A2.3 (part 2) Flashcards
Evolution of viruses
converged evolution in viruses
diffrent cells have similar tactics and features and sizes, just because that way works
rapid rate of virus evolution
viruses can exchange genetic material so they can adapt
RNA viruses are
retro viruses and have a high rate of mutation by using transcriptase enzymes and rna polymerase
short life cycle and reproduce quickly
viruses exchange genetic material
viruses with high
mutation rate are harder to treat against
rapid evolution of HIV
attacks white blood cells (T)
cause aids
reproduces quickly and prone to mutations (making more or less harmful)
and can exchange traits
rapid evolution of covid
rna enters through carrier proteins in membrane
mutations which make vaccines not effective
high replication rate
rapid evolution if iflluenza
high mutations
vaccines arent rly affective
can carry out reasortment
retro viruses and have a high rate of mutation by
using transcriptase enzymes and rna polymerase
how viruses replicate (5)
- attatches to host cell
- injects nucleica acid to cytoplasm
- use protein systheis to prodice viral proteins
- assemble new viral proteins
- release viral proteins
lysnogenic and lytic cyle is
Single stranded dna= not dna, just a single stranded nucleotide made of t a c g
bacterirophage lambda
Single stranded dna
= not dna, just a single stranded nucleotide made of t a c g