10 Personality Flashcards
is the sum total of man’s overt and
covert characteristics which is the
product of the interplay among inherited
dispositions, environment, and volition.
What are the dimensions of personality
- physical
-moral - spiritual
These aspects of personality are not
separated from one another. The
networking processes present in the
form of interdependent relationships
help to have a person’s personality.
dimensions of personality
factors that influence personality development
- heredity
- environment
- volition
what are the strengths of the filipino character
- pakikipagkapwa-tao
- family orientation
- joy and humor
- flexibility, adaptability, creativity
- hard work and industry
- faith and religiosity
- ability to survive
what are the weaknesses of the filipino character
- extreme personalism
- extreme family centernedness
- lack of discipline
- passitivity and lack of initiative
- colonial mentality
- kanya-kanya syndrome
- lack of self-analysis and self-reflection
is manifested in a basic sense of
justice, fairness, and concern for
It is also
demonstrated in the
Filipino’s ability to
empathize, help, and
generous with others
in times of need
(pakikiramay), and in
the practice of
bayanihan or mutual
assistance, and in the
famous Filipino
is manifested in the
honor and respect given
to parents and elders, in
the care given to
children, the generosity
towards kin in need, and
in the great sacrifices on
endures for the welfare
of the family.
family orientation
are manifested in the Filipino’s love for
socials and celebrations, in our capacity to
laugh even in the most trying of times,
and in the appeal of political satire.
joy and humor
are manifested in the
ability to adapt to life in
any part of the world, in
the ability to make new
things out of old scraps, in
the capacity to keep old
machines running, and in
the creative talent
manifested in the cultural
flexibility, adaptability, and creativity
are manifested most noticeably in
willingness to take risks with jobs
abroad and while there, to work at two
or three jobs.
hard work and industry
Filipinos have a deep faith in God.
Our innate religiosity enables us to comprehend and genuinely accept reality in the context of God’s will and plan.
faith and religiosity
is manifested in our capacity for
endurance despite difficult times and in
our ability to get by on so very little.
ability to survive
is manifested in the
tendency to give
personal interpretation
to action thus, a sincere
question may be viewed
as a challenge to one’s
competence or positive
feedback may be
interpreted as a sign of
special affection.
extreme personalism
is manifested through
the use of one’s office
and power as a means of
promoting the interest
of the family, in
factionalism, patronage,
and political dynasties
and in the protection of
erring family members.
extreme family centeredness
is manifested through
causal and relaxed
attitude towards time
and space which
manifests itself in lack
of precision and
compulsiveness, in
poor time
management, and in
lack of discipline
is described as the tendency to wait to
be told what has to be done and strong
reliance on others to do things for us.
passivity and lack of initiative
- the first is the lack of patriotism or an active awareness, appreciation, and love of the Philippines;
- the actual preference for foreign things. It is manifested in the alienation of the elite from the roots and from the meanness as well as in the basic feeling of national inferiority that makes it difficult for Filipinos to relate as
equals to Westerners.
colonial mentality
is evident through
demonstrating selfish and
self-serving attitudes that
generate a feeling of envy
and competitiveness
toward others,
particularly one’s peers
who seem to have gained
some status or prestige.
kanya-kanya syndrome
is described as the tendency to be
superficial and even somewhat flighty.
lack of self-analysis and self-reflection