9/19 Posterior Leg - Carter Flashcards
What innervates the posterior compartment?
Tibial Nerve
What supplies the posterior compartment?
posterior tibial artery and its branch the peroneal artery
Where does the posterior tibial artery run?
medial portion of the leg, posterior to tibia
Where does the peroneal artery lie?
lateral portion of the leg, posterior to the fibula
Gastrocnemius origin, insertion, innervation, vascularization
O –> medial head to superior aspect of medial femoral condyle, lateral head to superior aspect of lateral femoral condyle
I –> middle, posterior surface of calcaneus
N –> Tibial Nerve
V –> posterior tibial artery
What is the action of the gastrocnemius?
flexes the leg
plantar flexes the foot
Soleus origin, insertion, innervation, vascularization
O –>
superior posterior surface of fibula
Soleal line of the tibia
upper medial tibia
I –> middle, posterior surface of calcaneus
N –> tibial nerve
V –> popliteal artery
What is the action of the soleus?
Plantar flexes the foot
Plantaris origin, insertion, innervation, vascularization
O –>
inferior lateral supracondylar line of femur
popliteal surface of femur
I –> calcaneus tendon
N –> ?
V –> ?
Popliteus origin, insertion, innervation, vascularization (add)
O –> inferior to the lateral epicondyle of the femur
I –> posterior tibia, above popliteal line
N –> ?
V –> ?
What is the only bone of the leg to articulate with the femur?
What is the action of the Popliteus?
Flexes the leg
Rotates the tibia medically
Flexor Hallucis longus origin, insertion, innervation, vascularization
O –> lower 2/3 of posterior fibula | interosseus membane
I –> base of distal phalanx of the big toe
N –> ?
V –> ?
Where does the great saphenous vein begin?
The dorsal aspect of the foot
Where does the small saphenous vein travel?
Begins on lateral dorsum of the foot and travels superiorly until it joins the popliteal vein (a tributary of the popliteal vein)