A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents (06-01-2011) Flashcards
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
What type of approach will be used to a Haz-Mat incident?
Uphill and Upwind
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
This should be appointed at every Haz-Mat incident:
A knowledgeable safety officer
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
Who should control the perimeters established at incidents?
Law enforcement
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
What should be setup and established before entry into the hot zone (2)?
- Decontamination
- Medical Transport is available
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
Who must approve any procedures used and/or any entries into the hot zone during mitigation?
The Safety Officer
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
What is the 1st tactical priority?
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
Whose responsibility is it to determine if personnel are capable of performing rescue?
Incident Commander
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
What (5) factors should help in determining if personnel are capable of performing a rescue?
- The hazards of the material
- Level of training
- Experience
- Risk involved
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
In regard to documenting the incident, what is required by regulation?
A historical log documenting all actions and events with the time of their occurrence
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
Control of the scene at a Hazmat incident is the responsibility of:
Incident Command
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
The responsibility of scene control involves doing these 3 things:
- Site control
- Removing people that are within the isolation area
- Denying entry to unauthorized persons
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
Scene control will be facilitated by the use of these zones:
Isolation zones
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
What factors will dictate the isolation zone perimeters?
Direct monitor readings, combined with info in hazmat reference material
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
Staging should be located in the:
Cold zone
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
When using chemical protective clothing, the correct suit for the operation to be performed will be determined by:
Using the manufacturer’s list of chemical compatibility and permeation values for that specific suit
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
Operations personnel working as Decon personnel may don what in lieu of regular firefighter turnouts?
Level B (Splash) garments
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
At a minimum, the pre-entry briefing should include these (6):
- The plan of action
- Health hazards involved
- Safety hazards involved
- PPE to be used
- Decon procedures
- Symptoms of exposure
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
Who should be standing by when operating in the hot zone with chemical protective clothing is used?
Medical assistance with transport capabilities
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
Who is responsible of notifying governmental agencies?
Incident Command
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
Notification to government agencies is required within ___ hours?
24 hours
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
If a reportable quantity is discharged or spilled, regulations require notification of these 2 agencies:
The National Response Center (NRC) and TCEQ
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
Who is responsible for conducting the post-incident review?
Incident Command
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
This plan helps to ensure that safe procedures will be conducted:
Site Safety Plan
[A601.1 Haz-Mat Incidents]
The haz-mat tech selected to use chemical protective clothing will receive this before donning the equipment:
Pre-entry medical assessment