A&P Exam 1 Flashcards
How to identify Dyspnea
–shortness of breath
How to identify Apnea
–complete absence of spontaneous ventilation
How to identify Eupnea
–normal spontaneous breathing
How to identify Biot’s respiration
–short episodes of deep inspirations, followed by 10-30 seconds of apnea
How to identify Cheyenne strokes respiration
–10 to 30 seconds of apnea, followed by gradual increase in volume and frequency of breathing followed by a gradual decrease in volume of breathing until another period of apnea occurs
How to identify Hyperpnea
–increased depth of breathing
How to identify Orthopnea
–pt can only breathe comfortably when sitting upright
How to identify hyperventilation
–increased rate, increased depth, and/or combination of both
How to identify hypoventilation
–decreased rate, decreased depth, and/or combination of both
How to identify Kussmal’s respiration
–increased rate and depth of breathing (can occur in diabetic ketoacidosis) (most of the time, having to use accessory muscles to breather as well) (a type of hyperventilation)
Normal BP range
Functions and parts of the upper airway
–Parts: consists of the nose, oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx
–conductor of air
–humidify and warm or cool the inspired air
–prevent foreign materials from entering tracheobronchial tree
–serve as an important area involved in speech and smell
The functions and parts of the lower airway
– the cartilaginous airways serve only to conduct air between the external environment and the sites of gas exchange
–parts:Trachea, main stem bronchi, lobar bronchi, segmental bronchi
–the noncartilaginous airways serves as both as conductors of air and as sites of gas exchange
–parts:subsegmental bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchioles
Respiratory zone: sites of gas exchange
–parts:respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs
average size and length of the trachea
Adult trachea= 11 to 13 cm long
what is compliance
–How readily elastic force of lungs accepts volume of inspired air
what is elastance
–Defined as change in pressure per change in volume
what is surface tension
–When liquid-gas interface exists, liquid molecules at the liquid-gas interface are strongly attracted to liquid molecules within the liquid mass
what the average blood volume
–Average total blood volume in adult male: Approximately 5 to 6liters
–Average total blood volume in adult female: Approximately 4 to 5 liters
what is function of blood
–Transport O2 throughout tissues and carbon dioxide to lungs
–Transport nutrients and waste products
– transport processed molecules from one part of the body to another
–transport regulatory hormones and enzymes
–regulate pH and osmosis
– maintain body temp
– protect against foreign substances
–form clots
what is the percentage of each atmosphere gas
–nitrogen 78%
– oxygen 21%
–carbon dioxide 0.03%
– argon 0.93%
The values change in an adult’s breathing pattern as compliance decreases or increase
–when compliance decreases: respiratory rate increases and tidal volume decreases;
–when compliance increases: respiratory rate decreases and tidal volume increases
Primary vital function of the larynx is to
–Passageway of air between pharynx and trachea
-ensure free flow of air into the lungs
–Inspiration: the vocal cords move apart and widen the glottis
–Exhalation: the vocal cords move slightly toward midline while maintaining an open glottal airway
Secondary vital functions of the Larynx
–protection from aspiration of food and liquids
–effort closure during exhalation (valsalva’s maneuver
–during this maneuver the lumen of the larynx is sealed tightly allowing no air escape
Alveolar Oxygen formula
–PAO2 = [Pb - PH2O] FIO2 - PaCO2 (1.25)
The Right Lung
–larger and heavier than the left
–Division: 3 lobes
–upper, middle. and lower, lobes by the horizontal and oblique fissure
The Left Lung
–Divisions: 2 lobes
–Upper and lower lobes
–Separated by the oblique fissure
blood flows through the heart
–Deoxygenated blood goes out to the lungs
– returns back to heart-oxygenated
–ready to go through the systemic system
Which of the following are components of the pharynx
Which cartilage in the upper airway is shaped like a signet ring.
–Cricoid Cartilage
–What is average adult tidal volume?
What is the normal transit time for blood through the alveolar-capillary system?
–.75 sec
What is the name of the double-walled sac in which the heart is positioned within
In the pulmonary system, what is the normal systolic pressure?
In the pulmonary system, what is the normal diastolic pressure?
What is the normal mean arterial pressure?
Which valve separates the right atrium and right ventricle?
–Tricuspid valve
What term describes inflammation of the pericardium
Which structure is described as a broad spoon-shaped structure designed to prevent the aspiration of food and liquids during swallowing
The space between the true vocal cords is also known as the
What is the name of the structure that connects the pharynx and the stomach
Which structure is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones?
–thyroid gland
Which cartilage in the upper airway is the largest?
–Thyroid Cartilage
The flap of cartilage at the root of the tongue, which is depressed during swallowing to cover the opening of the windpipe is called
What is the upper most portion of the lung called
Which of the following carries blood away from the heart?
Select the accessory muscles of inspiration listed below
What is the normal I:E ratio in the breath cycle?
– 1:2
At sea level, what is the normal alveolar water vapor pressure?
–47 mm Hg
total body weight is made up of about ______% of blood.
In the systemic system, what is the normal systolic pressure?
In the systemic system, what is the normal diastolic pressure?
When the lung is positioned upright, which area of the lung would be expected to have the most pulmonary blood flow?
What is another for pharyngeal tonsils
What is the term for the openings created by the alae nasi and septal cartilage
What us the term for widening of the nostrils that can occur during respiratory distress
–nasal flaring