13. thai verb "to be" Flashcards
bpen kuu yuu
bpen form ___ + _____ + _____, ______
Subject + bpen + Noun, Possessive Pronoun
bpen means
to be someone or something
chán/pǒm bpen kon tai
I am Thai.
Noriko bpen kon yîi-bpùn
Noriko is Japanese
pûak-káo bpen nák-rian
They are students
káo bpen pʉ̂an kᴐ̌ᴐng Fai
He, she is Fai’s friend
I am Thai.
chán/pǒm bpen kon tai
Noriko is Japanese.
Noriko bpen kon yîi-bpùn
They are students
pûak-káo bpen nák-rian
He, she is my dog.
man bpen mǎa kᴐ̌ᴐng-chán
He, she is Fai’s friend
káo bpen pʉ̂an kᴐ̌ᴐng Fai
Negative word for “bpen”
grammatical form for mâi-châi:
___ + ___ + ____, ____
Subject + mâi-châi + Noun, Possessive Pronoun
chán/pǒm mâi-châi kon tai
I am not Thai
Noriko mâi-châi kon jiin
Noriko is not Chinese
pûak-káo mâi-châi nák-rian
They are not students
man mâi-châi mǎa kᴐ̌ᴐng-chán
He, she is not my dog
káo mâi-châi pʉ̂an kᴐ̌ᴐng Fai
He, she is not Fai’s friend
I am not Thai.
chán/pǒm mâi-châi kon tai
Noriko is not Chinese
Noriko mâi-châi kon jiin
They are not students
pûak-káo mâi-châi nák-rian
He, she is not my dog
man mâi-châi mǎa kᴐ̌ᴐng-chán
He, she is not Fai’s friend
káo mâi-châi pʉ̂an kᴐ̌ᴐng Fai
Verb “to be” is or is not used with adjectives
is not
bâan kᴐ̌ᴐng-káo sǔai
His, her house is beautiful
paa-sǎa tai mâi yâak
Thai language is not difficult
kun hǐu mái
Are you hungry?
chán/pǒm mâi nʉ̀ai
I am not tired
His, her house is beautiful
bâan kᴐ̌ᴐng-káo sǔai
Thai language is not difficult
paa-sǎa tai mâi yâak
Are you hungry?
kun hǐu mái
I am not tired
chán/pǒm mâi nʉ̀ai
what word is put between a noun and an adjective when “bpen” is used with a noun phrase?
noun phrase form: ___ + ___ + ___ + ___ + ____
Subject + bpen + Noun + tîi + Adjective
káo bpen pûu-chaai tîi dii
He is a good man
bprà-têet tai bpen bprà-têet tîi rᴐ́ᴐn
Thailand is a hot country
Netherland bpen bprà-têet tîi nǎao
Netherland is a cold country
He is a good man
káo bpen pûu-chaai tîi dii
Thailand is a hot country
bprà-têet tai bpen bprà-têet tîi rᴐ́ᴐn
Netherland is a cold country
Netherland bpen bprà-têet tîi nǎao
Negative forms for noun phrases:
___ + mâi-châi + ___ + __ + ____
___ + ___ + ____ + tîi + __ + ____
Subject + mâi-châi + Noun+ tîi +Adjective
Subject + bpen + Noun + tîi + mâi + Adjective
káo mâi-châi pûu-chaai tîi dii
He is not a good man
káo bpen pûu-chaai tîi mâi dii
He is not a good man
He is not a good man (use mâi-châi)
káo mâi-châi pûu-chaai tîi dii
He is not a good man (use tîi mâi)
káo bpen pûu-chaai tîi mâi dii
Thailand is not a cold country (use mâi-châi)
bprà-têet tai mâi-châi bprà-têet tîi nǎao
Thailand is not a cold country (use tîi mâi)
bprà-têet tai bpen bprà-têet tîi mâi nǎao
bprà-têet tai mâi-châi bprà-têet tîi nǎao
Thailand is not a cold country
bprà-têet tai bpen bprà-têet tîi mâi nǎao
Thailand is not a cold country
Netherland mâi-châi bprà-têet tîi rᴐ́ᴐn
Netherland is not a hot country
Netherland bpen bprà-têet tîi mâi rᴐ́ᴐn
Netherland is not a hot country
Netherland is not a hot country (use mâi-châi)
Netherland mâi-châi bprà-têet tîi rᴐ́ᴐn
Netherland is not a hot country (use tîi mâi)
Netherland bpen bprà-têet tîi mâi rᴐ́ᴐn
kʉʉ does 4 things, what are they?
kʉʉ links two things that are equivalent
to give explanation of who
clarification of things
define a noun
What is to be someone or something?
bâan kʉʉ tîi sǎm-ràp yùu
House is a place for living
uu-kuu-lee-lêe kʉʉ à-rai
What is ukulele? (Ask for the explanation)
House is a place for living
bâan kʉʉ tîi sǎm-ràp yùu
What is ukulele? (Ask for the explanation)
uu-kuu-lee-lêe kʉʉ à-rai
yùu is used for ___
used for the meaning of to be somewhere
What’s used for the meaning of to be somewhere?
3 forms of yùu
____ + ___ + ___ = Where is/are … ?
____ + ___ + ___ + ___ + question particle
____ + yùu + ___ + ___
Subject + yùu + tîi-nǎi = Where is/are…?
Subject + yùu + preposition + place + question particle
Subject + yùu + preposition + place
chán yùu tîi bâan
I am at home.
hᴐ̂ᴐng-náam yùu tîi-nǎi
Where is the toilet?
kun yùu tîi bâan mái
Are you at home?
I am at home.
chán yùu tîi bâan
Where is the toilet?
hᴐ̂ᴐng-náam yùu tîi-nǎi
Are you at home?
kun yùu tîi bâan mái
in (a country, city), at
in (a room, container)
above, upstairs
below, downstairs
in front of
next to, beside
dtrong-kâam / dtrong gàp
opposite to
diagonally opposite to…
rá-wàang nâa-dtàang gàp bprà-dtuu
between window and door
in (a country, city), at
in (a room, container)
above, upstairs
below, downstairs
below, downstairs
in front of
next to, beside
opposite to
dtrong-kâam / dtrong gàp
diagonally opposite to…
between table and chair
rá-wàang dtó gàp gâo-îi