Adverbs of frequency Flashcards
say meaning and
grammatical form (with object)
not….at all
[mâi/ไม่ + verb + (object) + ləəi/เลย]
aa-tít-níi káo mâi bpai-tîao ləəi
This week he does not go out at all.
Kruu Fâii dʉ̀ʉm gaa-fεε mâi-dâai ləəi
Teacher Fai cannot drink coffee at all.
say meaning and form with adjective
not….at all
[mâi/ไม่ + adjective + ləəi/เลย]
aa-hǎan tîi ráan nóon mâi à-rᴐ̀i ləəi
The food at the store over there is not delicious at all.
bprà-têet tai mâi nǎao ləəi
Thailand is not cold at all.
say meaning and form
[Subject + mâi-kəəi/ไม่เคย + verb + object]
kruu Fâii mâi-kəəi bpai bprà-têet ii-yìp
Teacher Fai never goes to Egypt.
Ratrii mâi-kəəi bpai bprà-têet gam-puu-chaa
Ratri never goes to Cambodia.
say meaning and form
used to, ever, have done
[Subject + kəəi/เคย + verb + object)]
káo kəəi bpai bprà-têet jiin
He used to go to China.
Or: He has been to China.
kun kəəi rᴐ́ᴐng-pleeng tai mái
Have you ever sung a Thai song?
When asked a question with keei, what are the yes/no responses?
keei / mâi-kəəi
mâi-kᴐ̂i or mâi-kᴐ̂ᴐi
say meaning and form with object
rarely, not so
[Subject + mâi-kᴐ̂i/ไม่ค่อย + verb + (object)]
mâi-kᴐ̂i or mâi-kᴐ̂ᴐi
say meaning and form with adjective
rarely, not so
[Subject + mâi-kᴐ̂i/ไม่ค่อย + adjective]
káo mâi-kᴐ̂i duu tii-wii tai
He rarely watches Thai TV.
pûak-káo mâi-kᴐ̂i bpai-tîao dûai-gan
They rarely go out together.
wan-níi mâi-kᴐ̂i rᴐ́ᴐn
Today is not so hot.
say meaning and two forms
[baang-kráng + Subject + verb + (object)]
[Subject + verb + (object) + bang-kráng]
baang-kráng chán bpai dtà-làat gàp mε̂ε
Sometimes I go to the market with [my] mother.
baang-kráng káo gin-kâao kon-diao
Sometimes he eats alone.
káo bpai tam-ngaan sǎai baang-kráng
He goes to work late sometimes.
bᴐ̀i / bᴐ̀i-bᴐ̀i
say meaning and form
often (end the sentence)
[Subject + verb + (object) + bᴐ̀iบ่อย / bᴐ̀i-bᴐ̀i บ่อยๆ]
káo bpai Chiang-mài bᴐ̀i-bᴐ̀i
He goes to Chiang-mai often.
chán gin aa-hǎan Vietnam mâi-bᴐ̀i
I don’t eat Vietnamese food often.
kun maa bprà-têet tai bᴐ̀i mái
Do you come to Thailand often?
Given a question with bᴐ̀i, what are the two responses for yes and no?
- bᴐ̀i บ่อย
- mâi-bᴐ̀i ไม่บ่อย
say meaning and form
usually, normally
[bpà-gà-dtì / ปกติ + Subject + verb + object]
bpà-gà-dtì káo dtʉ̀ʉn cháao
Usually, he wakes up early.
bpà-gà-dtì káo gin kâao-cháao dtᴐᴐn sìp-moong cháao
Usually, he eats breakfast at 10 a.m.
bpà-gà-dtì kun dtʉ̀ʉn gìi-moong
What time does he normally wake up?
say meaning and form with object
regularly, always (end the sentence)
Always is rare use
Subject + verb + object + bprà-jam ประจา
say meaning and form with adjective
regularly, always (end the sentence)
Always is rare use
Subject + adjective + bprà-jam ประจา
káo bpai tam-ngaan dtᴐᴐn bpὲεt moong cháao (bpen) bprà-jam
He regularly goes to work at 8 a.m.
bpen functions as “as” in this sentence
káo bpai gin aa-hǎan tai tîi ráan nán bprà-jam
He always goes to eat at that Thai restaurant.
ráan = short for ráan aa-hǎan, can also mean “shop” or “store” like coffee shop or convenience store
say meaning and form with object
always (end the sentence) / all, thoroughly
Subject + verb + object + dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt
used with time or place
say meaning and form with adjective
always (end the sentence) / all, thoroughly
Subject + adjective + dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt
used with time or place
káo maa reo dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt
He always comes early.
káo sǎai dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt
He’s always late.
dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt wee-laa
say meaning and form with object
all the time (end the sentence)
Subject + verb + object + dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt wee-laa
dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt wee-laa
say meaning and form with adjective
all the time (end the sentence)
Subject + adjective + dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt
mεεo kᴐ̌ᴐng-káo nᴐᴐn dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt wee-laa
Her cat sleeps all the time.
káo hǐu dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt wee-laa
She’s hungry all the time.
dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt bpii
say meaning and form with object
all year
Subject + verb + object + dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt bpii
dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt bpii
say meaning and form with adjective
all year
Subject + adjective + dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt bpii
bpii níi káo tam-ngaan dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt bpii
This year he worked all year.
kûa-lôok nʉ̌a nǎao dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt bpii
The north pole is cold all year.
táng-wan / dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt-wan
say meaning and form with object
all day
Subject + verb + object + táng-wan/dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt-wan
táng-wan more often used
táng-wan / dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt-wan
say meaning and form with adjective
all day
Subject + adjective + táng-wan/dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt-wan
táng-wan more often used
wan-níi káo mii bprà-chum táng wan/dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt-wan
Today, she has a meeting all day.
wan-níi káo ngûang táng-wan/dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt-wan
Today, she has been sleepy all day.
táng-kʉʉn / dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt kʉʉn
say meaning and form with object
all night
Subject + verb + object + táng-kʉʉn/dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt kʉʉn
táng-kʉʉn / dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt kʉʉn
say meaning and form with adjective
all night
Subject + adjective + táng-kʉʉn/dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt kʉʉn
mʉ̂a-kʉʉn-níi káo duu sii-rîi gao-lǐi táng-kʉʉn
Last night, he watched a Korean [TV] series all night.
sᴐ̌ᴐng kʉʉn tîi-lέεo káo mâi sà-baai dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt kʉʉn
Two nights ago, he did not feel well all night.
dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt bpai
say meaning and form with object
Subject + verb + object + dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt-bpai
dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt bpai
say meaning and form with adjective
Subject + adjective + dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt-bpai
káo jà rák fεεn kᴐ̌ᴐng-káo dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt-bpai
She will love her boyfriend forever.
bprà-têet tai àat-jà rᴐ́ᴐn dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt bpai
Maybe Thailand [will be] hot forever.
Teacher Fai cannot drink coffee at all.
Kruu Fâii dʉ̀ʉm gaa-fεε mâi-dâai ləəi
This week he does not go out at all.
aa-tít-níi káo mâi bpai-tîao ləəi
The food at the store over there is not delicious at all.
aa-hǎan tîi ráan nóon mâi à-rᴐ̀i ləəi
Thailand is not cold at all.
bprà-têet tai mâi nǎao ləəi
Teacher Fai never goes to Egypt.
kruu Fâii mâi-kəəi bpai bprà-têet ii-yìp
Ratri never goes to Cambodia.
Ratrii mâi-kəəi bpai bprà-têet gam-puu-chaa
He used to go to China.
Or: He has been to China.
káo kəəi bpai bprà-têet jiin
Have you ever sung a Thai song?
kun kəəi rᴐ́ᴐng-pleeng tai mái
He rarely watches Thai TV.
káo mâi-kᴐ̂i duu tii-wii tai
They rarely go out together.
pûak-káo mâi-kᴐ̂i bpai-tîao dûai-gan
Today is not so hot.
wan-níi mâi-kᴐ̂i rᴐ́ᴐn
Sometimes I go to the market with [my] mother.
baang-kráng chán bpai dtà-làat gàp mε̂ε
Sometimes he eats alone.
baang-kráng káo gin-kâao kon-diao
He goes to work late sometimes.
káo bpai tam-ngaan sǎai baang-kráng
He goes to Chiang-mai often.
káo bpai Chiang-mài bᴐ̀i-bᴐ̀i
I do not often eat Vietnamese food.
chán gin aa-hǎan Vietnam mâi-bᴐ̀i
Do you come to Thailand often?
kun maa bprà-têet tai bᴐ̀i mái
Usually, he wakes up early.
bpà-gà-dtì káo dtʉ̀ʉn cháao
Usually, he eats breakfast at 10 a.m.
bpà-gà-dtì káo gin kâao-cháao dtᴐᴐn sìp-moong cháao
What time does he normally wake up?
bpà-gà-dtì kun dtʉ̀ʉn gìi-moong
He regularly goes to work at 8 a.m.
káo bpai tam-ngaan dtᴐᴐn bpὲεt moong cháao (bpen) bprà-jam
He always goes to eat at that Thai restaurant.
káo bpai gin aa-hǎan tai tîi ráan nán bprà-jam
He always comes early.
káo maa reo dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt
He’s always late.
káo sǎai dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt
Her cat sleeps all the time.
mεεo kᴐ̌ᴐng-káo nᴐᴐn dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt wee-laa
She’s hungry all the time.
káo hǐu dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt wee-laa
This year he worked all year.
bpii níi káo tam-ngaan dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt bpii
The north pole is cold all year.
kûa-lôok nʉ̌a nǎao dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt bpii
Today, she has a meeting all day.
wan-níi káo mii bprà-chum táng wan/dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt-wan
Today, she has been sleepy all day.
wan-níi káo ngûang táng-wan/dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt-wan
Last night, he watched a Korean [TV] series all night.
mʉ̂a-kʉʉn-níi káo duu sii-rîi gao-lǐi táng-kʉʉn
She will love her boyfriend forever.
káo jà rák fεεn kᴐ̌ᴐng-káo dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt-bpai
Maybe Thailand will be hot forever.
bprà-têet tai àat-jà rᴐ́ᴐn dtà-lᴐ̀ᴐt bpai