21 Collocations for opinions Flashcards
an unpleasant reality/truth/fact
harte Realität/Tatsache
stark reality
to say what you really think
um ganz ehrlich zu sein; ganz ehrlich gesagt
to be perfectly honest
ein leiser/heimlicher Verdacht
a sneaking suspicion
jemandes Standpunkt verstehen;
verstehen, was jemand meint
to take s.o’s point
Anschuldigungen erheben/vorbringen/machen
to make accusations
to be almost sure about sth
stark vermuten/annehmen
to strongly suspect
matter of opinion
sth extremely suspicious
höchst/äusserst verdächtig
highly suspicious
am Thema vorbeireden;
nicht verstehen, worum es geht
to miss the point
to (dare) make a guess which you know may be wrong
eine Vermutung wagen
to hazard a guess
when people tell each other their opinions about sth
exchange of views
to continue to be unsure that sth is good or true
skeptisch bleiben
to remain sceptical
to make someone think that their opinion may not be correct
jemandes Glauben erschüttern/ins Wanken bringen
to shake someone’s belief
to disagree strongly with/argue about sth
mit etwas nicht einverstanden sein;
Einwände gegen etwas vorbringen/erheben
to take issue with something
very unsure that sth is good or true
äusserst/zutiefst skeptisch
deeply sceptical
very different views
widersprüchliche Ansichten
conflicting views
the opinion that you get of someone or something when you see them the first time
erster Eindruck
first impression
very firm opinions
starke Überzeugungen/Anschauungen
strong convictions
a situation where people do not agree
difference of opinion
to become agreed to by other people
(von jdm.) Anerkennung/Zustimmung erhalten
to gain acceptance (with sb)