A17 - Parotid and Temeromassetric Region Flashcards
What is the parotid gland?
it is paired with the major salivary gland and produces serous fluids
What does saliva contain?
digestive enzymes -amylase
antmicrobal enzymes
What cuts across the masseter and drains into the mouth at 2nd maxillary molar via the parotid papilla?
parotid duct
what are the contents of the parotid region?
- facial nerve plexus
- retromandibular vein (superficial temporal vein & maxillary vein)
- external carotid artery ( superficial temporal artery & maxillary artery)
what are the branches of the facial nerve?
temporal zygomatic buccal mandibular cervical posterior auricular
What makes up the parotid bed?
medial - styloid process of temporal bone, stylohyoid & posterior belly of digastric, posterior border of mandibular ramus
posterior - sternocleidomastoid
anterior - masseter muscle
lateral - posterior border of mandibular ramus
describe the saliva supply by the parotid gland
- pre-ganlionic fibres leave the cranial cavity via the jugular foreman as the tympanic brach of the glossopharyngeal to the tympanic region in the middle ear
- these fibres leave the tympanic region as the lesser petrosal nerve through the foramen ovale with the Vc branch of CN V
- pre-ganglionic fibres synapse in the otic ganglion
- post-synaptic fibres travel with the auriclo-temporal branch of Vc to the parotid gland supplying sympathetic
What is caused by chronic bruxism?
maseteric hypertrophy
How can msseteric hypertrophy be treated?
Explain the Gilles approach for a fractured zygomatic arch
- incise the skin and the superficial fasci over temporalis
- place device between muscle & fascia then push inferiorly to zygomatic arch
- lift and reduce anteriorly
What stimulates saliva production ?
thought, smell of food
pain in/around the mouth area
What nerve supply produces “sticky” saliva that makes the mouth feel dry?
What nerve supply produces runny saliva?
What is a calcified mass in a salivary gland?
saliva calculi
What problem does saliva calculi cause?
obstruct ducts causing swelling and pain but have intermitting pain due to stimuli of glands