Adverse drug effects Flashcards
Adverse drug effects
A. ADR are unexpected and full reaction to drug at any dose
B. ADR are usually immunologic-related
C. ADR are unexpected and noxious at recommended dose
D. ADE are unexpected and noxious response with known causality
The most common cause from ADR’s in the last decade is due to:
A. Drug-drug interaction
C. Anaphylaxis
D. Pharmacokinetic variation
Teratogenic effects are observed should women get pregnant within 2 years of taking this drug for acne
A. Acetazolamide
B. Azithromycin
C. Thalidomide
D. Accutane
An example of side effect:
A. Anti-thrombotic caused by aspirin
B. GI bleeding caused by aspirin
Drugs that cause vasculitis or drug fever
a) Vitamins
b) allopurinol
c) carbamezepine
d) All of the above
Most common dermatologic manifestation of drug allergy.
A. Urticaria
B. Angioedema
C. Pemphigus
D. Morbilliform rash
Of all the different kinds of adverse effects, one or all of those listed below that can be desirable depending on the circumstances surrounding the patient
a. idiosyncracy
b. tolerance
c. side effect
d. tachyphylaxis
e. all of the above
The following adverse drug reactions in humans are predictable from animal studies except:
A. drowsiness, sedation B. dizziness, diarrhea, anorexia C. increased energy, weakness D. hypotension, hypertension E. headache, tinnitus
Which of the following is/are true of drug interactions.
a. These are interactions between a drug and another substance.
b. These interactions usually occur in vivo.
c. These are not beneficial.
d. A & B are true.
e. All of the above.
True of adverse drug reactions:
a. It can be assumed that interactions observed in some patients will occur in all patients; interactions observed in vitro in animals will also occur in man.
b. Most important interactions involve drugs of
low therapeutic margin
c. Interactions demonstrated with certain drugs can be extrapolated to closely related drugs.
d. All of the above
e. A and B only
Type(s) of pharmacodynamic interactions:
a. IV incompatibilities
b. excipients – active ingredients
c. agonist-antagonist interaction
d. A and B.
e. All of the above
Important to consider for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
a. Narrow margin of safety
b. Narrow marginof therapeutic incidence
c. Good relationship with other drugs
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
Data needed in sample collection in performing therapeutic drug monitoring:
a. Time of collection
b. Biologic fluid submitted
c. Time of first administration
d. A and B only
e. All of the above
Special populations needing therapeutic drug monitoring:
a. People with extremes of age
b. People taking multiple medications
c. People with dosing problems
d. A and B only
e. All of the above
Beta lactam such as amoxicillin causes this kind of immunologic drug reaction:
A. drug-IgE complex binding to mast cells
B. specific IgG and IgG antibodies directed at drug hapten cells
C. MHC presentation of drug molecules to T-cell
D. complement activation
Among the immunologically related adverse drug reactions, which among these takes 1-3 weeks to manifest?
A. type I
B. type II
C. type III
D. type IV
Which among the following causes drug-induced vasculitis?
A. allopurinol
B. clarythromycin
C. carbamazepine
D. all of the above
A dermal manifestation of ADR to thiol drugs such as enalapril.
A. pemphigus
B. urticaria
C. morbilliform rash
D. angioedema
A risk factor shared by immune and non-immune reactions.
A. asthma
B. herpes
C. alcoholism
Tinnitus is an unpredictable intolerance to small doses of:
A. aspirin
B. carbamazepine
C. xylocaine
D. primaquine
All of the following can be desensitized except:
A. peripheral neuropathy from rifampicin
B. rash from isoniazid
C. Steven-Johnson syndrome
D. morbilliform rash
The following is true about adverse drug reactions EXCEPT
A. ADRs are the fourth leading cause of death in US statistics
B. ADRs are the single largest source of malpractice suits in the US
C. Most ADRs are related to the wrong dosage
D. 3% to 11% of hospital admission can be attributed to adverse drug effects
A noxious or unwanted response at any dosage of a drug and where causality has been established
A. Toxidrome
B. Therapeutic index
C. Adverse drug reaction
D. Adverse drug event
What is not an adverse drug reaction?
A. Bradycardia from methyldopa
B. Hypotension from generic nifedipine
C. No increase on the protime from generic warfarin
D. Agranulocytosis from propylthiuracil
ADRs are hard to identify especially among sick patients with co-morbidites because of
A. Confounding by indication
B. Drug-drug interaction
C. Drug-disease interaction
Dose-related type A pharmacokinetic variation causing adverse drug reaction can be due to one of the following
A. Change in formulation
B. Prolonged apnea on succinylcholine
C. Expired drugs
D. Presence of pyrogens in parenteral meds
The reaction of GI hemorrhage from use of aspirin is considered as
A. Rebound phenomenon
B. Side effect
C. Extension effect
D. Tachyphylaxis
This drug should be avoided in patients with hepatic disease, because it may cause bleeding
A. Barbiturates
B. Indomethacin
C. Diuretics
D. Short-acting benzodiazepines
Hypokalemia potentiates the effect of the following drug
A. Quinidine
B. Digitalis
C. Amlodipine
D. Lignocaine
Peripheral neuropathy with the use of isoniazid is more commonly seen among
A. Slow acetylators
B. Rapid acetylators
C. Intermediate acetylators
D. Rapid hydroxylators
Type B or immunologic drug reactions are usually seen in
A. Vaccines
B. Patients with atopy
C. Polypeptides such as insulin
Steven-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis is associated with
A. IgE mediated reaction
B. Type 3 or immune complex type of reaction
C. Transmembrane protein associated with TNF
In Gell-Coombs classification, hemolytic anemia due to penicillin is classified under
A. Type 2 or cytotoxic type of reaction
B. Type 1 or IgE mediated
C. Specific T-cell activation
D. Type 4 or cell-mediated reaction
The type of immunologically mediated adverse drug reaction are not mutually exclusive. Some drugs can exhibit ADRs from different mediators such as IgE or drug antibody complexes. An example of this is
A. Carbamezepine
B. Itraconazole
C. Indomethacin
D. Terbutaline
A dermatologic manifestation of a reaction to oral contraceptive use
A. Urticaria
B. Liver peliosis
C. Melasma
D. Morbilliform rash
The following statement is true of pharmacokinetic drug interactions
A. These type of interactions involve actions of drugs in their site of actions
B. Pharmacokinetic interactions involve IV incompatibilities
C. Pharmacokinetic interactions involve agonist-antagonist interactions
D. Pharmacokinetic interactions involve actions of drugs on their elimination process
Pharmaceutical drug interactions involve the following
A. Drug-container interaction
B. Excipient-drug interaction
C. Additives to IV fluids
Physiologic pharmacodynamic drug interaction involves
A. Interactions of drugs with similar effects but different sites of action
B. Agonist-antagonist interactions
C. IV incompatibilities
D. Inhibition of metabolizing enzyme action
Which is true of drug interactions?
A. Can be assumed that drug interactions observed in some patients will occur in all patients, or that interactions observed in vitro or in animals will occur in man
B. Interactions demonstrated with certain drugs can be extrapolated to closely related drugs
C. Most important interactions involve drugs of low therapeutic margin
D. There are no beneficial drug interactions
Noxious and unintended reaction, causality not determined
A. Adverse drug reaction
B. Adverse drug event
The following is not considered an adverse drug reaction
A. Bradycardia from methyldopa
B. No clinical effect on BP reading from generic nifedipine
C. Bleeding from warfarin
D. Agranulocytosis from propylthiouracil
ADRs are hard to identify on patients with comorbidities due to the following:
A. something indication B. Drug-drug interaction C. Drug-disease interaction D. AOTA
Dose-related type A pharmacokinetic variation causing adverse drug reaction can be due to one of the following:
A. Change in formulation B. Prolonged apnea on succinylcholine C. Expired drugs D. Presence of pyrogens in parenteral meds
The following should be avoided in patients with liver diseases since it could cause bleeding:
A. Barbiturates B. Isoniazid C. Dobutamine D. Short-acting benzodiazepines
Hyperkalemia potentiates the effect of the following:
A. Lignocaine
B. Quinidine
C. Digitalis
D. Amphetamine
Peripheral neuropathy with the use of Isoniazid is more commonly seen among:
A. Slow acetylators B. Rapid acetylators C. Intermediate acetylators D. Rapid Hydroxylators
Steven Johnson’s/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis:
A. IgE
B. Type III
C. Transmembrane protein associated with TNF
Hemolytic anemia allergy due to Penicillin. What type is this according to Gel and Coombs classification?
A. Type I (IgE) B. Type II (Cytotoxicity) C. Specific T-cell activation D. Type IV (Cell-mediated)
Pharmacokinetic drug interaction except:
A. IV incompatibilities B. Absorption of drug C. ↑ protein binding of one displaces the other
The type/s of pharmaceutical interaction/s:
A. IV incompatibilities B. Excipient-active drug C. Drug-container interaction D. AOTA
The following statement/s is/are true about physiologic pharmacodynamics drug interactions:
A. They are true agonist-antagonist interactions.
B. They are indirect pharmacodynamics interactions.
C. They are interactions due to different mechanisms acting in concert or in opposition.
The following statements is/are true regarding phase 1. Pharmacokinetic variations
a. ALDH deficiency may be responsible for flushing seen after small doses of alcohol due to the accumulation of aldehyde
b. an ultra-rapid metabolizer of isoniazid due to CYP2D6 may lead to toxicity
c. TPMT deficiency requires significant dose reduction
in the use of thiopurines for cancer chemotherapy
d. only a and b are correct
e. all of the above