9/25 Development Of Musculature - Dennis Flashcards
What rises from paraxial mesoderm? 4
What gives rise to muscle of the trunk? 4
What gives rise to cartilage? 4
Where do sclerotomes begin and end? 5
Begin as a portion of the sclerotome and are then released and move inferior to the sclerotome
Once the somite opens and becomes linear what are the different layers from superficial to deep? 6
Dermatomes —> myotome —> Syndetome (tendons) —> sclerotome
What does the myotome differentiate into? 7
What does the epimere give rise to? 7
Deep epaxial muscle (dorsal rami):
—> erector spinae
—> transversospinalis
What does the hypomere give rise to? 7
Hypaxial muscle (ventral rami):
—> lateral body wall
—> ventral body wall
What are the four Hypaxial divisions? 9
Cervical myotomes
Thoracic myotomes
Lumbar myotomes (Quadratus lumborum)
Sacrococcygeal myotomes (pelvic floor musculature)
What occurs in Poland Syndrome? 10
Absence of pectoralis minor
Partial loss of pectoralis major
What occurs in Prune-Belly Syndrome? 11
Partial/complete absence of abdominal musculature
Cryptorchidism (failure for one or both testes to descend)
Malformation of urinary tract/bladder
Within a sclerotome, what do the ventral, dorsal, and lateral cells become? 12
Ventral cells —> vertebral body
Dorsal cells —> vertebral arch & spine
Lateral cells —> vertebral transverse processes and ribs
What occurs during sclerotomal break-up? 13, 14
Sclerotome is split by a spinal nerve into a rostral (superior) segment and a caudal (inferior) segment
A posterior, caudal segment joins with a superior, rostral segment to form a vertebrae
Where would you find a C4 nerve root? 14
Above the C4 vertebrae (true for all vertebrae)
What does the centrum develop from? 15
Immediately caudal sclerotomes?