221 "Tactical operations" Flashcards
5 221-01 Force Guidelines
MOS primary duty is to protect human life, including individuals in police custody.
The application of force must be consistent with existing law AND with NYC PD polices, even when dept policy is more restrictive than state/federal law!
Use only ________ necessary to gain control or custody of subject. (NOT MINIMUM)
Unreasonable force IS excessive force.
Excessive force (Unreasonable force) will result in discipline up to and including dismissal.
(The _________ will determine if force is excessive)
When appropriate and consistent with personal safety use DE-ESCALATION techniques to gain voluntary compliance. (NOT A MUST)
The goal is voluntary compliance.
Call boss, or additional, like ESU OR HNT.
Deadly physical force can only be used to protect MOS and/or the public from IMMINENT _______ or _______
Failure to intervene in the use of excessive force, or failure to report it, or failure to request and ENSURE timely medical treatment for an individual is serious misconduct that may result in criminal and civil liability and will result in department discipline, up to and including dismissal. If aware of any of the above MOS MUST report it to _________.
Reasonableness of use of force based on the totality of circumstances known by MOS at the time. The dept examines the reasonableness of force viewed from a member with similar training and experience placed into the same circumstances as the incident under investigation.
Reasonable force
SPI or Death
IAB (May be ANONYMOUS, in which case revive a CIN#)
5 221-01 Force Guidelines
-Don’t fire warning shots (absolute)
- Don’t shoot in defense of property (absolute)
- Don’t shoot when (in the professional judgement of a reasonable MOS) doing so will UNNECESSARILY endanger innocent ppl
- Don’t cock a firearm (Firearms must be fired double action AT ALL TIMES)
- Don’t shoot at a dog OR OTHER ANIMAL except to __________ AND ___________ OR other reasonable means to eliminate threat.
- Don’t shoot at a fleeing felon who presents NO THREAT OF _________ or _______ TO ANYONE.
- Don’t shoot AT OR FROM a moving car UNLESS ______________.
- Don’t discharge firearm to summons assistance EXCEPT in emergency situations when someone’s personal safety is endangered (including yourself) AND no other reasonable means to obtain assistance is available.
(Decision to draw firearm should be based on ARTICULABLE BELIEF (not reasonable suspicion) that potential for ______ is present, once you determine potential for SPI is no longer present, holster as soon as practicable)
-No choke holds (absolute)
- Don’t use force to punish, retaliate, or coerce subject to make statements
- Don’t use force on handcuffed subject UNLESS if necessary to __________ (4things)
- Don’t use force to prevent swallowing of alleged controlled/other substance.
- Dont Hog-tie or transport face down.
** The use of force review board may find under exigent OR exceptional circumstances violations of prohibited action may have been justified and within guidelines.
MOS subject to investigation, discipline, civil action, or CCRB may submit a request to _______ who will make final decision**
Protect anyone from PI
No opportunity to retreat or other reasonable means to eliminate threat
Perp is using DPF (Other than CAR)
- Prevent Injury
- Prevent escape
- Overcome physical resistance
- Overcome assault
UFRB (Use of force review board)
5 221-02 Use of force
(When an MOS must gain compliance, control or custody of an uncooperative subject)
Passive Resistance- __________
Active Resisting- ________
Active Aggression- _________
UMOS should take necessary action to protect life and personal safety of all persons (NOT PROPERTY) present (Including subjects being placed in to custody)
UMOS should utilize de-escalation techniques when appropriate and consistent with personal safety. Isolate and contain, if appropriate.
Immediately request a Supv to respond.
Also request ESU, or additional units, as appropriate.
Supv on scene should assume command, and coordinate de-escalation if appropriate, and SUPV should direct tactics to minimize possibility of injury to MOS, subject and bystanders
If de-escalation fails, and if appropriate AND consistent with officer safety,
UMOS/Supv (Cop or Supv) should FIRST ADVISE PERP they’ll be charged with additional offense “resisting arrest” (THIS IS A JOKE!!)
Then (Cop or Supv) should devise a tactical plan to restrain subject. And finally advise the offender that physical force or other devices (OC, baton, etc) will be used to handcuff/restrain him before applying such force, if appropriate.
UMOS should rear cuff WHEN PRACTICAL. May front cuff initially, if that’s safer, then rear cuff when practical.
If difficulty rear cuffing UMOS should use ____________ OR ___________ to immobilize legs of a subject.
When any level of forced is used, UMOS should inquire if medical attention is needed and document response in A/L
UMOS should ENSURE PROPER medical attention if subject ill/injured
UMOS should ENSURE IMMEDIATE medical attention if ____________ or _________
(Ensure subject receives immediate medical attention and provide first aid, IF appropriate and properly trained-not absolute)
UMOS should notify ________ regarding type of forced used, reason force used, and injury to any person and document use of force in ________
Passive Resistance- Failing to comply with lawful command, standing motionless, going limp.
Active Resisting- Physically evasive movements to defeat a MOS attempt at control (running away) Bracing, tensing, pushing, verbally signaling intention to avoid or prevent being taken in custody.
Active Aggression- Threat OR overt act of an assault (physical OR verbal) COUPLED W/ the present ability to carry out the threat or assault which reasonably indicates that an assault/injury to any person is imminent
Dept issued leg restraints
Velcro straps
Difficulty breathing
Potentially life threatening symptoms/injuries
Immediate Supv
5 221-03 Investigation of Use Of Force
FORCE DEFINITIONS: Level 1- \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (5) Level 2-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(3) Level 3-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_(1)
TRI incident worksheet report is made whenever there is physical injury/death to anyone (civilian, non member) as result of police action. This dept form will be used to record all instances when:
-Force used against MOS, injuries or not OR
-Any level of force used by MOS, injuries or not OR
-Any level of force alleged/suspected, injuries or not
(So if someone comes in to the SH claiming we hit him and he has no injuries we still have to prepare a TRI!)
-Discharge (INCLUDING ACCIDENTALS) of OC, CEW, gun, injuries or not (including FIRING AT ANIMALS) OR
-If a prisoner attempts or commits suicide
-Subject or any non-member sustains a PI or dies while in police custody
(IF one incident contains multiple members using varying levels of force, the investigating supv responsible for the highest level of force used will conduct the entire investigation!)
However each involved MOS makes their own separate TRI, and each subject gets their own TRI.
(Each combination of cop and perp gets a TRI)
So, if two cops use OC on 3 perps then make _________ all with same number
Or, if 2 cops assaulted and 2 additional cops use force to make the arrest on one perp then make ______ TRI’s. ALL WITH SAME NUMBER.
However if 2 cops use OC or any type of force on 1 perp and those same 2 cops get injured in the process then make _______ because the fact that an officer was injured/assaulted during the same incident would be documented on the same TRI as the one documenting the force the officers used.
- Hand/foot strike
- Forcible take down/wrestling subject to ground
- Use of mesh restraining blanket (NOT VELCRO STRAPS/poly carbonate shield)
- Use of OC spray
- Use of CEW in “cartridge mode”
- Intentionally strike with an object
- K9 Bite
- CEW in “drive stun mode”
-Use of physical force readily capable of causing DOA/SPI (discharge firearm)
6 TRI’s
4 TRI’s
2 TRI’s
5 221-03 Investigation of Use Of Force
PHYSICAL INJURY (level 1) is:
-Minor swelling, contusion, laceration (NO sutures), abrasion OR
-Complaint of substantial pain OR
-Allegation of excessive force WITH NO INJURY.
In regards to a physical injury (level 1) the investigating supv will be __________.
However for use of CEW in “cartridge mode” the investigating Supv MUST be ________
(Only in ESU can a ________ be the Investigating Supv for CEW discharge)
SUBSTANTIAL PHYSICAL INJURY/ILNESS(level 2) is: -Any injury or condition that resulted from police contact/action requiring treatment at __________. (Including laceration that needs sutures or attempted suicide (NO SPI))
-Or alleged/suspected excessive force (resulting in PI or substantial PI) OR
-OR substantial physical injury. (K9 bite, intentionally striking with object, CEW Drive stun)
(In regards to treatment at hospital emergency room pre-existing condition does NOT count/Washing eyes out from being pepper sprayed also does NOT count).
In this case the ___________ must respond, and will investigate. (However they may be superseded by ____ or ____)
(C.O/X.O/Duty captain MAY utilize Boro investigations unit to assist with the investigation, when appropriate!!)
- Broken bone, heart attack, stroke, or any injury requiring __________ OR
- Attempted suicide by prisoner (RESULTING IN SPI) OR
- Alleged/suspected excessive force (resulting in SPI) then ___________ must respond, and will investigate. (However they may be superseded by _____)
ALL UMOS FIREARM DISCHARGE OR any incident where subject is SILD/DOA (Level 4) __________ must respond, and will investigate, whether while in/prior to custody or apprehension. However they can investigate any incident as deemed appropriate by __________
Any questions on force incident call ________
The Risk Management Bureau is responsible for analyzing all reported incidents to
identify any trends or risk indicators and submit a quarterly and annual report to the
Police Commissioner.
-Physical injury-Level 1
(Alleged excessive force-No injury)
-Substantial physical injury-Level 2
(Alleged/suspected excessive force-PI/Substantial PI)
-Serious physical injury- Level 3
(Alleged/suspected excessive force-SPI)
-UMOS firearm discharge/SILD/DOA- Level 4
Immediate Supv
LT or above
C.O/X.O/Duty captain
FID (force investigation div)
First dep. commissioner.
IAB command center and ask for SUPV!!!
5 221-03 Investigation of Use Of Force
-UMOS should notify _________ of type of force used, reason, and if injury to person involved.
-UMOS should document use of force in ________, and ALSO do part___ of TRI Incident Worksheet.
(Get immediate medical attention for any injured ppl)
-Immediate Supv should review facts/circumstances, and direct MOS involved to complete part A of TRI, however the immediate supv should know to complete part A of TRI himself when __________ or ___________ or _______.
-Immediate Supv should question SUBJECT regarding possible injuries and ENSURE they get medical attention.
(221-02 UMOS should inquire if medical attention is needed and document response in A/L)
-Immediate supv should also question involved member regarding reason for using force and type of force used.
-Also IMMEDIATE SUPV should take photos (MOS and Subject) of visible injuries that are relative to incident OR of location where injury is claimed but not visible. Photos should be taken in a manner to maintain privacy, when appropriate.
(Remember for CEW discharges or drive stun the UMOS cop takes photos!)
- Immediate Supv should also interview witnesses, and make A/L entry of details of incident using TRI #.
- Immediate Supv should ALWAY NOTIFY _________ of level of force used and type of injury.
- The __________ makes determination as to whether force was within guidelines or whether further investigation is necessary, and the ______ determines if force was excessive!
- Immediate Supv should do ________ of TRI and STAPLE ALL TRI worksheets together and fwd to _______ for entry in to app by _______
- Command clerk will enter details of TRI incident worksheets into FORMS-TRI app using scan feature, and enter the FORMS generated incident number in each worksheet and assessment report.
-Immediate Supv should then upload photos in to TRI app. AFTER TRI worksheet is entered in to FORMS by command clerk
(So immediate supv takes photos himself and uploads them as well)
(Regardless of who is the investigating supv the IMMEDIATE SUPV will always prepare part B of TRI incident worksheet.)
^^^Exception is CEW discharge by a UMOS (cop), a LT or above will do part B of the TRI^^^
^^^(AND just remember it’s IMMEDIATE SUPV, so if P/S uses force then the immediate supv (platoon commander) would be doing all these steps)^^^
Immediate Supv
MOS incapacitated OR
Perp alleges force but MOS denies it OR
No MOS can be ID’ed.
Immediate supv makes determination
Investigating supv
Part B
Command clerk
5 221-03 Investigation of Use Of Force
-Investigating supv also interviews subjects and witnesses and involved member
(^Immediate supv also takes these steps)^
-The INVESTIGATING (not immediate) Supv should conduct investigation of reported incident
-Investigating supv should retrieve video of incident and voucher as “investigatory”, if unable to retrieve w/o risk of corruption then notify _____________ to assist.
-The D.O pct of occ. should make __________ w/ TRI #.
If prisoner: (ANY LEVEL 2/LEVEL 3 INJURY)
-Sustained any serious injury (broken/fractured bone, injury requiring hospital admission, gunshot wound, heart attack stroke) OR
-Substantial injury(significant contusion, laceration requiring sutures, requires treatment at emergency room) OR
-Suspicion of excessive force OR
-Allegation of excessive force AND any injury
THEN THE D.O SHOULD NOTIFY _______ and _______ and ________(for any level 2 or 3 injury)
(If perp commits suicide follow 221-05)
- The D.O should file all TRIs and assessments, if completed, at command.
- The D.O also signs off on TRI’s (NOT ASSESSMENTS) ________(when?)
- Alleged excessive force with PI then _______ investigates?
- Suspected excessive force with SPI then ________ investigates?
- Alleged excessive force with no injury then ______ investigates?
- Suspected excessive force with substantial physical injury then ______ investigates?
Remember (Regardless of who is the investigating supv the immediate supv will always prepare part B of TRI)
^^^Exception is CEW discharge by a UMOS (cop), a LT or above will do part B of the TRI^^^
Boro investigations unit
CLE w/ TRI #.
Boro, Operations, IAB (BOI)-Get log #
Prior to EOT
- C.O/X.O/Duty captain
- Immediate supv
- C.O/X.O/Duty captain
- 3* 221-04 Firearms discharge by UMOS
- When a UMOS discharges a firearm, on or off duty, OUTSIDE NYC, then UMOS should report it promptly to __________ and __________ either personally or by responsible messenger.
- When a UMOS discharges a firearm, on or off duty, inside NYC, he should request __________ and __________, RENDER AID, and Safeguard scene.
-The P/S should establish crime scene.
-The P/S should secure and inspect firearms of MOS involved for evidence of recent discharge.
(IF INJURY, FID will direct you (P/S) to secure all weapons that were discharged and FID transports the guns to FAS.)
-The P/S should notify the _________ and request the immediate response of _______ THROUGH THE ________
(221-04 Firearms discharge by UMOS is the only time P/S requests PDS through the D.O!!)
-The P/S should direct seriously injured MOS to be transported to ___________
-The P/S should direct members sustaining minor injuries to be transported to __________ AFTER CONFERRING WITH _________, if available.
^(Remember P/S MUST confer w/ C.O/Duty captain prior to directing members sustaining “minor injuries” be transported to nearest hospital!)^
- The D.O (WITHOUT WAITING FOR FURTHER DETAILS) should notify ____________(5 ppl)
- D.O should also ENSURE ______ is responding directly to hospital.
(Until arrival of an FID investigator, the highest ranking member of the Detective Bureau will be in command of the investigation)
- (UMOS involved in such incidents (firearms discharges) will not be returned to permanent command without prior approval of the _________)*
- If a person is killed as a result of police action, UMOS involved WILL NOT be assigned to ID the body at the morgue* (Vuoso ‘s shooting)
(Authorized training, lawful hunting, target practice ARE NOT considered discharges (for this procedure)
HOWEVER unintentional discharge into firearm safety station at NYPD facility, health/hospital Corp, OR corrections gets a 49 from MOS C.O to PA FTS. (Not considered discharge and no trip to tactics review session))
Local PD AND Operations
Ambulance and P/S
Nearest TRAUMA center
C.O/Duty captain (If available)
C.O/XO, Ops, PDS, Boro, IAB (COP-BI)
(No duty captain, because you want someone from the inside investigating a firearms discharge in your Pct)
A Supv!
First Deputy Commissioner.
3 221-23 Alcohol testing for UMOS involved in firearm discharges (ON OR OFF DUTY) resulting in injury or death of a person
(Remember it MUST result in injury or death and it can be ON OR OFF DUTY!)
- UMOS should request P/S
- ___ should notify __________ immediately
- P/S should request response of ___________ (4ppl)
- It is prudent not to ingest alcohol up to _____ prior to the start of tour. Under covers who must consume alcohol due to the nature of their operation are not allowed to have more than ______, ABSENT EXIGENT, during tour.
- P/S notifying operations is rare!!*
P/S should notify Operations!!
PSB Duty inspector
Duty Captain
IA duty captain+ IA personnel
4 hours
2 beverages
3 221-05 Person DOA/SILD in connection with a police activity
This procedure is used when perp is in custody or immediately prior to custody, and commits suicide, or overdoses, has a heart attack, or asthma attack, or prior to custody is involved in 53 and dies while eluding police, or falls from building and dies while eluding police
(When a person dies or is SILD while in police custody or immediately prior to police custody)
- UMOS should obtain medical attention for injured person
- UMOS should safeguard POSSIBLE crime scene, and immediately request response of the __________ and tell him of force used, reason used, and any injuries.
- UMOS (cop!) should (if person dies), make every attempt to shield the body from public view, if feasible, and if it will not harm the integrity of the crime scene.
- The P/S should notify ________
- P/S should ESTABLISH crime scene.
-The D.O should notify ____________(5ppl)
**(D.O notifies COP-BI any time FID MUST investigate!-ALL firearm discharges OR person DOA/SILD in connection w/ police activity) **
(But remember for all Level 2 or Level 3 injuries D.O only notifies (BOI) boro, operations, IAB)
(The _______ is responsible for all investigations when a person dies OR is likely to die OR is injured by our firearms while in police custody or immediately prior to police custody)
(When, in the course of an investigation (i.e., investigate DOA), a member of the Detective
Bureau becomes aware that a death or serious injury was or may have been in connection with a police action, the Pct/PSA/TD C.O/duty captain, IAB, and FID will immediately be notified)
P/S pct of occ.
D.O pct of occ.
C.O/XO, Ops, PDS, Boro, IAB (COP-BI)
(No duty captain, because you want someone from the inside investigating a suicide or DOA in your Pct…. Same notifications D.O makes in 221-04 firearms discharge by MOS)
3 221-06 MOS subject to force while performing lawful duty ON OR OFF DUTY
* This procedure is when (on or off duty) force is used AGAINST MOS while performing lawful duty. Includes physical harassment, reckless endangerment, menacing, shots fired at MOS, throwing items at MOS (whether it caused injury or not)*
-MOS should take appropriate action, apprehend perps, get medical attention for any injured, request response of immediate supv and make appropriate A/L entry.
- The immediate Supv should conduct prelim. investigation and notify _____.
- If member seriously injured or DOA then the immediate Supv should request D.O to notify __________ to respond, HOWEVER IN THEIR ABSENCE THE D.O will notify __________ to respond.
(IF ANY OUTSTANDING SUSPECTS, or further investigation is required then immediate Supv should notify ______ to respond and investigate.)
(Remember 221-04 Firearms discharge by UMOS -The P/S should notify the D.O and request the immediate response of PDS THROUGH THE D.O
If MOS is subject to force ON or OFF DUTY (including shots fired at them) IMMEDIATE SUPV notifies PDS direct IF any outstanding suspects!
- Immediate Supv should have MOS do PT A of TRI (unless incapacitated then Immediate Supv does it). Immediate Supv should do PT B. Make A/L entry
- Immediate Supv should ENSURE LOD report is completed by designated supv
- Immediate Supv should STAPLE all TRIs together and forward to command clerk for entry into app
(REMEMBER for “investigations of use of force” the immediate Supv fwds TRI to D.O, and D.O fwds to clerk, but when MOS “subject to force while performing lawful duty” then the immediate Supv fwds TRI direct to command clerk)
C.O/X.O Patrol Boro (for duty captain)
- 3* 221-06 MOS subject to force while performing lawful duty
- The D.O should ENSURE A/O charges assault, resisting, OGA, when appropriate.
(HOWEVER the ________ should ENSURE 61 is prepared and additional charge is added on OLBS worksheet)
(If assault charged then the D.O should request _______ to enhance arrest, interview subjects, and canvas for video and witnesses)
*(PDS SUPV then ENSURES detective squad members are enhancing arrests, interviewing subjects and canvassing for video!)
^(So when MOS is subject to force PDS canvasses for video)^
-The ____ should ENSURE criminal history check is done for every perp charged with resisting, assault 2 (sub3), or assault on a P.O, EMS, etc.
(If arrested for above 3 crimes, ___ or more times in the past ___ years then they’re considered a “resisting recidivist”)
-If member is SI or removed to hospital for medical treatment the D.O should notify ________(3 ppl) WITHOUT waiting for further details
(This is written strange but “step 20” states if MOS is removed to hospital, seriously injured or dies then D.O should notify ______ only!)
(HOWEVER, if ADA refuses to charge as determined by the investigation then the D.O should notify __________)
(Important thing to remember about this procedure is when MOS is subject to force while performing lawful duty, whether MOS is SI or dies there is NO notification to IAB!!! Think about it, IAB doesn’t care if MOS is injured, they only care when MOS injures someone else!)
Immediate Supv
2 or more times in past 5 years
C.O/Duty captain, Operations, Boro
Duty captain
C.O/X.O/Duty captain
4 221-07 Use of OC Pepper spray
When on duty in uniform, carry OC in its holster, attached to non-shooting side of gun belt. MAY carry off duty.
Plainclothes enforcement WILL carry.
Undercover members may opt not to carry the O.C. pepper spray
Pepper spray can be used when UMOS believes it is necessary to:
- Gain/Maintain control of persons who are actively resisting, or exhibiting active aggression
- Prevent individuals from physically injuring themselves
- Establish physical control of a subject attempting to flee from arrest or custody
- Establish physical control of EDP
- Control a dangerous animal by deterring an attack to prevent injuries to ppl/animals.
- (So OC spray can be used on EDP’s, animals, and to prevent ppl from injuring themselves)*
It carries 10 one second bursts, replace it when_______________.
Advise offender that O.C will be used to handcuff/restrain BEFORE applying such force, if feasible.
UMOS should discharge ___squirts (1 second burst) from minimum of _______ away
We can use O.C at animal to deter an attack, or to prevent injury to person OR ANIMAL PRESENT
NEVER USE O.C ON _____________.
AVOID using OC on young child, pregnant woman, person w/ respiratory condition or in frail health. AVOID using in small contained area like cars and closets.
AVOID using in large area for crowd control. (Unless trained and directed by Supv)
(DOES NOT mention anything regarding using OC on rear cuffed prisoner…?!)
Half empty (5 one second bursts)
2 squirts (1 second burst) 3 feet away (MINIMUM)
Those who passively resisting arrest
- 4* 221-07 Use of OC Pepper spray
- UMOS should arrest and charge with crime which initiated use of OC and add RESISTING ARREST, when appropriate OR release perp if it’s determined no crime committed OR EDP THEM. (If appropriate)
-Pepper spray does not dissipate for ______ so do not touch or rub the skin of a contaminated person!
-DO NOT use creams, ointments, commercial eye washes or bandages
-Remove the subject from the contaminated area and expose to fresh air while awaiting the arrival of EMS, or transportation to hospital/SH, IF TACTICALLY FEASIBLE (not absolute)
-Request EMS when situation appropriate, and flush with profuse amounts of water IF consistent with your safety AND water is readily available.
(Repeat flushing at short intervals, if necessary, until symptoms of distress reside)
(However if at SH then MUST flush contaminated skin with water)
- Transport immediately to ____________ IF they demonstrate difficultly breathing, severe stress, hyperventilation. (KEEP WINDOWS OF TRANSPORT VEHICLE OPEN)
- If wearing contact lenses it is strongly recommended to be removed to hospital ASAP.
- Position on side or sitting to promote free breathing (NEVER FACE DOWN!!)
(So we can transport them to hospital or SH)
-UMOS should notify _______ of O.C spray use.
In arrest situation, when OC used, UMOS should prepare ______ and __________.
- In non arrest situation prepare ________ and check box “O.C spray used” and enter time, docs name, and diagnoses in “details”
- D.O should ensure prisoners who have been sprayed with O.C. pepper spray receive appropriate first aid, if needed, upon arrival at SH
- D.O should ensure prisoners who have been sprayed with O.C. pepper spray are properly observed throughout the arrest process, and that they receive prompt medical attention if they need or request it.
- D.O should make ______stating whether the prisoner has had his/her SKIN flushed with water, been examined by EMS, or been transported to the hospital.
(O.C pepper spray will not automatically stop all subjects, and even when it does incapacitate, the effects are temporary. Members should therefore be ready to use other appropriate force options and tactics)
15-30 min
Emergency room of NEAREST hospital
Immediate Supv
OLBS and Medical treatment of prisoner
5 221-08 Use CEW (Conducted electrical weapon)
A CEW can be an effective means of subduing aggressive suspects and EDP’s.
All supervisors on patrol carry CEW, if available, in authorized holster, on non-shooting side of gun belt (Just like OC), when in uniform.
ENSURE a secondary authorized cartridge is in the pouch on the holster.
Patrol in plainclothes should have CEW ‘available for use’
Upon activating switch safety up, laser comes on, LED lights comes on, display gives a 5 sec show of % of battery life.
AS A WARNING, you MAY put the laser dot on subject OR take cartridge out and pull trigger to show the visible and audible arcing of electricity. With these warnings when feasible issue a verbal warning, consistent with personal safety.
Drive stun mode is WHEN front electrodes OR expanded cartridge are brought in close proximity with subject. Drive stun may be used to supplement effectiveness of a close probe spread (3 point contact) DRIVE STUN IS ONLY BE USED IN EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES AND NOT AS PRIMARY METHOD OF USE.
The D.O should make ______ at start of tour including CEWs and cartridges-including CEW serial #.
If any CEWS are found to be inoperable/defective the D.O should notify ______.
The D.O should assign CEW at start of each tour in priority order as follows:
- __________
- _________
- _________
D.O then enters members (Rank, Name, SHIELD AND TAX) assigned CEW in _________ and _______ (put ______ next to their name)
(D.O makes CLE twice, once for accounting of CEW’s and once for assignment of CEW’s)
- Maintained at desk
- Each uniform and plainclothes SUPV
- Authorized MOS (FTO then NCO)
Command log AND Roll call
5 221-08 Use CEW (Conducted electrical weapon)
Authorized UMOS carry only when trained by ________
Plainclothes carry in holster approved by _______________
ESU CEW holster approved by __________________
(Only CEW’s authorized by _________ will be carried by MOS)
Authorized UMOS should do mandatory spark test prior to start of tour to ensure operability.
Each test/accidental discharge must be recorded in _______ and _______ because the initial memory chip documents every date, time, temp, duration, remaining battery strength of last 2000 discharges.
If it doesn’t operate after replacing battery, and requires repair/replacement then authorized UMOS should inform _____ or ______and make A/L entry including results of inspection, serial number of CEW, name of D.O or Immediate Supv notified
(Cop has inoperable taser notifies D.O/Immediate supv but if D.O has inoperable taser he notifies C.O)
Return CEW to ______ at EOT
A/L and Command Log (and other appropriate dept. record)
D.O or Immediate supv
- 5* 221-08 Use CEW (Conducted electrical weapon)
- CEW is only to be used against those actively physically resisting OR physically aggressive OR to prevent individuals from physically injuring themselves or others.
-Flight SHOULD NOT be sole justification.
(Members should consider the severity of the offense, the subject’s threat level to others, and the
risk of serious injury to the subject before deciding to use a CEW on a fleeing subject)
-DO NOT INTENTIONALLY discharge two CEW simultaneously on a subject.
(Any subsequent applications of CEW should be independently justifiable, and this risks should be weighed against other force options)
-When practical, the first recommended point of aim is ___________
(If frontal discharge then recommended point of aim is ________)
-Use for one standard cycle which is ____ seconds while constantly assessing the situation to determine if subsequent cycles are necessary
Exposure of CEW for longer than ___ seconds (whether due to multiple applications or continuous cycling) may increase risk of death or serious injury
- Should NEVER be used on a REAR cuffed prisoner or those who passively resist or as a form of coercion/punishment (absolute!)
- Should NOT be used when combustible gasses or flammable liquids are present.
- Should generally not be used on children, elderly, obviously pregnant and the frail (not absolute)
- Should also generally NOT be used if person on vehicle, motorcycle, skateboard, or standing in heights where he could fall. (Not absolute)
Back, below neck
Lower center mass, below chest
5 seconds
15 seconds
5 221-08 Use CEW (Conducted electrical weapon)
After you discharge CEW either arrest OR release perp if it’s determined no crime committed OR EDP them. (Same as OC spray!)
Render aid (if necessary) and request FDNY EMS.
UMOS should break wire ______ from dart.
Darts get out in “sharps” container by medical personnel AND cartridge gets vouchered.
(However IF YOU MISS, darts go in “sharps” container but doesn’t have to be done by EMS and cartridge DOES NOT get vouchered)
Notify _______ of any discharge or drive stun.
(So if P/S discharges CEW or drive stuns, then he must notify LT platoon commander)
Immediate Supv should notify ______ and assign MOS to ride in body of ambulance
Immediate Supv should direct MOS to take pics of points of contact on subjects body resulting from CEW darts or drive stun mode.
Assigned UMOS should inform hospital staff CEW was used and put name of person notified in _________.
Assigned MOS should take pics of points of contact in all possible PRIVACY.
(Remember 221-03 (use of force) the immediate supv takes pics of MOS or subject and uploads them!!)
Assigned UMOS should make OLBS and medical treatment of prisoner form IF ARRESTED.
If NOT arrested make AIDED
Assigned UMOS should voucher cartridge in PSE and give to D.O with photos.
(Spent CEW cartridges used by ESU will be safeguarded and vouchered, when appropriate, by the command of record (NOT BY ESU!) for the subject on whom the CEW was used)
(IF you miss then DONT voucher cartridge)
^(So remember if you MISS “darts” go in ________ and cartridge does NOT get vouchered!)^
The immediate Supv should notify _______and get ______and name and put both in __________.
Immediate Supv should then deliver copies of reports to ______
(Remember in CEW procedure, after D.O’s initial entries at start of tour he does not appear again!
The immediate supv is responsible to notify FTS and make entry in to telephone record, and direct UMOS to ride in ambulance with perp/aided)
(So immediate supv notifies FTS and gets CEW log# HOWEVER LT platoon commander is required to prepare part B of TRI for CEW discharges!)
(IF data from CEW needs to be uploaded then notify ___________)
The investigating Supv (NOT SGT ON TEST DAY) fwds additional copies to C.O FTS and notifies Boro investigations unit if data on CEW needs to be uploaded (NOT SGT ON TEST DAY!)
(Borough investigations unit shows up a few times in patrol guide.
DONT FORGET, it shows up in
208-35 Attempted Bribery (D.O requests necessary assistance)
221-03 Use of force (Unable to retrieve video evidence)
221-09 CEW (if data required from CEW)
4-6 inches
Immediate Supv
D.O Pct of occ.
“Sharps” container by MOS (not medical personnel)
FTS and get FTS CEW log # and name
Boro investigations unit
2 221-09 Use of tear gas
(Tear gas is an effective device when used judiciously in selected tactical situations.
Its use by the _________ and is designed to minimize, rather than increase, the potential for serious physical injury. However, such use carries with it the danger of physical injury or material damage regardless of the care exercised in its application. Therefore, it is imperative that measures be established for the judicious use of tear gas by members trained for this purpose while at the same time providing for the decontamination of those affected, whether civilian or police personnel)
Ranking UMOS on scene, when circumstances dictates use of tear gas, should notify _________ and request __________ (3 ppl)
Technical decision concerning amount of gas and method of application will be made by __________
Tear gas adheres to clothes so ALL exposed persons get isolated if possible and medically treated. Get them UPWIND, and FLUSH with copious amounts of water. Air and wash uniform with soap(DO NOT DRY-CLEAN)
C.O/Duty captain
Boro C.O/Designee
Ranking member of ESU
2 221-10 Long guns/Shotguns/Automatic weapons
-The D.O should maintain a “special weapons record book” in 3 sections (qualification, issuance, maintenance).
-The D.O should have unissued weapons stored in locked gun cabinet.
(All special weapons should be wiped down and lubricated by authorized person PERIODICALLY)
-The D.O should have defective special weapons delivered to ____________ on ____________
-Shotguns are mandatory for ________ and _______
- THE UMOS should make required entires in “special weapons record book” If in solo sector the UMOS should lock and secure Windows and put shotgun in locking device IF LEAVING IT IN UNOCCUPIED VEHICLE.
- If defective then UMOS should return shotgun to pct of issuance (And D.O has them delivered to gunsmith at range during daytours Mon-Fri)
(Special weapons may be issued when other circumstances would lead a reasonable person to believe that the use of special weapons would be prudent and necessary. A captain or above must accompany those members, and special weapons must not be loaded until arrival at scene of incident.)
Gunsmith at range
2nd platoon MON-FRI (Basically day tours)
Solo patrol sector and Solo highway (if solo sector converted return shotgun immediately)
5 221-12 Active Shooter Response Protocol
(The number one priority of the responding UMOS is to make contact with the suspect and stop him/her from killing people)
-UMOS should FIRST ensure dispatcher has requested response of __________ (8ppl)
^(Does not request above 8 ppl, UMOS simply ENSURES dispatcher has requested response of these 8 ppl)^
(UMOS should be prepared to be deployed as a member of the Rescue Task Force (RTF), when directed by competent authority)
-If responding in a vehicle, leave it accessible as cover, but don’t impede other emergency units.
-IF TIME ALLOWS attempt to liaise with administrators, private security, or anyone who may have prior knowledge of building emergency protocols and procedures.
(IF POSSIBLE inquire if video surveillance available and if time permits, review quickly and transmit info to other responding unit)
IF ACTIVE SHOOTER AND LOSS OF FURTHER LIFE IMMINENT then enter using all possible tactical caution. Initial responders form contact teams of ________ UMOS and move toward suspect.
- Use available means (crow bar, sledgehammer) to gain entry if doors are locked.
- Notify Radio dispatcher of existing conditions and exact entrance used.
- ENSURE doors are left open/unlocked to allow continued UMOS to respond
- FIRST PRIORITY: Make contact with suspect and prevent loss of life
- WHEN PRACTICABLE ID self in loud clear voice “police, don’t move!”
- Be cognizant of victims that may be hiding, confused, and frightened and who may not respond to UMOS (note their location and types of injuries)
- Maintain communication w/ radio, ONLY WHEN TACTICALLY POSSIBLE
- Communicate location of victim(s) and/or those sheltered in place to _______ and ______
-When directed by competent authority, on or off duty MOS or security will be instructed to exit and advise incoming personnel of pertinent info.
Off duty MOS or MOS in civilian attire should refrain from entering an active shooter location to avoid a confrontation situation, UNLESS LOSS OF LIFE IMMINENT. To the full extent possible, off duty members should display shields and/or ID cards, and verbally identity themselves as police officers
P/S, ESU, EMS, HNT, TARU, SRG, CRC bomb squad.
2 to 4 UMOS
Radio dispatcher and Incident commander.
5 221-12 Active Shooter Response Protocol
-The initial Supv on scene should CONFIRM through radio dispatcher that ___________ (7ppl) are responding
-The INITIAL SUPV should request response of __________
-The initial Supv on scene should assess best means to stop deadly action.
-The initial Supv should tactically enter wth first response UMOS or regroup with UMOS present and advance toward the shooter.
-Initial Supv should notify radio of entry and location
(Initial supv should advise radio dispatcher of aideds found when advancing or of sheltering persons needing assistance.
(UMOS (cop) communicates location of victim(s) and/or those sheltered in place to both radio dispatcher and Incident commander HOWEVER
Initial Supv only advises radio (not IC) of aideds/sheltered persons found)
(IF wearing plain clothes then make every effort to display shield, gun belt, windbreaker, etc.
IF wearing civilian clothes then advise radio of clothing worn)
-The SECOND SUPV on scene should assume role as Incident commander
-The SECOND Supv establishes and secures a Cold Zone
(For active shooters the command post, operations post, staging area, medical triage, casualty collection point and transportation area will be located in ________)
- Incident commander (2nd supv on scene, but can be higher rank) should establish secure location perimeter and casualty collection point (within cold zone) and ENSURE force protection provided.
- Incident commander should assign UMOS to direct responding personnel to command post
- Incident commander (2nd supv on scene) should (AFTER conferral with ________) request activation of ___________ THROUGH _________
- Incident commander should ensure corridors are open and available for continued response of
emergency units including ESU
-Escort EMS ONLY WHEN THREAT NEUTRALIZED OR AREA CLEARED and posted by UMOS with ballistic protection equal to threat.
-Incident commander should form and deploy interagency rescue task force (RTF), to escort EMS/FDNY personnel through cold zones, warm zones and warm corridors and only to provide lifesaving medical treatment and removal of victims in such zones
(EMS and FDNY cannot operate within hot zones!!)
- Incident commander should designate a UMOS to detain all persons leaving location, if feasible. (Do not assume all persons leaving incident are victims)
- Incident commander should confer with _____ to evaluate and ensure they’re apprised of all known MOS inside.
- Incident commander should survey surrounding street/roadway and establish emergency access lane for rapid removal of injured.
- Incident commander should keep ________ AND ______ apprised of situation
EMS, ESU, HNT, TARU, Bomb squad, SRG, and CRC
INITIAL Supv req. Pct C.O/Duty captain
Cold zone
ESU Supv on scene
Critical Incident Response Capacity (CIRC)
THROUGH Operations
D.O pct of occ AND Operations
5 221-13 EDP’s
For those who pose no threat to themselves or others, or for a person or family who is confused or in need of mental health/drug or alcohol help give them ______________.
(Life net is open 24/7)
EDP is defined as: A person who appears to be mentally ill OR a person who is temporarily deranged AND is conducting himself in a manner which a P.O reasonable believes is likely to result in SERIOUS injury to himself or others.
Zone of safety for an EDP is a MINIMUM of ____________
There are 4 LEVELS of EDP’s:
1: Voluntarily seeks psychiatric care:
- Refer to proper facility. NO boss/NO custody
- Unarmed/Non-violent/Willing to go:
- MOS can take in to custody (cuffs) w/o boss - Armed or Violent or not willing:
- Isolate/Contain until arrival of P/S and ESU, request _____, and establish police lines - Immediate threat of SPI/death to anyone:
- Take reasonable measures to terminate/prevent SPI/DOA. Possibly use DPF.
(Damaging of property would not necessarily constitute an immediate threat of SPI or death)
“LifeNet information card”
Request ambulance
5 221-13 EDP’s
-UMOS should assess threat of EDP, take cover, and determine which of the four levels of EDP you have.
-If level 3 (Armed/violent OR not willing to go) then you need specific direction from _________ to take in to custody.
-UMOS should ascertain P/S is responding (if not then request response) and request ambulance if one not already dispatched
(P/S and ESU are AUTOMATICALLY sent by communications)
-UMOS should establish police lines.
-P/S should VERIFY ______ is coming or cancel if they’re not needed
(P/S and ESU and automatically sent by communications!!!!!!!)
-P/S should FIRST establish firearms control and direct members not to use their firearms or DPF unless their lives or any other life is in imminent danger
(^This is the FIRST thing P/S does, think about it, the dept has to cover their ass!)^
-P/S should also deploy protective devices (vests/shields) if EDP isolated/contained but will not leave voluntarily
-P/S should establish police lines if not already done
-P/S should then request ________ and ________ THROUGH _______
-P/S should notify ______ and tell them HNT is coming
-P/S should REQUEST ______ AND have ESU call their Supv (don’t call ESU SUPV)
-If necessary the P/S should request assistance from: __________ (acronym)
C.O/Duty captain
HNT and Coordinator thru Communications
C.O/Duty captain
Prominent local citizen Agency (public/private) Clergy (local) Interpreter (language barrier) Friends/Family y
5 221-13 EDP’s
The D.O’s ONLY DUTY is to VERIFY ______ has been notified and to notify _________ and ________
- UMOS SHOULD remove property dangerous to life/facilitate escape.
- Remove to hospital in ambulance.
- If unable to transport w/ reasonable restraint the AMBULANCE ATTENDANT or DOCTOR will call the “SPECIAL AMBULANCE”.
(If an ambulance is NOT available and the situation warrants, transport the EDP to the hospital by RMP if able to do so with reasonable restraint, at the direction of a supervisor.
- Use cuffs for EDP if ______ or ______ or ________
- UMOS should safeguard EDP until examined by ____________
- UMOS should inform psychiatrist or relieving MOS of details and make _______ and prepare ______
(WHEN POSSIBLE, a female EDP patient being transported should be accompanied by a________ OR ___________.)
“Less lethal/rescue equipment use report” will be prepared whenever a less lethal restraining device or rescue equipment is used by a MOS in the performance of duty
Prior to interviewing a patient confined to a facility of the NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation, a UMOS must obtain permission from the _________ who will ascertain if the patient is mentally competent to give a statement.
C.O/Duty captain
Operations and Boro
Resists OR violent OR dr. directs
A/L entry prepare Aided
Another female OR An adult from her immediate family
Hospital administrator
5 221-14 Hostage/Barricaded person
(Classic hostage situation is when hostage
taken and is confined in room, building, or store)
(Mobile hostage situation is when hostage taker is on street or other place not restricted by boundaries)
-Outer perimeter is sufficiently removed from incident to ensure safety of spectators/news media. It’s the staging area for additional PD and other agencies. (FD/EMS)
-Inner perimeter is frozen area encompassing the incident location. No one permitted w/o vest appropriate to threat. No one will be allowed to enter inner perimeter except __________ (acronym)
Patrol Boro C.O or duty chief (or anyone with their permission)
C.O SOD/C.O ESU+their personnel
TARU Supv + personnel
Bomb squad Supv + 1 technician (only when bomb is present/suspected!!!!!!)
Ranking patrol duty supv (Pct/PSA/TD)
Anyone w/ permission of Patrol Boro C.O/Duty chief
HN coordinator + personnel
(Bomb squad supv and 1 technician are allowed ONLY WHEN BOMB PRESENT OR SUSPECTED
- 5* 221-14 Hostage/Barricaded person
-UMOS (cop) should FIRST request through communications response of ______(4 ppl)
(Remember for EDP’s isolated+contained P/S requests HNT+coordinator thru communications and tells D.O HNT is coming)
-UMOS should then seek cover and isolate and contain the subject and hostage.
(Be cognizant of Mass Reflexive Response)
(Remember first thing cop does in hostage/barricaded situation is H-PET!)
- UMOS should attempt to slow pace and establish dialogue with subject
- UMOS should establish police lines.
- UMOS should use walls and RMP to contain incident/movement if outside. (Mobile hostage situation)
- The P/S should assume command/assess situation/ENSURE sufficient patrol response pending ESU
- P/S should ensure all MOS present are directed to maintain firearm control.
- P/S should designate 1 OR MORE UMOS as shooter if use of DPF becomes unavoidable.
- P/S should also designate ONLY ONE MOS to maintain radio contact with dispatcher
- P/S should VERIFY thru communications that ESU, HNT, TARU are enroute.
(Only the Patrol duty incident commander (Boro C.O/duty inspector/duty captain) has authority to cancel HNT and TARU via communications dispatcher)
-The P/S should request response of ________
-P/S should confer with ______ upon their arrival to evaluate location and coverage of inner and outer perimeters, as well as necessity for evacuation of area.
(Request response of ________, if not present)
(*REMEMBER for EDP’s isolated and contained ESU will call their supv HOWEVER for hostage/barricaded person P/S will request ESU Supv direct!)
(So UMOS requests H-PET HOWEVER P/S requests C.O/Duty captain and ESU supv! (IF not present!)
-P/S should establish field command post OUTSIDE of inner perimeter and potential line of fire.
(An outer perimeter will be established to serve as a staging area for additional police personnel and for other agencies
(ESU supv ENSURES only authorized ppl are permitted in inner perimeter)
-The P/S should have ________ and ________ apprised of situation and provide phone numbers of field command post
The ranking P/S on scene is in command and will coordinate police operations and will ASSUME A POSITION WITHIN INNER PERIMETER (at focal point of situation) HOWEVER
IF barricaded person is contained and poses no immediate threat or danger, then no additional action will be taken without authorization of __________
(NO D.O DUTIES for hostage/barricaded person)
C.O/Duty captain
D.O pct of occ and Operations
C.O/Duty Captain
4 221-15 Vehicle Pursuits
-UMOS (primary vehicle) notify _________ at start of pursuit.
(Keep radio transmissions brief and speak normal tones. DONT use “constant” on siren.)
-The _________ shall determine necessity for commencing and continuing vehicle pursuit by considering nature of offense, time of day, weather, capability of dept vehicle, familiarity w/ area.
-UMOS should inform radio dispatcher if vehicle changes direction or if pursued vehicle is lost or pursuit is terminated
-The _____ can terminate the pursuit, if necessary
-The P/S should direct and control the pursuit and apprehension efforts.
-P/S should request other units to respond to strategic locations to apprehend the vehicle
(Roadblocks are prohibited UNLESS specifically directed by Supv)
-P/S should coordinate search of area where vehicle last observed and terminate pursuit if necessary.
-UMOS (Secondary vehicle) allow atleast _______ from primary vehicle and do not pass primary vehicle unless requested by that other unit or other circumstances (collision, mechanical)
(Units other than P/S, primary vehicle, secondary vehicle shall stay off air except in extreme emergencies and they will not interfere/join in pursuit HOWEVER
The _______ CAN NOT call in additional units, ONLY THE ________ and _______ call in additional units
(_________ and _________ Vehicles will be the only units to operate in close pursuit)
(But remember units other than primary, secondary and P/S should stay off air EXCEPT in extreme emergencies!)
- Patrol Supv PCT ORIGINATING PUSUIT . should (IMMEDIATELY AFTER pursuit) prepare “vehicle pursuit report” and forward to _________
- If pursuit is initiated by other than Patrol Services Bureau personnel, the immediate supervisor of those officers will perform the duties of the patrol supervisor.*
(If pursuit started in other than Patrol services bureau (housing, transit) and Vehicle pursuit is in confines of 44 pct and is terminated in 44 pct then ________ will prepare “vehicle pursuit report” and forward it to C.O 44 pct)
(Just remember if I get in to a vehicle pursuit in the 43 pct then SGT V will prepare the “vehicle pursuit report!”
*Vehicles shall NOT caravan behind pursuing Vehicles, or ram or drive alongside pursued vehicle!!!!
DO NOT place a MOVING dept vehicle in position to be struck by pursued vehicle!
(Placing a PARKED dept VEHICLE is ok….It would be a roadblock which is allowed only with supv permission!)
Dept VANS WILL NOT be used in pursuits
2 wheel and 3 wheel scooters WILL NOT be used in pursuits
Unmarked dept Vehicles will limit pursuits
Two wheel motorcycles will limit pursuits and terminate pursuit when a 4 wheel dept vehicle has joined pursuit
(Pick up Vehicle pursuits will be entered as 10-60I)
(When a vehicle pursuit results from another assignment, status code 10-88 will be utilized in ICAD)
Radio Dispatcher
UMOS (primary vehicle)
P/S pct of occ.
5 car lengths
Secondary vehicle
Primary vehicle and P/S
Primary and Secondary vehicles
Immediate supv (Housing, Transit)
4 221-16 Vehicle Checkpoints
Stopping in non-arbitrary manner (every 3rd car or 5th car) which is picked by _______
Vehicle checkpoints for all other purposes other than emergency circumstances (DWI or Vehicle safety check) cannot be conducted without prior approval of ________
MUST INCLUDE adequate warnings to motorist of the existence of checkpoint (turret lights, flares, etc.) Must utilize AT LEAST _____ dept vehicles (marked OR unmarked)
(Reflective vests or luminous traffic belts are to be worn during hours of darkness for vehicle checkpoints)
If motorist violates “no parking, no turns, no standing, etc” we may stop them even if they’re not the “3rd car, etc.”
Motorist who avoid a checkpoint by lawful means MAY NOT be stopped
Supv in charge of the checkpoint should comply with captions on “vehicle checkpoint form” as completed by the C.O
Supv in charge should discuss tactics, including appropriate and lawful questioning techniques,
and apprise personnel of the primary purpose of the operation.
(Ensure personnel are familiar with and have reviewed the contents of the VEHICLE CHECKPOINT FORM as provided by the commanding officer.
Supv in charge should remain at the checkpoint location for the entire operation.
Supv at checkpoint complies with “vehicle checkpoint form” as completed by C.O, and copy goes to DA when you collar off of a checkpoint.
Supv at checkpoint completes form AT THE CONCLUSION of checkpoint and submits FOLDER to ________.
Supv at checkpoint should then fwd a copy of “vehicle checkpoint form” to _________
(So if HRT does Vehicle checkpoints in 40 pct then the FOLDER would go to Capt Gorman HOWEVER a copy of vehicle checkpoint form would go to 40 C.O)
Point man is a P.O who’s sole purpose is to maintain established procedure (count every 3rd car) also advised motorist why they’re being stopped.
Supv in charge of checkpoint may cancel in inclement weather or break it down if traffic gets bad. ENSURE a record is kept of # of summonses, arrests, and vehicles stopped.
Use atleast _______ dept vehicles and do not exceed ____ hours
UMOS conducting car stop may do a license and vin check. If vin covered ask motorist to move obstruction, DONT REACH IN.
UMOS may ask for license, registration, and insurance but failure to produce is basis for summons NOT A SEARCH.
(UMOS at DWI checkpoint is to offer a contact card to operator with captions completed. (Absolute)
Give one to passenger as well, if requested.
IF you summons/arrest then we don’t have to give one-NOTE-Contact cards will only be distributed during vehicle checkpoints for purposes of ________)
(LBB-While conducting vehicle checkpoints (for other than safety/DWI checks where contraband is in plain view, said contraband will NOT be admissible in court, and said checkpoint is improper. HOWEVER checkpoints can be used to enforce DWI, other traffic regs)
C.O command conducting checkpoint
C.O pct concerned
2 dept vehicles and do not exceed 2 hours
DWI checks! (Not any other type of checkpoint)
2 221-17 Search warrant execution
Search warrants are executed between _________ and within ______ calendar days from date of issuance (including weekends and holidays) UNLESS court specifically authorizes nighttime execution
If warrant expires before execution notify ______________ by phone
UMOS should submit search warrant, search warrant affidavit and Supv 49 to _____
UMOS should prepare ____ detailed copies of “receipt for property taken under search warrant” and deliver 1 to occupant (or leave in conspicuous place if not present) and file 2nd copy with affidavit.
UMOS should prepare “warrant tracking system Post-warrant data entry” and FAX IT to ____________ no later than _______ after warrant issued
(In NYS MOS do NOT have to show an occupant of premise a copy of search warrant unless requested to do so, SAFETY PERMITTING!)
6am-9pm and within 10 calendar days
Intel’s public security section by phone
2 derailed copies
Intel public security section no later than 15 days
221-11 Distraction devices
Only _________ can approve their use (flash bang) and only ____ can use them
Chief of dept
2 221-18 Use of dept k9
We can use k9 for:
- Building search (non-suspects not in building)
- Track suspects or missings
- Locate articles
- Perform searches for felons in transit (Including track search)
- Protect MOS from injury (cadaver search DOA)
- Safeguard equipment or police facilities
- Assist in effecting arrest/preventing escape of a FELON
We CANT use k9 for ________ OR _________OR _______
To use for any tactical purpose other than those listed need approval from ________
To use in NON PEACEFUL demo need approval from _______
UMOS should request response of _______ if K9 may be useful
P/S determine if use is warranted and request K9 through __________. Consult with handlers. For searches, establish perimeter, and exclude persons INCLUDING MOS.
P/S should notify ________ for ANY injury caused by k9
* Any request from k9 by outside agencies will be directed to _____*
ADDITIONAL DATA (Blood hounds):
- IF scent is fresh then use k9 first
- Request for bloodhound is made through ______
- Prior to requesting bloodhound you need a good, uncontaminated scent. The article w/ scent should not be touched and if it must be moved consult w/ k9 handler prior to removing. Washed clothes are NOT acceptable
- A blood hound can only trail from an uncontaminated scent toward a person (living or dead). They are NOT trained to trail from a person to the origin of the trail!
Crowd control OR deterrent at peaceful demos OR building search w/ suspect(s) inside
Boro C.O
Chief of patrol
C.O/duty captain
4 221-19 Threats against MOS
If it’s BY PHONE then attempt to keep on line and record phone #. Use recording devices, attempt to get name, be alert for background noises, inquire if UMOS arrested caller or if caller was ever locked up.
If it’s IN WRITNG then avoid unnecessary handling and place document in _____ ASAP. Do not write on container after item/evidence placed therein. If delivered by mail get name of US mail/delivery service and ID of delivering employee. If by fax then record date/Time received, phone # of receiving machine and get transmission report.
If it’s IN PERSON then get all available info, ID OF UMOS, motivation, pedigree of threatened (arrest IF crime committed)
-MOS should call a Supv immediately for any type of threat
-Supv (any Supv) should FIRST have threatened UMOS notified, all involved persons report to SH, and direct preparation of 61 (OPEN TO _____IN ALL CASES).
-P/S should Notify __________(3 ppl).
- Also do a 49 addressed to ____________ and send 1 copy DIRECT and 1 copy through channels
- Also send 1 copy of 61 and copy of 49 to ___________ DIRECT
- If threatened member is off duty at time of threat, the threatened member will be directed to contact the _________concerned ASAP , and _____________ immediately (available twenty-four hours a day) for debriefing and assessment of threat precautions to be implemented, if necessary.
The continued safety of the member concerned is the first priority in any case involving a threat to UMOS. Therefore, the COMPLAINT REPORT will be filed and primary investigative jurisdiction will be vested in the NYC precinct that bears the closest connection to the target of the threat, regardless of the location from which the threat originates or is received.
For example, IF threat is made regarding ON DUTY enforcement activities then jurisdiction will be placed in _________ REGARDLESS of location of origin or receipt of threat.
In threat cases arising from the targeted uniformed member’s OFF DUTY CONDUCT, jurisdiction will be placed in ________ , if UMOS resides within the city
In cases where the threat is not related to the targeted uniformed member’s on duty activities, and the targeted uniformed member does not reside within the City, jurisdiction will be placed in _______
In cases where the threat neither originates nor is received within the City of New York, and the targeted uniformed member does not reside within the City, the Intelligence Bureau, Public Security Section, will be responsible for monitoring the investigation conducted by the police agency with jurisdiction and for coordinating the Department’s
assistance with the investigating agency.
(PIC) PDS, Intel public security section, C.O/Duty captain
Chief of dept
Intel bureau public security section
PDS concerned ASAP and
Intel CIS immediately
Pct of assignment
Pct of residence
Pct threat originates
4 221-20 Confrontation situations
-The challenging officer should immediately take cover to the rear (NOT to side) of the person being challenged, IF possible.
(Utilize any cover available)
-Challenging officer should ID self in a loud clear voice “police don’t move”
(Avoid using terms such as “freeze” or “hold it” and avoid using contradictory directives, DO NOT use stereotypes which are based on a persons race, color, ethnicity, clothing, or physical appearance, MOS are reminded that the dept is multicultural and stereotypes based on the above will NOT be used to justify your actions)
- The confronted officer should remain motionless even if chasing perp. (DO NOT TURN BODY)
- Confronted officer should obey all directions from the challenging officer
- The CHALLENGING officer should request person to inform him of exact location of ID before removing, and to do so in a slow and controlled manner
- The confronted officer should then inform of exact location of ID and remove slowly
(Once challenging officer satisfied with credentials (ID) the CHALLENGING OFFICER returns it to the confronted officer and makes A/L entry)
-The challenging officer should then request response of __________ and _________ IF confronted member is ON DUTY.
(IF member is from transit/housing he still requests P/S PCT of occ. Ex:PSA7 would call 40 supv and the 40 Supv will have everyone respond to 40pct. HOWEVER IF confronted officer is on duty request his IMMEDIATE supv!)
-The responding supv direct everyone to SH HOWEVER
IF it happened in SH, then direct everyone to _______
-If MOS dissatisfied with final determination may request _________ to review
(Burden of proof is on _________)
-Basically when in plainclothes ON DUTY and TAKING ENFORCEMENT ACTION then display shield on ___________
-When ON DUTY doing NON-ENFORCEMENT may display shield __________ BUT should move and display shield to area of chest/upper torso when enforcement action is anticipated
(IF time doesn’t permit movement of shield, every effort should be made to expose shield)
-Off-duty members are encouraged to carry their firearm in a holster attached to a belt around their waist.
-When taking enforcement action off-duty, members should make every effort to display their shield in the area of their chest/upper torso on their outermost garment in the same fashion as on-duty members in civilian attire.
-With this in mind, off-duty MOS should carry their shield in a manner that would enable them to rapidly display it while holding a firearm, (i.e., in a pocket
accessible by their non-shooting hand with a chain attached.)
Patrol supv pct of occ AND
Supv of confronted member IF ON DUTY
C.O’s office
C.O next higher command to review
Confronted officer
Chest (upper torso)
On belt (adjacent to holster)
3 221-21 School safety agent victim of offense LOD
-School safety agent request _______ and notify the ______ ASAP.
-School safety boss should ENSURE principal has been notified.
-School safety boss should have agent prepare, in own handwriting 2 copies of “employee option form” and 2 copies of “employee notice of injury” (WCD23) and deliver it to ___________.
-School safety boss prepares 61/PAR/Aided when necessary, investigates and interviews.
-Pct school safety Sgt or P/S should notify _______ promptly IF MOS REQUIRES HOSPITAL TREATMENT
-Pct school safety sgt or P/S should prepare “firearms discharge/assault” report if investigation reveals H.A.R.M against school safety agent.
-Pct school safety Sgt or P/S should report details to ______ and indicate any negligence on part of the SSA.
-The pct school safety Sgt or P/S should prepare 49 and deliver to C.O pct of occ!
Fwd a copy to ____________
-P/S should prepare TRI if investigation reveals H.A.R.M
-The D.O should make CLE w/ results and specify if LOD and if any negligence on part of school safety agent
-The D.O should notify Employment resources section, Operations unit, School safety division
- *216-12 School crossing guard LOD the UMOS (cop) does PAR/AIDED
- *216-13 Aux LOD the P/S prepares PAR but P/S has the aided prepared (does not prepare himself)
- *221-21 School safety agent LOD, the school safety agent’s boss does PAR/Aided/61
- *221-22 TEA LOD, the P/S ENSURES PAR/61/Aided gets prepared
Supv and principal ASAP (if no school safety Sgt then P/S)
C.O pct of occ
C.O pct of occ.
3 221-22 Traffic Agent victim of offense LOD
- Traffic enforcement agent (TEA) request response of __________ and __________
- Traffic enforcement agent should request witnesses to wait arrival of P/S Pct of occ.
-The P/S pct of occ. should investigate, interview TEA, ENSURE PAR/AIDED prepared and the P/S forwards form in normal manner.
(For SSA their boss investigates/interviews/prepares 61 and aided).
-P/S should have 61 prepared and refer to _______ IF suspect has fled the scene OR IF additional investigation is needed
-P/S should interview witnesses and have them prepare a “witness statement-injury to MOS”
-P/S should prepare a TRI if investigation reveals H.A.R.M.
-The P/S Pct of occ prepares an unusual occ report to CHIEF OF TRANSPORTATION THROUGH CHANNELS (include statement whether TEA is victim of assault, serious injury, or newsworthy event)
-P/S should also prepare TRI if investigation reveals H.A.R.M against TEA
- The agents Supv should prepare “Parking enforcement H.A.R.M report” and forward as indicated on form.
- The agents Supv should notify Traffic enforcement district, Traffic management center, Employment resources section, Operations
School safety agent gets 49 by SSSgt or P/S and they deliver to C.O pct of occ
TEA gets unusual occurrence report by SSSGT or P/S to Chief of transportation through channels
- *216-12 School crossing guard LOD the UMOS (cop) does PAR/AIDED
- *216-13 Aux LOD the P/S prepares PAR but P/S has the aided prepared (does not prepare himself)
- *221-21 School safety agent LOD, the school safety agent’s boss does PAR/Aided/61
- *221-22 TEA LOD, the P/S ENSURES PAR/61/Aided gets prepared
P/S pct of occ and traffic enforcement district Supv