12 Collocations in speech Flashcards
to make somebody very angry
to drive sb mad/crazy
That noise is driving me mad.
to not know anything at all about sth
to not have the faintest idea (informal)
I didn’t have the faintest idea what you meant.
SYN: to watch a film/movie
to catch a film
Let’s eat now and maybe we could catch a film later.
to sit down and relax, especially with your feet raised and supported
to put your feet up
After a hard day’s work, it’s nice to get home and put your feet up.
to eat a small meal quickly
to grab a bite
While I was in town, I felt hungry and grabbed a bite.
used to ask someone if they have been successful with sth
(to have) any luck?
Did you have any luck getting hold of his mobile number?
to help someone
to give sb a hand
Could you give me a hand with my luggage?
to exchange news with someone you have not seen for a long time
to have a catch-up
It would be nice to have a catch-up with you sometime soon.
G: sich vage an etwas erinnern
to vaguely remember sth
G: jds früheste Erinnerung
your earliest memory
(of descriptions, memories, etc.) very clear, powerful, and detailed images in the mind
G: anschaulich, lebendig, lebhaft
to have vivid memories of sth
I have vivid memories of my first day at school.
to make someone think about something from the past
G: Erinnerungen wecken/wachrufen
to bring back memories
The photos brought back some wonderful memories.
to keep thinking about the past
G: ständig an die Vergangenheit denken
to dwell on the past
I prefer not to dwell on the past.
von Nostalgie (Sehnsucht nach Vergangenem) erfüllt sein
to be filled with nostalgia
if this happens, you forget it or forget to do it
G: jdm entfallen (sein)
to slip your mind
I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It completely slipped my mind.
to fail to get an answer or a result
G: jdm. nicht in den Sinn kommen
to draw a blank
He asked me for my phone number and I drew a blank - I just couldn’t remember it.
not remember anything
BLANK (adj)
G: eine Mattscheibe haben
your mind goes blank
Suddenly my mind went blank.
SYN: to CLEARLY remember (doing) sth
to DISTINCTLY remember (doing) sth