13 Collocations for people's appearance Flashcards
having a body that is wide and strong
kräftig gebaut
heavily built
a wide top of the back
breite Schultern
broad shoulders
no fat on the front of the body
flacher Bauch
flat stomach
an area of thick hair on a man’s chin
buschiger/zottiger Bart
bushy beard
eyes which are red on the part that should be white
blutunterlaufene Augen
bloodshot eyes
quite long hair that reaches the bottom of the neck
schulterlange Haare
shoulder-length hair
an area on the head where there is no hair
kahle Stelle (auf dem Kopf)
bald patch
a body that is thin but strong
drahtiger ‘Rahmen’/Körper(bau)
wiry frame
eyes that are nearer to each other than usual
nahe beieinander stehende Augen
close-set eyes
hair that is smooth and shiny
glänzendes Haar
glossy hair
hohe Wangenknochen
high cheekbones
volle Lippen
full lips
perfekter/makelloser Teint
flawless complexion
an approximately rectangular jaw
kantiges Kinn
square jaw
ebene/glatte/regelmässige Gesichtszüge
even features
fettiges Haar
greasy hair
a fold of skin between the face and the neck, caused by a layer of fat developing under the skin
double chin
(of eyes) looking swollen
geschwollene Augen
puffy eyes
Her eyes were puffy from crying.
(of a person’s complexion) yellowish and looking unhealthy
fahler Teint
sallow complexion
a line where the hair starts on a man’s forehead which is higher than usual because some hair has fallen out
Stirnglatze, zurücktretender Haaransatz
receding hairline