9/15 Embryonic Development Wks 1-3 - Dennis (Completed) Flashcards
Differentiate Oocyte from Sperm? 4
Highly motile
23X or 23Y
When does a primary Oocyte mature into a secondary Oocyte? 5
Primary Oocytes mature after puberty once the follicle is matured
What state are secondary Oocytes suspended in prior to ovulation? 5
The secondary Oocyte begins it’s 2nd meitotic division, but stops at metaphase
How many primary Oocytes are present at birth? How many secondary Oocytes are actually ovulated? 5
2 million primary Oocytes at birth
400 secondary Oocytes actually ovulated
What cells surround the Oocyte and are responsible for folliculogenesis? 6
Granulosa cells
What granulosa cells are present within a follicle? 6
Cumulus oophorous
Mural granulosa cells
Corona Radiatia
What anchors the primary oocyte to the wall of the follicle? 6
Cumulus oophorous granulosa cells
What lines the wall of the follicle? 6
Mural granulosa cells
What cell type is firmly anchored to the zone pellucida? 6
The corona radiata (granulosa cells)
What is the Zona pellucida? 6
a thick layer of glycoproteins that are deep to the corona radiata
From superficial to deep what are the layers/components of a secondary oocyte? 9
Corona radiata > Zona pellucida > perivitelline space > perivitelline membrane > PM of oocyte > cytoplasm of oocyte >
Where is the nucleus of a sperm found? 8
What provides motility to the sperm? 8
What covers the head of the sperm? Describe it. 8
The acrosome
cap-like organelle containing enzymes
What is the role of the acrosome? 8
disperese the corona radiata (follicular cells)
penetrates the zona pellucida
What is the cortical reaction? 10
Reaction that takes place to allow sperm entrance into the PM/cell
Walk-through of cortical reaction. 10
cortical granules attach to microvilli at PM surface
reaction between cortical granules and water produces hydrogen peroxide (facilitated by Udx1)
envelope open, sperm gamete can enter
What does fertilization of an oocyte induce in the oocyte? 11
completion of meiosis II
What is a zygote? 11
when the female and male pronuclei fuse forming a diploid chromosome aggregation of 46 chromomsomes
What refers to the failure of chromosomes to separate during early cleavage? 12
Nondisjunction (a part of mosaicism)
What is one example of mosaicism? 12
trisomy 21
individual is referred to as a mosaic
What occurs 30 hours after fertilization? 13
blastomeres are produced (numerous, but small)
What happens at the 9 cell stage? 13
What happens at the 12-32 cell stage (day 4)? 13
developing human referred to as a morula
walk-through of Blastogenesis. 14
Blastocyst forms cavity in uterus
division into trophoblast and embryoblast layer
after 2 days zona pellucida degenerates and the blastocyst is “hatched”
What is contained within a blastocyst? 14
the embryo and its membranes
What’s occuring cryopreservation of Embryos? 18
early embryos preserved in liquid nitrogen
4-8 cell embryo/blastocyst transferred to uterus
Whats occuring during intracytoplasmic sperm injection? When would this be done? 18
sperm is injected straight into a mature oocyte
done when few sperm is available