A604.1 Radiological Incidents (09-01-2014) Flashcards
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
AFD response, approach, and operations at known or suspected radiological incidents shall be consistent with:
- The AFD Hazardous Material Site Operation Manual
- CAPCOG RESET CBRNE Regional Response Guidebook
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
Response to a known or suspected accidental release of radiation will be a:
Hazmat Task Force or a Hazardous Materials Alarm
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
The Incident Commander will notify who as soon as possible in teh event of any known or suspected felease of radiological materials?
Texas Bureau of Radiation Control
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
Protecting your body from _________ contamination is of the utmost importance:
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
When approaching, company officers will retrieve the ______ ________ from the apparatus, write down the current ________ _________ dose reading and carry it on their person for the duration of the incident:
- Radiological Pager
- Total Accumulated
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
The immediate “Turn back dose rate” during victim rescue is:
200 REM per hour
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
The initial exclusion zone will be established at any point where _______ readings are found:
2 millirem per hour
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
Initial exclusion zones at the site of an explosion shall never be set closer than:
The rubble line
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
The RAD pager serves as both a:
Dose rate and Absorbed dose monitoring tool
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
Exclusion zones will be re-evaluated and monitored by:
Arriving Spec-Ops personnel
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
The rubble line rule remains in effect at all times regardless of monitor readings for possible:
Dirty bomb elements
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
Upon arrival at the scene of reported explosions, Spec-Ops units will always screen for these 3 hazards:
- Chemical
- Biological
- Radiological
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
What is the radiation axiom?
- Time
- Distance
- Shielding
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
Initial actions at a suspected radiological incident should be:
- Isolate
- deny entry
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
Any member entering the hot zone must be equipped with at least one:
RAD Pager
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
Who is responsible for monitoring and establishing the formal Hot Zone?
Special Operations Group
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
A decon corridor should be set up inside the:
Warm Zone
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
What type of decon must be performed on contaminated personnel and equipment exiting the hot zone?
Technical Decon
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
Who is responsible for setting up Technical Decon?
Special Operations Group
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
Maximum dose limits for each responder should be __ REM total per incident except in life saving operations where a ___ REM maximum dose limit should be used:
- 5 REM total
- 25 REM max
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
What tactical considerations are there for radiological incidents with fire (8)?
- Initiate normal tactical firefighting operations
- Full PPE
- Use monitoring instrumentation
- Approach from upwind
- Do not ventilate
- Minimize water usage
- Control water run-off
- Utilize time, distance, shielding
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
What (6) tactical considerations are there for rescue/medical at radiological incidents?
- Full PPE
- Use monitoring instrumentation
- Remove patients quickly
- Provide treatment to patients
- Alert hospitals
- Decon patients prior to transport. (Gross decon)
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
When dealing with radiological weapons, if fire is involved, immediately evacuate the area for ___ feet in all directions:
2,000 feet
[A604.1 Radiological Incident]
IF no Rad pager is available and the company performs rescue, the company officer should do this to help with estimating the total dose received by the crew:
Record how much time the company spent in the exclusion zone