A104 Two-in/Two-out (10/01/2009) Flashcards
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
Senate bill 382 became law on what date?
September 1, 2001
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
What OSHA standard is for two-in two-out?
OSHA 1910
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
According to the OSHA standard on 2-in 2-out, A team of at least ____ fire protection personnel must be assembled before an interior fire attack can be made when the fire has progressed beyond the ___________ stage?
- At least 4
- Beyond the incipient stage
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
The 2 firefighters that enter the IDLH must remain in this type of contact?
Visual or voice (not radio)
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
One of the outside fire protection personnel must actively:
Monitor the status of the inside personnel and not be assigned other duties
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
Who all can be considered as the 2nd outside member (not the one monitoring interior personnel)?
Command, Pump operator, Safety chief… Pretty much any fire personnel so long as they are able to perform assistance or rescue activities without jeopardizing a firefighters safety or health
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
Using this is a communications instrument for interior fire fighting is not permitted by the commission?
Signal line (Rope)
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
Each outside protection personnel must have this immediately accessible:
Complete set of protective clothing and SCBA
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
The only time interior operations may be conducted without 2 persons outside the structure is:
Imminent life-threatening situation
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
Unless making an exception to the rule, the first inside team shall announce on the radio when they enter and that an:
Outside team has been established
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
Outside team members should stay outside of the IDLH and maintain these types of contact with the inside crew?
- Visual
- Voice
- Radio contact
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
What is the sole responsibility of the outside team monitor?
Monitor the safety of the inside team
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
Who will ensure that all members operating in the IDLH are wearing full PPE and SCBA and further ensure that the inside teams are in radio contact with the OTM or RIC, when established?
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
If an inside team is making entry without the outside team in place, these 4 conditions must be met:
- Must have a reasonable expectation that there is an occupant in danger of injury or death
- The comply with PPE and SCBA requirements and remain in visual or voice (not radio) contact
- They notify dispatch and responding companies they are entering for possible rescue, and no outside team is available
- They exit the structure ASAP unless another company has arrived and taken on the outside team duties
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
What is the definition of an incipient stage fire?
A fire that is in the initial or beginning stage and can be controlled or extinguished by portable fire extinguishers, Class 2 standpipes or small hose system, without the need for PPE or SCBA
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
What class standpipe can extinguish an incipient stage fire?
Class 2
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
What is the outside team monitor?
The outside team member whose only responsibility is to monitor the status of the inside team
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
The outside team monitor may help the inside team with:
Advancing the hose from outside the IDLH
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
If an event occurs that endangers the inside team, the outside team monitor should attempt to contact them with the term __________ _____________?
Emergency traffic
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
As part of monitoring duties, the outside team monitor will keep track of:
Initial incident scene accountability
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
The outside team monitor should continue their role until:
Relieved by RIC
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
A RIC member should obtain a “____ ___ _____” briefing before relieving the OTM:
“Face to face”
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
Once relieved, if the OTM cannot report to their officer, they should:
Stay close to the vicinity of the inside team entry point. They shall not enter into the IDLH atmosphere and try to locate their officer
[A104 Two-In/Two-out]
The most common duty the 2nd member of the outside team performs is:
Pump operator