Acupuncture - Urinary Bladder Flashcards
UB 11 – UB 17 = \_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 41 – UB 46 = \_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 18 – UB 21 = \_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 47 – UB 50 = \_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 22 – UB 26 = \_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 51 – UB 52 = \_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 27 – UB 30 = \_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 31 – UB 34 = \_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 53 = \_\_\_\_\_\_
UB 11 – UB 17 = T1 – T7 UB 41 – UB 46 = T1 – T7 UB 18 – UB 21 = T9 – T12 UB 47 – UB 50 = T9 – T12 UB 22 – UB 26 = L1 – L5 UB 51 – UB 52 = L1 – L2 UB 27 – UB 30 = S1 – S4 UB 31 – UB 34 = S1 – S4 UB 53 = S2
UB 10 + UB 67 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 11 to 18 (except UB 16) = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 16 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 19 to 22 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 23 to 34 + UB 40 and UB 57 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 60 + UB 62 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
UB 10 + UB 67 = Headache UB 11 to 18 (except UB 16) = Cough UB 16 = Abdominal pain UB 19 to 22 = Vomiting UB 23 to 34 + UB 40 and UB 57 = Lumbar Pain UB 60 + UB 62 = Back Pain
UB 10 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 11 to 13 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 14 to 17 + UB 44 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 24 to 29 (except UB 27) = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 27 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 30 to 34 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 40 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 57 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ UB 60 + 62 + 67 = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
UB 10 = Subdues Liver Yang
UB 11 to 13 = Expels exterior wind
UB 14 to 17 + UB 44 = Opens the Chest
UB 24 to 29 (except UB 27) = Strengthens Lower Back
UB 27 = Promotes function of Small Intestine
UB 30 to 34 = Regulates Lower Burner
UB 40 = Benefits Lower Back
UB 57 = Resolves Damp Heat in Lower Burner
UB 60 + 62 + 67 = Expels wind
UB 10 – Window of the Sky / 4 Sea point of Qi
At nape of neck. 1.3 cun lateral to GV 15 in the depression on the lateral aspect of the trapezius muscle, 0.5 cun within the posterior hairline. PP 0.5-0.8 inch.
N: Great occipital nerve
C: Occipital artery and vein
I: Headache
A: Subdue Liver Yang
UB 11 – Influential Point of Bone / 4 Sea point of Blood
T1 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline (GV13)
N: Branches of 1st and 2nd thoracic nerves
C: Lung – pneumothorax risk
I: Cough
A: Expels exterior wind
UB 12
T2 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline
N: Branches of 2nd and 3rd thoracic nerves
C: Lung – pneumothorax risk
I: Cough
A: Expels exterior wind
UB 13 – Back Shu Point of Lung
T3 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline (GV12)
N: Branches of 3rd and 4th thoracic nerves
C: Lung – pneumothorax risk
I: Cough
A: Expels exterior wind
UB 14 – Back Shu Point of Pericardium
T4 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline
N: Branches of 4th or 5th thoracic nerves
C: Lung – pneumothorax risk
I: Cough
A: Opens the Chest
UB 15 – Back Shu Point of Heart
T5 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline (GV11)
N: Branches of 5th and 6th thoracic nerves
C: Lung – pneumothorax risk
I: Cough
A: Opens the Chest
UB 44
T5 SP lower border – 3 cun lateral to posterior midline (at medial border of scapula)
N: Branches of 4th and 5th thoracic nerves and the dorsal scapular nerve
C: Lung – pneumothorax risk
I: Cough
A: Opens the Chest
UB 16 – Back Su Point of Governing Vessel
T6 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline (GV10)
N: Branches of 5th and 7th thoracic nerves and the dorsal scapular nerve
C: Lung – pneumothorax risk
I: Abdominal pain
A: Opens the Chest
UB 17 – Influential Point of Blood / Back Shu Point of Diaphragm
T7 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline (GV9)
N: Branches of 7th and 8th thoracic nerves
C: Lung – pneumothorax risk
I: Cough
A: Opens the Chest
T8 - no UB point associated - UB 18 is at T9
UB 18 – Back Shu Point of Liver
T9 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline (GV8)
N: Branches of 9th and 10th thoracic nerves
C: Lung – pneumothorax risk
I: Cough
A: Promotes smooth flow of Liver Qi
UB 19 – Back Shu Point of Gall Bladder
T10 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline (GV7)
N: Branches of 10th and 11th thoracic nerves
C: Lung – pneumothorax risk
I: Vomiting
A: Tonifies the Gall Bladder
UB 20 – Back Shu Point of Spleen
T11 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline (GV6)
N: Branches of 11th and 12th thoracic nerves
C: Lung – pneumothorax risk
I: Vomiting
A: Tonifies the Spleen
UB 21 – Back Shu Point of Stomach
T12 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline
N: Branches of 12th thoracic nerve
C: Lung – pneumothorax risk
I: Vomiting
A: Harmonizes the Stomach
UB 22 – Back Shu Point of Triple Warmer
L1 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline (GV5)
N: Branch of 1st Lum bar nerve
C: Kidney
I: Vomiting
A: Harmonizes the Stomach
UB 23 – Back Shu Point of Kidney
L2 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline (GV4) – UB 52 – L2 SP lower border – 3 cun lateral to posterior mid
N: Branch of 2nd Lum bar nerve
C: Kidney
I: Lumbar Pain
A: Tonifies the Kidney
UB 24
L3 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline
N: Branch of 3rd Lum bar nerve
C: None
I: Lumbar Pain
A: Strengthens lower back
UB 25 – Back Shu Point of Large Intestine
L4 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline (GV3)
N: Branch of 4th Lum bar nerve
C: None
I: Lumbar Pain
A: Strengthens lower back
UB 26
L5 SP lower border – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline
N: Branch of 5th Lum bar nerve
C: None
I: Lumbar Pain
A: Strengthens lower back
UB 27 – Back Shu Point of Small Intestine
S1 foramen level – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline
N: Branch of 1st Sacral nerve
C: None
I: Lumbar Pain
A: Promotes function of Small Intestine
UB 31
S1 foramen – 1 cun lateral to posterior midline
N: Branch of 1st Sacral nerve
C: None
I: Lumbar Pain
A: Regulates the lower burner
UB 28 – Back Shu Point of Urinary Bladder
S2 foramen level – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline
N: Branches of 1st and 2nd Sacral nerve
C: None
I: Lumbar Pain
A: Strengthens lower back
UB 32
S2 foramen – 1 cun lateral to posterior midline
N: Branch of 2nd Sacral nerve
C: None
I: Lumbar Pain
A: Regulates the lower burner
UB 29
S3 foramen level – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline
N: Branches of 1st and 2nd Sacral nerve
C: None
I: Lumbar Pain
A: Strengthens lower back
UB 33
S3 foramen – 1 cun lateral to posterior midline
N: Branch of 3rd Sacral nerve
C: None
I: Lumbar Pain
A: Regulates the lower burner
UB 30
S4 foramen level – 1.5 cun lateral to posterior midline
N: Branches of 3rd and 4th Sacral nerves, and inferior gluteal nerve
C: None
I: Lumbar Pain
A: Regulates the lower burner
UB 34
S4 foramen – 1 cun lateral to posterior midline
N: Branch of 4th Sacral nerve
C: None
I: Lumbar Pain
A: Regulates the lower burner
UB 40 – Command Point of Upper and Lower Back – Lower He-Sea Point of UB
Back of knee – midpoint of transverse crease of popliteal fossa between biceps femoris and semitendinosus tendons
N: Tibial nerve
C: Popliteal artery and vein
I: Lumbar Pain
A: Benefits Lower Back
UB 57
Posterior calf – in distal depression between medial and lateral heads of gastrocnemius muscle when flexed, on line joining UB40 and calcaneal tendon – about 8 cun distal to UB40 or midway between UB40 and UB 60 (16 cun from UB40 to UB60)
N: Tibial nerve
C: Posterior tibial artery and vein
I: Lumbar Pain, hemorrhoids, cystitis/urethritis/hematuria
A: Resolves damp-heat in the Lower Burner
UB60 – River / Fire Point
Level w/ prominence of external malleolus, in depression between external malleolus and calcaneal tendon.
N: Sural nerve
C: None
I: Back Pain
A: Expels wind
UB 62
In depression directly distal to external malleolus.
N: Sural nerve
C: None
I: Back Pain
A: Expels wind
UB 67 – Well Point
On lateral side of small toe, about 0.1 cun posterior to corner of nail bed.
N: Plantar digital proprial nerve and lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve of the foot
C: None
I: Headache
A: Expels wind