9/13 Anterior and Medial Thigh - Carter (Completed) Flashcards
What three structures make up the Vulva?
Glans clitoris
Labia majora
Labia Minora
What is the proper name or the groin?
Inguinal region
What is the region behind the knee?
Popliteal region
What structures do the superior horizontal nodes drain? What is an important note about this?
external genitalia
anterior abdominal wall
lateral thigh
drain the same structures as the tributaries of the femorl vein (external pudendal, superficial circumflex iliac, and superficial epigastric)
What do the vertical lymph nodes of the inguinal region drain?
Skin and superficial fascia
Where do we find/what innervates the medial thigh?
The femoral nerve
What fascia encircles the entire thigh?
Fascia Lata
What is contained within the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Quadriceps femoris
What is contained within the posterior compartment of the thigh?
What is contained within the lateral compartment of the thigh?
Iliotibial tract/band
Tensor Fascia Lata (muslce)
Which of the four muscles making up the Quadriceps sits deep to one of the anterior muscles?
The vastus intermedius sits deep to the Rectus femoris
What nerve supplies the Quadriceps femoris?
The femoral nerve
What is the origin and attachement of the Sartorius muscle?
O —> Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)
(Runs lateral to medial)
I —> proximal tibia
How many joints does the sartorius muscle cross?
Two joints
From medial to lateral what are the structures contained within the femoral sheath? What structure is more medial to the sheath?
Lateral —> N |AVEL| —> Medial
N - Femoral nerve
A - Femoral artery
V - Femoral vein
E - Empty space, represents the femoral canal
L - Femoral lymphatics (within the femoral canal)
Where does the name change from external iliac artery and external iliac vein to femoral artery and femoral vein?
Once they cross the inguinal ligament
What is the femoral ring?
The femoral ring leads into the femoral sheath enclosing the lymphatics portion
What is the deep femoral artery called?
Perfundis femoris artery
How many perforating branches are there for the thigh
What are the boundaries of the femoral triangle?
Sartorius Muscle, medial side (lateral boundary)
Adductor longus muscle, lateral border (medial border)
Inguinal ligament (superior border or base)
What are the contents of the femoral triangle
Femoral Sheath (A,V,L)
Femoral Nerve (most lateral)
What forms the floor of the femoral triangle?
Pectineus muscle
Iliopsoas muscle
What two muscles make up the Iliopsoas?
Psoas Major
(Fuse to form a tendon that attaches to lesser trochanter)
What else is the medial compartment of the thigh known as?
The adductor compartment
What is the action and origination of the muscles of the medial compartment? What innervates the muscles of the medial compartment? How many muscles are there within the medial compartment?
O —> anterior aspect of os coxae
A —> adduct & laterally rotate the thigh
I —
Where do the majority of the adductor muscles insert?
On the femur