5 Collocations for good and bad Flashcards
eine überschwängliche Empfehlung bekommen
jdn. wärmstens empfehlen
to get a glowing reference
to give sb a glowing reference
eine hohe Meinung von jdm. haben
eine hohe Meinung von sich selbst haben
to have a high opinion of sb
to have a high opinion of yourself
eine solide Leistung abliefern
einen soliden Auftritt hinlegen
to give a solid performance
to put in a solid performance
einen vielversprechenden Start hinlegen
to get off to/make a promising start
eine bemerkenswerte/beachtliche Leistung
a remarkable achievement
eine hoffnungsvolle Zukunft vor sich haben
to have a bright future ahead of you / in front of you
eine fähige/begabte/vortreffliche Studentin
an able student
ein riesiger Erfolg
a huge success
ein erstklassiges Beispiel für
a prime example of
einen vorteilhaften Eindruck auf jdn. machen
to make a favourable impression on sb
She made a VERY BAD error.
(make) a GLARING error
Some people have VERY BAD memories when they think of an unhappy period of time in their lives.
(have) PAINFUL memories
Patrick was late for school and gave a VERY BAD excuse.
(give/make) a LAME excuse
The teacher complained about the VERY BAD quality of her students’ essays.
POOR quality
Luckily, she didn’t suffer VERY BAD injuries in the accident.
(suffer) HORRIFIC injuries
Since he was made redundant, Mike has had a VERY BAD time.
(have) a ROUGH time
Arsenal’s unexpected defeat put Allan in a VERY BAD mood.
(be/put sb in a) FOUL mood
Employees shouldn’t put up with VERY BAD treatment from their superiors at work.
SHODDY treatment