9 Metaphor in collocations Flashcards
cheerful and feeling sure that things will be successful
to be in a ___ mood
G: beschwingt > in Hochstimmung/bester Stimmung sein
a. if a bad mood or bad feeling …s, you start to feel happier
b. to become or make somebody more cheerful
SYN: to cheer sb up
to ___ sb’s mood (also: to … sb’s spirits)
G: jds. Stimmung anheben; jdn aufbauen/aufmuntern
a person’s feelings or state of mind
to be in high/low ___
spirits [pl]
in gehobener/gedrückter Stimmung sein
to go gradually into a less active, happy or pleasant state
to ___ (deep) despair
to sink into
in (tiefe) Verzweiflung fallen/versinken
an unpleasant feeling that you get when you realize that something bad has happened or is going to happen
I had a horrible ___ when I saw the ambulance outside the house.
(to have/get) a sinking feeling (infml)
G: ein flaues Gefühl (in der Magengegend)
to improve the amount of confidence and enthusiasm, etc. that a person or a group has at a particular time
His team was 2-0 down at half-time, so the manager tried to ___ of his team.
to raise (SYN: boost) the morale
G: die Moral heben
to make somebody anxious or worried
G: jdn. gedanklich (schwer) belasten; jdm. (sehr) zu schaffen machen
to weigh (heavily) on sb’s mind
The decision to move has been weighing heavily on Eric’s mind.
stay cheerful
You must try and ___ your spirits ___.
to keep your spirits up
G: bei guter Laune bleiben
a reaction that shows that you are not interested or enthusiastic about sth
a lukewarm response
very strong criticism directed against sb
to criticize sb very strongly
a blistering attack on sb
to launch a blistering attack on sb
ein hitziges Gemüt/Temperament haben; leicht erregbar sein
ADJ: heissblütig
to have a hot temper
ADJ: hot-tempered
fühlen, wie sich die Wut anstaut/zusammenbraut
to feel anger boil up / boiling up
to insist angrily that something is not true
to hotly deny sth
ein eisiger Blick
an icy stare
(of anger or violence) suddenly start or become much stronger
Tempers ___d towards the end of the meeting.
G: die Gemüter erhitzten sich …
ein frostiger Empfang
jdm. einen frostigen Empfang bereiten
frostig empfangen werden
a frosty reception
to give sb a frosty reception
to meet with/receive a frosty reception
(of relations) become more friendly
Relations between the two countries ___ed a little after the talks.
G: (Beziehungen) sich entspannen; allgemein: (auf)tauen
eine hitzige Debatte
a heated debate