9 Emotions Flashcards
You interpret or appraise some stimulus (event, object, or thought) in terms of your well- being.
You have a subjective
feeling such as fear
or happiness.
You experience physiological
responses such as change in heart
rate or breathing.
You may show observable behaviors
such as smiling or crying.
functions of emotions
Prepare us for action
Shape our future behavior
Halp us interact more effectively with others
This theory was independently
proposed in the late 1800s by two
psychologists, William James and Carl Lange. They emphasize physiological patterns as causing emotional feelings.
James-Lange Theory
Sequence for emotional feelings (james-lange theory)
- event
- arousal
- interpretation
- emotion
- Stimulus triggers different
physiological changes in your body. - Your brain interprets different
patterns of physiological changes. - Different physiological changes
produce different emotions - You may or may not show
observable responses.
sequence for emotional feelings (James-Lange Theory)
states that we feel emotions and
experience physiological reactions such as sweating, trembling and muscle tension simultaneously.
The Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion
first to show that thoughts are
important in generating and
identifying emotional feelings; it also
explains that some stimuli cause a
person to feel physiologically aroused
and the person explains the arousal
feeling by interpreting environmental
cues as causing the emotional feeling
Schachter-Singer Theory
- Injection of hormone causes physiological arousal.
- Explanation of physiological arousal by using situational cues.
- Depending on situation, subjects feel
different emotions. - Showing of observable behaviors that
matched emotions.
sequence for emotional feelings (Schachter-Singer Theory)
This theory assumes that your
interpretation or appraisal of a situation is often the primary cause of emotions.
Cognitive Appraisal Theory
sequence for emotional feelings of cognitive appraisal theory
- Stimulus
- Appraisal
- Emotion
- Bodily Responses
sequence of emotional feelings of schachter-singer theory
- stimulus
- bodily arousal
- cognitive interpretation
- emotion
This theory says that, in some
situations, you feel an emotion before
you have time to interpret or appraise
the situation.
affective-primacy theory
sequence for emotional feelings of affective-primacy theory
- Stimulus
- Emotion
- Appraisal
- Bodily Responses
controlling your emotions better
- be prepared
- Know your emotional triggers and stay away from them.
- Think about how your emotions and actions affect others.
- Exercise regularly
- Be aware of when you are starting to
get upset.
If you’re tense, feel the tightness in your
stomach, increase heart rate, do the
- deep breathing exercises
- STOP and think before you act.
- Walk away.
- Hum or sing