Acupuncture - Stomach Flashcards
St 1
L: With eyes looking straight forward, directly inferior to centre of pupil, between the eyeball and infraorbital ridge. Ask pt to look down. Push eyeball upward w/ thumb and slowly PP 0.5-1.0 inch along infraorbital ridge. After removal, press cotton on site for 2 minutes to prevent hematoma.
N: Optic nerve
C: Eyeball
I: Facial paralysis
A: Expels wind
St 7
L: At lower border of zygomatic arch, in depression anterior to condyloid process of mandible. Best located w/ mouth closed. PP 0.3-0.5 inch or PO 0.5-1.0 inch inferiorly or PSq 1.0-1.5 inch toward SI 18 or St 6 (SI 18 is anterior below the prominence of cheekbone, St 6 is inferior and is 1 fingebreadth anterior and superior to lower angle of mandible where masseter mm attaches)
N: Branch of facial nerve
C: Transverse facial artery and vein
I: Facial paralysis
A: Expels wind
St 25 - Front Mu of LI
L: 2 cun lateral to CV 8 (CV 8 is center of umbilicus) bilaterally. PP 1.0-1.5 inch.
N: Branch of 10th intercostal nerve
C: Peritoneal cavity in thinner patients
I: Infertility
A: Promotes function of LI
St 29
L: 4 cun inferior to umbilicus and 2 cun lateral to anterior midline (in line w/ CV 3) bilaterally. PP 1.0-1.5 inch.
N: Iliohypogastric nerve.
C: Peritoneal cavity in thinner patients. Bladder when full.
I: Infertility
A: Raises Qi
St 30 - Penetrating Vessel point
L: 5 cun inferior to umbilicus and 2 cun lateral to anterior midline (in line w/ CV 2 at upper border of pubic bone) bilaterally. PP 0.5-1.0 inch.
N: Ilioinguinal nerve
C: Peritoneal cavity in thinner patients. Bladder when full.
I: Infertility
A: Raises Qi
St 34
L: On line connecting ASIS and lateral border of patella, 2 cun proximal to superior border of patella. PP 0.5-1.0 inch or PO 1.0-1.5 inch.
N: Branches of femoral nerve.
C: None
I: Epigastric pain
A: Harmonizes the Stomach
St 36 - Command point of the Abdomen
L: With knee flexed, 3 cun distal to St 35 and 1 fingerbreadth lateral to anterior crest of tibia in tibialis anterior muscle (St 35 is at lower border of patella in depression lateral to patellar ligament). PP 1.0-1.5 inch.
N: Deep peroneal nerve.
C: Anterior tibial artery and vein
I: Epigastric pain
A: Harmonizes the Stomach
St 38 - Yang Ming Shoulder point
L: With knee flexed, 8 cun distal to St 35 and 1 finger breadth lateral to anterior crest of tibia in tibialis anterior muscle, midway between St 35 and St 41. Or, 5 cun distal to St 36. Or, 1 cun medial to St 40, which is midway between popliteal crease and prominence of lateral malleolus (ie 8 cun proximal to malleolus) and 2 fingerbreadth lateral to anterior crest of tibia. PP 1.0-1.5 inch.
N: Deep peroneal nerve.
C: Anterior tibial artery and vein
I: Shoulder pain
A: Benefits shoulder, relieves pain
St 40 - Phlegm empirical point
L: With knee flexed, 8 cun proximal to external malleolus, or midway between popliteal crease and prominence of lateral malleolus, 2 fingerbreadth lateral to anterior crest of tibia or 1 fingerbreadth lateral to St 38. PP 0.5-1.0 inch or PO 1.0-1.5 inch.
N: Superficial peroneal nerve
C: None
I: Excessive sputum, asthma, sinusitis, cough
A: Resolves phlegm
St 44 - Spring point
L: Between 2nd and 3rd toes just proximal to the margin of the web in the depression distal and lateral to the 2nd metatarsophalangeal joint. PP 0.3-0.5 inch or PO 0.5-1.0 inch proximally.
N: Lateral branch of the medial dorsal cutaneous nerve.
C: Dorsal venous network of foot.
I: Toothache
A: Clears heat
St 45 - Well point
L: On lateral side of second tow, about 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail bed.
N: Dorsal digital nerve
C: None
I: Toothache
A: Clears Stomach Heat