Advertising Flashcards
Purpose of advertisement
To introduce new products
To provide info on a product
To promote brands
Increase sales
Key advertisement words
Humour Traditional images
Romance Hero worship
Glamour Weasel words(‘cos you’re worth it’ meaningless)
Social acceptance
Guerrilla advertising
Product placement
When a brand is inserted into media.
Classified ads
Sell goods/services
Usually individual shops/businesses
In newspapers.
Advantages of advertisement
Increase sales
Provide employment
Provides information
Keeps down costs of TV
Encourages materialism
Makes exaggerated claims
Encourages people to buy things they can’t afford
Posters and billboards ruin the landscape
Increases prices on some products
Emphasises gender stereotypes
Legal and voluntary control. Important for standards to be set.
Legal control
EU Misleading Advertising Regulations
-Protect public against misleading advertising.
Legal Acts
Consumer Information Act 1978
- Makes it an offence to make false claims.
Employment Equality Act 1998
- Makes it illegal for ads to discriminate on grounds of gender or marital status.
Consumer Information Act 1978
Makes it an offence to make false claims.
Employment Equality Act 1998
Makes it illegal for ads to discriminate on grounds of gender or marital status.
Voluntary control organisations
Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland
Central Copy Clearance Ireland
Advertising Standards Authority for Irwland
Encourages advertisers to follow a code of standards
These state all ads must be legal,decent,honest.
Central Copy Clearance Ireland
Reviews all alcohol adverts in Irish media.
Used to identify and satisfy customers
Companies create customer interest in their products
Market research
Using surveys to find out public likes and dislikes.
4 Ps
Promotional (techniques)
A message designed to inform, influence and persuade consumers.