Adrenergic Antagonist: Adrenergic receptor blockers Flashcards
agents that produce their major actions inhibiting α and β receptors.
Adrenergic antagonists
Adrenergic antagonists block the effects of both exogenously administered as well as endogenously released__________
Adrenergic antagonists bind receptors and compete with ________
May affect release of____ from sympathetic fibers
Adrenergic antagonists often abolish the responses mediated through other types of receptors
F; they generally don’t do this
Phenoxybenzamine and phentolamine are:
α adrenergic antagonists (generally 1 and 2)
phenoxybenzamine is an________ antagonist
Phenoxybenzamine works via what type of bonding?
phenoxybenzamine is orally active; long duration of action; blockade persists for days; thus we need to do what to overcome it’s action
need to resynthesize receptors
This drg produces vasodilation proportional to the degree of sympathetic tone
Phentolamine is a:
competitive reversible antagonist
This adrenergic antgonist is orally active; shorter duration of action, and it’s block can be overcome by increasing levels of agonists
Why can phentolamine ve overcome by increaseing levels of agonists
because it’s competitive reversible
Phentolamine is uses to tx: _______– in combination with other agents
pheochromocytoma is treated with:
(phenoxybenzamine, phentolamine)
why would you use phetolamine or phenoxybenamine if you had someone anesthitizes
to reverse or shorten the duration of soft-tissue anesthesia produced by
combined local anesthetic and sympathomimetic