9. Endocrine control of Male & Female Reproduction Flashcards
match the correct hormone or tissue to the male gonad axis wrt the following sections
a) hypothalamic hormone - 1
b) anterior pit hormone - 2
c) endocrine targets, hormones they secrete - 2
d) non-endocrine targets - 1
a) GnRH - gonadotropin-releasing hormone
b) FSH + LH = gonadotropins
c) endocrine cells of the gonads release androgens
d) testies
match the correct hormone or tissue to the female gonad axis wrt the following sections
a) hypothalamic hormone - 1
b) anterior pit hormone - 2
c) endocrine targets, hormones they secrete - 2
d) non-endocrine targets - 1
a) GnRH - gonad releasing hormone
b) FSH + LH
c) endocrine cells of the gonads release estrogens + progesterone’s
d) ovaries
Match the following hormones to their target cells. What does each cell do?
a) Sertoli cell - 2
b) leydig cell - 2
1. LH
2. FSH
a) 2 = produces sperm development
b) 1 = produces testosterone
What are the two kinds of gonadotropins?
Which of the following hormones have a negative feedback to the anterior pituitary gland and/or to the hypothalamus. Indicate specifics
a) FSH
b) LH
a) feedback to anterior pit only
b) feedback to both anterior pit and hypothalamus
We know that the leydig cells produce testosterone but what does that do?
its important for the development of secondary sex characteristics
How dose the seminiferous tubules relate to testis? - 3
they are the tubes in the testis that contain sperm and are located beside the leydig cells
What does testosterone do at each time period below?
a) fetal - 1
b) puberty/maturity - 5
a) produces external genitalia
- maturation of male reproductive sys
- sex drive
- secondary characteristics
- bone + muscles production/growth
- brain development
Why do anabolic steroids INC infertility in male?
the steroid used has a similar structure to testosterone and thus mimics the effects of testosterone. Therefore it looks like you are producing too much testosterone triggering the negative feedback causing a DEC in libido
What is metandienone?
its an anabolic steroid
There was a new method to male birth control describe it - 5
the act of taking anabolic steroid. This DEC fertility b/c it mimics testosterone making the sys think that there is too much testosterone present. This in turn triggers a negative feedback towards the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland to DEC secretion of GnRH and LH + FSH resulting in less production of actual testosterone and a lower fertility
Match the following terms to the following image of a mature graafian follicle. Which parts are released during mensuration
a) granulosa cells
b) Zona pellucida
c) theca interna
d) antrum
e) corona radiata
f) secondary oocyte
e, b, + f
Put the following step in order wrt the cycling of endocrine hormones characterizes female reproductive physiology
1 - Uterus gets ready for pregnancy, then is stripped of lining if implantation doesn’t occur
2 - Ovaries produce eggs
3 - Ant. pituitary hormones act on the ovaries
4 - Ovaries produce hormones that act on the
3 -> 2 -> 4 -> 1
the ovaries contain _____ follicles that mature into ______ follicles due to the _____ which is stimulated by the anterior pituitary
primary, secondary, FSH
a) What are the 2 cycles involved in the female reproductive physiology - 2
b) What are the hormones involved in each - 4
- ovarian cycle = FSH + LH
- menstrual/uterine cycle = estrogen + progesterone
T of F - the Ovarian cycle occurs first followed by the menstrual cycle
F - they occur at the same time
on this chart indicate where the ovarian cycles occur and where the mensural cycle occurs
what are the 3 phases during the ovarian cycle (correct order) - 3
- follicular phase
- ovulation
- luteal phase
What are the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle? (correct order) - 3
- menstruation
- proliferative phase
- secretory phase
- menstruation
What is the endometrial?
the spiral arteries responsible for menstruation in females
Describe the 3 things that occur in stage 0 of the ovarian/menstruation cycle
- INC of gonadotropins (FSH + LH)
- maturation of ovarian follicles due to FSH
- menstrual bleeding begins
Describe the 2 things that occur in stage 1 (follicular phase) of the ovarian/menstruation cycle
a) ovaries
b) uterus
- ovaries = DEC of FSH + INC of LH
- uterus = INC estrogen which stims endometrial growth
during the follicular phase, estrogen inhibits GnRH, FSH, and LH. Why?
this prevents the maturation of another follicle w/in the same cycle (cycle in which an follicle is already being matured)
Describe the 2 things that occur in stage 2 (ovulation phase) of the ovarian/menstruation cycle
- Estrogen stimulates an LH surge which causes the mature follicle to dissolve resulting in its matrix rupturing. This rupture releases the mature follicle (oocyte/egg)
- the matrix then forms the corpus lutem