19 Collocations for communication Flashcards
An interesting fact about someone, especially relating to their private life
a piece of gossip
A short conversation
D: ein kurzer Schwatz
a brief chat
To start talking to someone you don’t know
D: ein Gespräch beginnen
to strike up a conversation
A friendly, relaxed conversation
D: eine gemütliche Plauderei/Unterhaltung
a cosy chat
Very interesting facts about someone’s private life that may not be true
juicy gossip
A time when the talking between people stops
D: eine Gesprächspause
a lull in the conversation
To stop talking about a particular thing, often because it’s upsetting or embarrassing someone
D: Lassen wir das Thema! / Sprechen wir nicht mehr darüber!
to drop the subject
E: Let’s drop the subject!
Short pieces of talk between two or more people
D: Gesprächsfetzen (hören/mitbekommen)
(to hear) snatches of conversation
To start to talk about something difficult or embarrassing with someone
D: das Thema ( ) ansprechen/anschneiden
to broach the subject (of)
I only saw her briefly so we exchanged ________ but we didn’t have a proper conversation.
D: sich gegenseitig begrüssen
to exchange greetings
He said in passing that his wife had been ill but he didn’t go into _______.
D: ins Detail gehen
to go into details
I seemed to spend half the evening making small _________ about the weather.
D: ein kurzes oberflächliches Gespräch (führen)
(to make) small talk
I was very late for my lesson so I ___________ profusely to the teacher.
D: Vielmals um Verzeihung bitten
apologised profusely
E: To apologise/aplogize profusely
After a lenghty ________, we finally made a decision.
D: eine lange Diskussion
a lengthy discussion
He has been ________ hints that he would like a bike for his birthday.
D: eine Andeutung machen/einen Wink geben
has been dropping hints
E: to drop a hint
I was very pleased because she _______ me a compliment on my cooking.
D: Jemandem ein Kompliment machen (für etwas)
paid me a compliment
E: to pay sb a compliment (on sth)
He’s a very shy man and he lacks conversational ________.
E: Someone’s ability to talk with people
conversational skills
A topic that someone finds upsetting or embarrassing to talk about.
D: ein heikles Thema
a sensitive subject