officer 11/20/21
D.O must interview visitors entering command. And only allow these member to go behind desk when performing official duties:
Judicial officers
M.e (assistant)
Comptroller (assistant)
Corporation council (assistant)
D.a (assistant)
Non-local law enforcement agency personnel
*5* 202-18 Desk officer 11/20/21
The desk officer maintains the telephone dispatch log and SIGNS the telephone dispatch log AFTER ______ and ______
Must verify return roll call and supervises platoon sign out. Also supervises the performance of ______ (acronym) 5ppl, add 2 more person(NEW)
*The D.O also “VERIFIES” arrival and departure of COMMAND RECEPTIONIST BY SIGNING Personnel schedule and time sheet*
4th hour and EOT
Community guide
Command clerk
Attendant (police)
T/s operator
Patrol Wagon Operator
*5* 202-18Desk officer 11/20/21
DO inspect parking facilities & street/sidewalks around command to ensure NO Dept Vehicle or vehicle with restricted Parking Permits are parked illegally (obstructing bike lane/sidewalk,hydrant,bus stop) or have equipment violation (obstructed license plates).. Document inspection with CLE and take corrective action if necessary.
First platoon D.O extra responsibilities include:
Examines reports and processes summonses issued within the prior 24 hours, and VERIFIES daily vehicle assignment sheet.
Also record hourly rings for all UMOS performing duty between 0200-0700
*The daily vehicle assignment sheet is PREPARED on each tour by D.O, but verified only by 1st platoon D.O.
Maintain Sheets for the CURRENT month on a clipboard behind the desk*
*5* 202-18Desk officer11/20/21
D.O also requests ____________ to assign a patrol wagon operator if civilian operator is not available and/or qualified member is not available.
D.O must also NOT assign operator to any OUTSIDE DUTY w/o prior approval from _____________
(No outside DUTY? But inside DUTY is fine?!)
D.O should not deploy SNEU/Anti-crime/peddler WITHOUT a supervisor assigned directly and totally to their supervision.
D.O notify T.S operator of all post change.
D.O reports defective gas pumps to ___________
D.O prepare PRECINCT CONSOLIDATED TOUR REPORT on every tour and attach to the desk copy of the Roll Call.
Patrol borough
Borough court section
Fleet services division, fuel control
*5* 202-18Desk officer 11/20/21
D.O promptly (immediately) notify Intelligence Bureau’s Criminal Intelligence Section these major incidents _________
Assault (shot,stab,slash)
Lodi (serious injury to MOS)
Trap in vehicle
Burglary (arrest)
Invasion (home)
Gun (arrest)
Robbery (arrest)
Pattern crime (arrest)
Gang incident
Significant seizures (fireworks/drugs/money)
*5* 202-18D.O 11/20/21
D.O must write in his OWN handwriting in “interrupted patrol log” all members of platoon entering command for ANY reason.
D.O maintains interrupted patrol log under direct control at all times!
D.O reviews interrupted patrol log _____ (how often)
In regards to forms logs and reports the D.O is required to:
Telephone dispatch -_________
Telephone record-__________
Consolidated tour report-__________
Vehicle assignment sheet-________
Prisoner roster-___________
Summons book- ___________
Bail and personal recog- _________
Telephone dispatch - Sign 4th hour and EOT
Telephone record- Maintain
Paychecks- Supervise distribution of
Consolidated tour report- Prepare every tour attach to desk copy of RC
Vehicle assignment sheet-Prepared each tour. Maintained on a clipboard behind desk for CURRENT month.
Prisoner roster- Supervise entries made on
Summons book- Supervise issuance of
Bail and personal recog- Process application for
*5* 202-18D.O 11/20/21
D.O safeguards and distributes portable radios giving priority to members assignment. D.O checks on repair, availability and distribution of field equipment (portable radios)
In regards to important matters the D.O NOTIFIES _______
In regards to trends observed or other important matters the D.O CONFERS with ___________(3 ppl)
The D.O can make required notifications to MOS assigned to command OR RESIDING IN COMMAND
The D.O accepts service of civil process and notifies members of command ONLY IF COP IS STILL WORKING IN COMMAND and only in absence of ___________
DO directly supervise APO, in conjunction with _________, and monitor arrest processing.(NEW)
OPERATIONS coordinator
Operations Coordinator (NEW)
*5* 202-18D.O 11/20/21
The D.O inspects all areas containing department computer systems at least __________ and ENSURES that all systems are being used within department guidelines. The D.O reports misuse or damage to _______ and ______ and records results in _______ (219-14)
(D.O inspects arrest processing area PERIODICALLY and ascertains # of prisoners on hand and length of time in command!)
D.O also makes required entries on roll call adjustment sheet and corresponding changes on DESK copy of roll call PRIOR to start of incoming platoon. (Makes sense, roll call adjustment shows who’s calling in sick for next platoon, so D.O makes required entries PRIOR to the start of incoming platoon)
Once each tour
C.O and ICO
Command log
*5* 202-18D.O11/20/21
Prior to being relieved at EOT D.O should make command log entry with: (acronym)
Missing requiring follow up
Other pertinent info
Shots fired jobs(confirmed)L&T
Complaints/PAR/TRI pending sign off
Hospitalized prisoner
Injury to MOS(identity,location,condition)
Eighty five/13’s called
Fix post requiring relief
*5* 202-19Patrol supervisor (11/20/21)
P/S signs return roll call at EOT. (D.O signs out in command log)
P/S supervises all Police “FIELD” Operations in your command.
“” platoon commander responsible for COMMAND OPERATION “”
Utilize Neighborhood Policing Application to assist in supervising and conducting neighborhood policing functions, as applicable.
(New) P/S should conduct roll call,five minutes after start of tour.
P/S conducts investigation and submits reports on injuries to MOS OR Damage to dept property.
Ensure steady Sector Officers, NCO,NCO SGT ARE NOT utilized as backfill for other precinct assignments ( shooting post, prisoner transport, hospital post, Patrol Supervisor,D.O). (9/21/20)
P/S evaluates driving habits and abilities of members of platoon and takes corrective action as necessary.
P/S uses AVL feature in DAS to monitor location of RMP units during the tour to enhance safety of MOS and to ensure proper delivery of police services.
P/S notify __________(09/21/20) if AVL is not functioning .
P/S must also know NOT to put RMP out of service OR DO NOT remove Dept vehicle from service for inoperable AVL without permission from _____ or _______
The P/S checks MDTs FREQUENTLY and reports misuse or damage to ________ and ________ and records notification in ____ (219-14)
P/S should immediately respond to and direct activities at radio runs involving ________ (acronym)
Make appropriate digital Activity Log entries.
IAB or Fleet service division
C.O and ICO
Serious crimes
*5* 202-19Patrol supervisor 11/20/21
_____________ will visit various locations within command at different times to ascertain that UMOS are performing duties.
P/S should visit P.O’s assigned to foot and radio motor patrol(RMP) at FREQUENTLY and IRREGULAR intervals and indicate visit by listing _________ (3 things) in his own DIGITAL A/L for P.O’s visited.
P/S should visit hospital and special posts at least _____ each tour.
P/S must notify _____ of meal location and relieve LT Platoon Commander or D.O for meal, when designated. (New)
P/S reports derelictions of duty to ______.
P/S submit to ________ in writing recommendations for special assignment, detective designation or change in assignment for members under supervision.
First platoon P/S
*5* 202-19Patrol supervisor 11/20/21
P/s must inform current matters to ______ OR ______
Must inform trends observed/mutual importance to _________(acronym)
Review and sign Officer Profile Report of POs/ detective specialist, monthly , make required entries & deliver to platoon commander for review by__________for the previous month.
D.O or Platoon commander
Executive officer (XO)
Operations coordinator
Platoon commander
Desk officer
NCO SGT (new)
5th day
*5* 202-19Patrol supervisor 11/20/21
P/S reports vandalism in RMP’s to ___________
P/S must inform current matters to ________ or ________
For serious deficiencies in RMP
P/S tells ________ or in absence _____
For improper use or defects the P/S ____________
For UMOS assigned to scooter duty, P/S should direct them to report to _________ or __________ for reassignment when whether road conditions makes operation dangerous.
D.O or Platoon commander
Platoon commander, in absence of tell CO
Takes appropriate action
D.O or platoon commander
*4* 202-21Training Sgt(11/20/21)
If assigned to a patrol precinct,transit district, PSA, perform only training related duty as directed by the ________.
All other command directed by their CO.
Perform duty in uniform unless otherwise authorized by CO command level training section.
Report to the DO at the start of tour for entry in the Command Log as PFD.
—Training SGT in commands without a DO will sign in as directed by CO.
—Training SGT reporting to the PA or other external training sites will report for duty in uniform,business attire or civilian clothes as directed by Training Bureau.
Training sgt MAINTAINS _________
Training SGT conduct roll call training regularly, not to exceed ———, for all three platoon.
Training SGT assigned to commands that do not have conduct roll call, should schedule regular training session at the direction of the C.O
Attend the monthly police academy command level training program conference and other training seminars. If training SGT can’t attend, CO will assign an appropriate alternate trainer.
Training SGT frequently confer w/co&xo,member of the community,command uniformed and civilian supervisors and training bureau to identify training needs.
Attend community meetings direction of the ———-
Keep abreast of occurrence and current events within command , as well as ——- and ——, to aid the CO in identifying issues that may be resolved through training.
The borough/bureau training coordinators will inspect———-to ensure members are receiving required command level training.
Make training bureau lesson plans available and accessible to supervisors in the command for training when unavailable due to vacation, sick, ECT.
Members assigned as training SGT in patrol commands should not regularly be utilized to fill any other————- position. C.O should consider the important of command level training and the fact that these members must act as instructors in the police academy on a Quarterly basis, when approving alternate assignments.
———- review body worn camera video as appropriate, to provide positive feedback and address any performance or tactical deficiencies observed.
Training SGT do monthly BWC inspection report to Compliance Div’s BWC unit by ________of each month.
CO command level training section.
25 Minutes
Borough and citywide