8 Collocations for beginnings Flashcards
eine (eigene) Firma gründen
to set up (your own) company
(neue/strengere) Gesetze einführen
to introduce (new/tougher) legislation [uncountable]
als der Tag anbrach
SYN: bei Tagesanbruch; im Morgengrauen
as dawn broke/was breaking
SYN: at dawn
einen Plan ausführen/ein Vorhaben in die Tat umsetzen
to implement a plan
einen Alarm auslösen
to set off an alarm
Spekulationen auslösen/anheizen
to prompt speculation (that …)
(grosses) Interesse hervorrufen/erzeugen
to generate (a lot of) interest
(bevor/als/nachdem) Krieg ausbrach
(before/when/after) war broke out
to START a career as
to LAUNCH a career as
to START/CAUSE (angry) protests
to TRIGGER (angry) protests SYN: SPARK (OFF)
to START new laws
to BRING IN new laws
to START (TO USE) a new approach
to ADOPT a new approach
to START a conversation with sb
to STRIKE UP a conversation with sb
to START a project
to EMBARK ON a project
New companies are SPRINGing UP
Violence STARTed
Violence ERUPTed