14 Collocations for relationships Flashcards
a family where the parents and children have strong relationships and are very involved with each other
D: eine eng verbundene Familie
a close-knit family
someone who is known and liked by two people who also know each other
D: ein gemeinsamer Freund
a mutual friend
a lot of people who know and like you
D: ein grosser Freundeskreis
a wide circle of friends
a happy family in which there are no big changes or problems
D: eine stabile Familie
opposite of a dysfunctional family
a stable family
someone who you know and like a little but do not have strong feelings for
D: ein flüchtiger Bekannter
a casual acquaintance
a family in which there are many problems and bad relationships
D: eine Problemfamilie
opposite of a stable family
a dysfunctional family
closely related family members, such as parents, children, brothers and sisters
D: engste Familie
immediate family
someone that you are related to by birth and not by marriage
D: ein Blutsverwandter
a blood relative
someone who you used to know a little in the past
D: ein alter Bekannter
an old acquaintance
to start to have strong romantic feelings for someone
D: sich in jemanden verlieben
to fall in love with someone
a romantic relationship that starts very quickly and unexpectedly
D: eine stürmische Liebesaffäre
a whirlwind romance
having extremely strong romantic feelings for someone
D: bis über beide Ohren in jemanden verliebt sein
to be madly in love with someone
a very unhappy and complicated end to a marriage
D: eine Scheidung in Unfrieden
a messy divorce
strong romantic feelings that start as soon as you look at a person
D: Liebe auf den ersten Blick
love at first sight
a romantic relationship that starts when you are staying away from home for pleasure
D: eine Urlaubsromanze
a holiday romance
a very quick end to a marriage
D: eine Blitzscheidung
a quickie divorce from someone
love has started and developed between two people
D: die Beziehung entwickelte sich
romance has blossomed between someone and someone
someone that you are related to but not closely
D: ein entfernter Verwandter
a distant relative