5 Consciousness and its altered states Flashcards
refers to different levels of awareness of one’s thoughts and range of experiences, from being acutely aware and alert to being totally unaware and unresponsive.
what are the different states of consciousness
-controlled processes
-automatic processes
-Day Dreaming
-Altered States
Are activities that require full awareness, alertness, & concentration to reach some goal.
controlled processes
Are activities that require little awareness, take minimal attention, & do not interfere with other ongoing activities
automatic processes
Involves fantasizing or dreaming
while awake.
day dreaming
Result from using any number of procedures such as meditation, psychoactive drugs, hypnosis, or sleep deprivation to produce an awareness that differs from normal consciousness.
altered states
Are internal timing devices that are genetically set to regulate various physiological responses for different periods of time.
biological clock
a biological clock that is genetically programmed to regulate physiological responses within a time period of 24-25 hours.
circadian rhythm (daily rhythm)
States that falling near end of the range of consciousness
Has been considered necessary for better functioning.
The brain waves of a sleeping person can be amplified and measured using
EEG machine (electroencephalogram)
EEG is divided into 2 major categories, these are:
-Non-Rapid Eye Movement
-Rapid Eye Movement
Eyes do not move
non-rapid eye movement
It starts from the time the person feels sleepy up to the deepest level of his sleep
non-rapid eye movement
Makes up the remaining 20% of your sleep time.
rapid eye movement
You body is physiologically very aroused, but all your voluntary muscles are paralyzed
rapid eye movement
Light sleep.
muscle activity slows down.
occasional muscle twitching
stage 1
breathing pattern and heart rate slows.
slight decrease in body temperature
stage 2
deep sleep begins.
brain begins to generate slow delta waves.
stage 3
very deep sleep.
rhythmic breathing.
Limited muscle activity.
Brain produces delta waves
stage 4
rapid eye movement.
brainwaves speed up and dreaming occurs
muscles relax and heart rate increases.
breathing is rapid and shallow
stage 5
Interim between consciousness and sleep
stage 1
Heart rate slows, brain does less
complicated tasks
stage 2
Body makes repairs
stage 3
temperature & BP decreases
stage 4
Increase in eve
movement, heart rate, breathing, BP & temperoture
stage 5
The state of transition between wakefulness and sleep (around 1 -7 minutes)
stage 1
Characterized by relatively rapid, low- amplitude brain waves.
stage 1
Lasts for approximately 20 minutes.
stage 2
The brain begins to produce bursts of rapid, rhythmic brain wave actively known as (2 answers)
(stage 2)
sleep spindles
There is a greater muscle relaxation.
stage 3
The heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, and body temperature continue to drop
stage 3
This is when the sleeper experiences the deepest sleep of all.
stage 4
Waking up a person is very difficult at this stage
stage 4
how many hours does newborns need (0-2 months)
12-18 hours
how many hours does infants (3 months-1 year) need?
how many hours does toddlers( 1-3 years old) need?
how many hours does preschoolers (3-5 yrs old) need?
how many hours does school-aged children (5-12 yrs old) need?
how many hours does teens and preteens (12-18 yrs old) need?
how many hours does adults (18+) need?
a sophisticated biological clock that regulates a number of circadian rhythms, including the sleep-wake cycle.
suprachiasmatic nucleus
what are the sleep problems and disturbances?
- narcolepsy
- sleep apnea
- insomia
Is a nervous system disorder sleep disorder that is marked by excessive sleepiness and frequent daytime sleep attack.
Is a disorder characterized by a reduction of pause of breathing during sleep.
sleep apnea
Refers to the difficulty in either going to sleep or staying asleep through the night.
causes of insomia
• Not getting enough exercise
• Stress, whether it is short0term or long –term use of some medications and drugs
• Heavy smoking
• Too much caffeine,
especially late in the day
• Getting used to certain types of sleep
Is one of the components of behavioral therapy for insomnia.
sleep hygiene
Involves measures such as meditation and muscle relaxation or dimming the lights and playing soothing music prior to going to bed
relaxation therapy
A disorder that occurs when people walk or do another activity while they are still asleep.
sleep walking
Common sleep problems among children
night terrors
It lasts about 5 to 30 minutes and afterwards, children usually return to a regular sleep.
night terrors
is a unique state of consciousness in which we are asleep but we experience a variety f astonishing visual, auditory, and tactile images, often connected in strange ways and often in color.
Refers to a very frightening and anxiety- producing images that occur during dreaming
That we have a “censor” that protects us from realizing threatening and unconscious desires or wishes, especially those involving sex or aggression
Freud’s theory of Dream Interpretation
Means that our dreams reflect the same thoughts, fears, concerns, problems, and emotions that we have when awake.
The theory that dreams are extensions of waking life
Says that dreaming represents the random and meaningless activity of nerve cell in the brain
activation-synthesis theory
what are the altered states of consciousness
- hypnosis
- meditation
- near-death experience (NDE)
- Psychoactive drugs
Is a procedure in which a researcher, clinician or hypnotist suggests that a person will experience changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.
Is achieved by performing certain rituals and exercises such as focusing on one’s breathing, assuming yogic positions, concentrating on an object, or reciting a prayer or a mantra.
Is any experience in which someone close to death or suffering from some trauma or disease that might lead to death perceives events that seem to be impossible, unusual, or supernatural.
near-death experienced
Are chemical substances capable of altering or changing behaviors, moods, and perceptions.
psychoactive drugs
Referred to as downers, are chemicals that depress the central nevrous system; thus, slowing down behavior and cognitive processes.
classification of depressants
Is a depressants that slows brain activities.
Are used to decrease central nervous system activity.
Reduce anxiety and induce relaxation. They have a calming effect to depressing the nervous system in a way similar to alcohol
Are drugs that are most commonly used for their euphoric and/or analgesic effects.
derived from the Opium poppy plant
Are drugs that stimulate he sympathetic nervous system and produce feelings of boundless energy.
what are the psychoactive drugs
what are kinds of stimulants
-Shabu or methamphetamine hydrocloride
Is a stimulant and a natural component of the plants that are the sources of coffee, tea, and cola drinks.
Its stimulating effects are often perceived to be beneficial for boosting energy and alertness
Is the main ingredient in all forms of smoking and smokeless tabacco.
effects include improved attention and alertness, reduced anger and anxiety, and pain relief.
Drugs used to boost energy, stay awake, or lose weight.
They are often prescribed in the form of diet pills.
Is an addictive stimulant that strongly activates certain systems in the brain
shabu or methamphetamine hydrochloride
Is a synthetic, psychoactive drug that is chemically similar to the stimulant methamphetamine and the hallucinogen mescaline.
Are drugs that can distort perceptual experiences by acting on the brain responsible for making sense of sensory massages.
Is the name of the plant from which the psychoactive drug marijuana is produced.
Refers to dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant
Characterized by general euphoria, a sense of well-being, and relaxation