A603 Nerve Agent Rescue (10-01-2009) Flashcards
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
What does SBCCOM stand for?
US Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
The SBCCOM studies found that if victims are still moving ___ minutes after exposure, the atmosphere can be entered by rescuers in full PPE and SCBA for up to ___ minutes:
- 15 minutes
- 30 minutes
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
What agent can must easily permeate PPE?
Mustard gas
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
At even the highest doses of mustard gas, symptoms do not appear in less than ___ hours:
2 hours
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
Mustard gas symptoms are delayed and may not appear for ___ to ____ hours after exposure:
4 to 18 hours
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
Mustard gas liquid does not:
Readily evaporate
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
Mustard gas has a distinct ________-like odor:
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
At incidents involving large numbers of patients and fleeing persons, the life safety focus should center on:
Doing the most good for the most people
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
What should personnel carry when mitigating any suspected nerve agent incident?
Nerve Agent Antidote Kits (Mark 1)
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
What are the (3) priorities for response personnel at nerve agent calls?
- Ensure life safety
- Isolate the area
- Call for assistance
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
When addressing (at times by using the PA system) the walking wounded you should direct them to an area preferably (3):
- Upwind
- Away from others
- Where decon can be set up
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
What is considered a positive sign to responders that the contaminant is not at a lethal dose
Patient movement
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
If a high probability exists for patient survival and possible rescue, the first step is to:
Notify incoming units of your actions and direct an incoming company to set up for emergency decon
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
_______ ______ patients should be extracted before ________ _______ patients:
- Readily accessible
- Heavily trapped
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
What should you do if patients seem to be deceased or not moving?
- Isolate the area
- deny entry
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
If responders have entered a contaminated atmosphere for rescue purposes, the next arriving crew should:
Establish a Decon group and begin setting up emergency decontamination
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
What 3 things are involved in setting up an emergency decontamination?
- Cordoning off the Decon area
- Securing hydrant water supply
- Positioning an engine company for hose line use
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
Triage will follow what protocols?
Austin-Travis County COGs
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
In large-scale, multi-casualty situations, follow what decontamination procedures?
Mass decon procedures
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
All guidelines will focus on the rescue of persons that are:
Known to be alive
[A603 Nerve Agent Rescue]
How long is a rescuer considered to be adequately protected from nerve agent exposure while wearing standard turnout gear and SCBA?
30 Minutes