Aeroplanlære - Kap 6 (Stability) Flashcards
What happens when stability increases?
Controllability decreases
What happens when controllability increases?
Stability decreases
What do we use our control inputs for?
We use it to overcome the aircraft’s stability
What is a major difference between a jet and a airliner?
An airliner has more stability and a jet has less, since the jet needs more controllability
What does the equilibrium of an aircraft mean?
The sum of all forces and moments are zero about the CG
What is static stability?
The immediate response of an object when it is displaced from it’s equilibrium
What is dynamic stability?
The subsequent response of an object over time
What is the different categories of static stability?
Positive, negative and neutral static stability
What is another word for negative stability?
Instability or divergence
If an object has positively static stability, what does it do?
Move towards it’s equilibrium after being displaced (Ball inside a bowl)
If an object has neutral static stability, what does it do?
Has no tendency to move initially (Ball on a flat surface)
If an object has negatively static stability, what does it do?
Move away from it’s equilibrium after being displaced (Ball resting on top of an upside down bowl)
How do we maintain equilibrium?
Continuous pilot input
Trim input
If an aircraft is in trim what is it also?
In equilibrium
How do you describe if an object is more stabile than another?
That it has a greater static stability
What is the different categories of dynamic stability?
Positive, negative and neutral dynamic stability
What does positive dynamic stability do, if its periodic?
Moves the object towards it’s equilibrium if the object is positively static stabile bouncing up and down
Which two forms of positive dynamic stability is there?
Periodic or aperiodic
What does positive dynamic stability do, if its aperiodic?
Moves the object towards it’s equilibrium if the object is positively static stabile without bouncing up and down
What does neutral dynamic stability do?
Keep the same degree of oscillation until inputs are made from the pilot, if it has positively static stability
Keep the same degree of displacement input until inputs are made from the pilot, if it has neutral static stability
What does negative dynamic stability do?
Keep making oscillations worse if the object has positively static stability
Move away from the objects equilibrium if the object has negative static stability
Describe how the different stabilities work on each other
How does longitudinal static stability work?
Increased or decreased lifton the tailplane pull tail up or down resetting nose position
How is longitudinal static stability increased?
By increasing:
Tailplane area
The distance between tailplane and the CG
Moving the CG forward
How is lateral static stability increased?
What does dorsal fins do to stability?
What does ventral fins do to stability?