11 Collocations with phrasal verbs Flashcards
(Körpergewicht) zunehmen
to put on weight
SYN: fall asleep
to get off to sleep
I wasn’t tired, but I eventually got off to sleep at around midnight.
SYN: to prepare a list in writing
G: eine Liste ausarbeiten, erstellen
to draw up a list
I’ve drawn up a list of candidates that I’d like to interview.
In Berührung/Kontakt kommen mit
to come into contact with
In my job, I come into contact with people from all over the world.
to cause a change to happen
G: eine Veränderung herbeiführen
to bring about a change
Befehl(e)/Anweisung(en) ausführen
to carry out an order/orders
Don’t blame me, I’m only carrying out my orders/instructions.
aus der Mode kommen
to go out of fashion
to start to run
G: zu laufen/rennen anfangen
to break into a run
She walked quickly, occasionally breaking into a run.
to be useful
G: gelegen kommen; sich als nützlich erweisen
to come in handy
This money will come in handy when we go on vacation.
You do things that cause you to owe a large amount of money
Schulden machen
to run up a debt/debts
The company ran up huge debts.
to tell someone all your problems and feelings
G: (jmd.) sein Herz ausschütten
to pour your heart out (to sb)
to suddenly start laughing
G: in Gelächter ausbrechen; losprusten, herausplatzen
to burst out laughing (burst - burst - burst)
to make yourself brave enough to do something
G: seinen ganzen/allen Mut zusammennehmen
to pluck up the courage (to do sth)
He finally plucked up courage to ask her to marry him.
to refuse to talk about something that angers or worries you
G: seine Gefühle unterdrücken/unter Verschluss halten
to bottle up your feelings
Feelings that had been bottled up for years came flooding out.
to suddenly start crying
G: in Tränen ausbrechen
to burst into tears (burst - burst - burst)
When she was told she had won the lottery, she burst into tears.
(of a person) to be so upset that you cannot manage to live or work normally
G: zusammenbrechen, -klappen
to go to pieces
She went to pieces at the funeral.
to make yourself eager to do sth
G: sich für etwas begeistern
to work up your enthusiasm (for sth)
I can’t work up any enthusiasm for this plan.
to still think that something good might be/come true
G: sich Hoffnung(en) machen; die Hoffnung behalten
to hold out hope
I don’t hold out much hope of getting (= I don’t expect to be able to get) a ticket.