17 Collocations for work Flashcards
Überstunden machen
She earns a lot of money but she _______s very _______.
to work long hours
jährlicher Umsatz
His company has an ________ __________ of over £20 million.
annual turnover
to have an annual turnover of
seine Karriere starten
to launch your career (as)
(Firma) eingehen / Konkurs machen
go bankrupt
Companies have _____ _____ in the recession.
(company) go under
COMPANIES have GONE UNDER in the recession.
ein Geschäft gründen
She’s just _____ a ______.
to set up a business
She’ s just SET UP a BUSINESS.
(mehr) Personal einstellen/anstellen
The company expanded and we ____ __ more ______ and so it went on.
to take on (more) staff
SYN: to employ (more) staff
Stress, der durch die Arbeit verursacht wird / arbeitsbedingter Stress
work-related stress
(of a product, idea, business etc.) to become successful or popular very quickly or suddenly
(Geschäft) einschlagen, (durchschlagenden) Erfolg haben
If the _______ _____ ___, we’ ll be looking for more staff.
the business takes off
(von Hand ausgeführte) körperliche Arbeit
He’s done a lot of _____ ______, working on building sites and so on.
manual labour
Job ohne Aufstiegschancen
job that does not help you to get better jobs
dead-end job
I left school at the age of sixteen and had a series of DEAD-END JOBS.
eine feste Stelle / Anstellung
a reliable job
a steady job
He had his wild years but now he has a girlfriend and a STEADY JOB.
einschlägige / relevante Erfahrung
knowledge gained from doing a similar job
relevant experience
eine wichtige und verantwortungsvolle berufliche Tätigkeit/Position
a very important and powerful job
a high-powered job
His wife has a HIGH-POWERED JOB in a legal firm and earns loads of money.
anspruchsvolle Arbeit
work that needs a lot of effort and skills
demanding work
Teaching can be very satisfying but it’s very DEMANDING WORK.
job satisfaction
There’s a lot of JOB SATISFACTION in teaching children.
seine Wünsche verwirklichen / realisieren
achieve what you very much wanted to
to realise your ambitions
I’ve realised my ambitions.
eine Karriere verfolgen
to follow a particular profession
to pursue a career
She wants to PURSUE A CAREER in nursing.
eine herausragende Karriere / Laufbahn
brilliant career
She had a BRILLIANT CAREER as an academic.
hohes Arbeitspensum
huge amount of work you have to do
heavy workload
Like most people in the medical profession, she has a very HEAVY WORKLOAD.
mit jdm. ins Geschäft einsteigen / eine (geschäftliche) Zusammenarbeit eingehen
to go into business with sb
Eight years ago, I WENT INTO BUSINESS WITH my brother.