A2.2 (part 1) Flashcards
light microscope magnification
10 to 400 x
only used for living specimens
spontaneous generation theory
organisms appear from non living matter, provn wrong by Hocks, by his seeing cells com uma microscope
coverslip for microscope
place on 90 degreese angle
stadge micrometer
ruler attatched to stadge
eye piece graticule
grid on to measure things in microscopes
iodine stains used for
methylene blue stain used for
gram staining
for bacteria, has + and -
1mm is
m\ 1000 is mm\ 1000 is micrometers \ 1000 is nm
electron microscope
black and white
dead speciminens
how electron microscopes work
they shine beam of electrons through and they will pass through less dense areas but wil gt absorbed to dense ones (electrons have a shorter wave lenght than light so pass through
freeze fracture microscopy technique
freeze sample
observe com electron
can observe things which normally are not visible, like intenal plasma membranes (mostly for membranes)
cryogenic electron microscope
freeze to -180 degreese or colder which stops molcules from moving
this impvoes resolution and prevents electron beam damage
immuo fluorescence microscope
better viualiation of sructures
fluro tag attatches to antigens and this will be shonwn as ight of diffrent colours
for study of diseases
(for light eu pensa)
fluroscent dye
light microsopy
dye atttches to prefered substance, and will appear coloued
visualises drug delivery
microscopes cant see
genus of unicellera protozoa
less than 0.25mm
in water (still ponds)
have cillia to move
divides for 2 daughter cells
sex and asex reproduction
unicell green algae genus
in soil, fresh water, snowy mountains
10-30 micrometers
have chloroplast and “eye” which detects light (more light is more growth)
2 flagellas to move
sex and asex
(animal) what do centrioles do
2 cylindrical organelle help division
(animal e plant ) ribosomes
80s help protien synthesis
membrane bound bag of hydrolytic enzymes which break down bio molecules, found in phagocytes
rough and smooth endoplasmic reticlum
stores lipids and produces them
cell wall
made of cellulose, prevents it from bursting due to hypotonic media
glogi apparatus
packages proteis
special cells nucleus
red blood cells- tem sem
skeletal cells have 2
eukaryotic cells with more nucleus
eukaryotic cell with less nucleus
cells with lose dna
prokaryotic (bacteria)
cells wih bound dna
eukaryotic bound to histones
vesicle (fungi)
transports e releases coisas broduced by cell by fusing woth cell mebrane
cytoskeleton fung
protine fibers hold organelle in place and keeps shape of cell
storage vaccuole fungi
molecule degration
cells evolved from engulfing prokaryotic cells which then became organelle inside
gene expressio can be
controlled by enviroment
early embroy
cells are uspecialised, but as they grow they specilise
cell aggregation
cell form clusters and share nutrience and protection, which leads to spesification