考博单词强记9 Flashcards
plead [pli:d] v.辩护, 恳求, 提出借口 例句: Pleading ignorance of the law won’t help you if you are caught. 假若因犯法被抓住,借口不知是犯法亦无济于事。 She pleaded that she felt very tired. 她推说她觉得很疲劳。
pledge [pledʒ] vt.发誓, 保证, 以 … 抵押, 向 … 祝酒 n.保证, 抵押, 誓言, 抵押品 例句: They pledged never to tell the secret. 他们发誓决不泄密。 She pledged her support to us. 她保证支持我们。
plight [plait] n.困境, 苦境 n.誓约 vt.宣誓, 订婚 例句: The plight of the famine victims commands everyone’s sympathy. 饥民的苦境值得大家同情。 The television pictures brought home to us all the plight of the refugees. 我们从电视上知道了难民所处的一切困境。
plot [plɔt] n.情节, 阴谋, 图, (小块)土地 v.密谋, 绘图, 计划, 标示位置 例句: The silly ending robs the plot of any credibility. 这愚蠢的结尾使得整个情节变得一点都不可信。 They are brewing a plot behind the scenes. 他们正在幕后策划一个阴谋。
pluck [plʌk] v.摘, 猛拉, 拔, 拨弹(乐器) n.猛拉, 勇气, 动物内脏 例句: She showed a lot of pluck in dealing with the intruders. 她对付那些闯入的歹徒表现得十分勇敢。 He showed a lot of pluck to leave a safe job and set up his own business. 他放弃了一份安定的工作而自己创业,表现出了极大的勇气。 He couldn’t pluck up enough courage to ask her to go out with him. 他不能鼓起足够的勇气请她一起外出。
plunder [‘plʌndə] v.掠夺, 抢劫 n.抢夺, 掠夺品, 赃物, 战利品 例句: The enemy plundered the village. 敌人抢劫村庄。 He escaped with his plunder. 他带着赃物逃跑了。
plunge [plʌndʒ] v.使投入, 跳入, 栽进 n.投入, 跳入 n.(泳池)深水区 例句: The sudden jolt plunged her forward. 突然颠了一下,她向前打了个趔趄。 She plunged her hands into her coat pockets. 她把两手插在上衣口袋里。 The car stopped suddenly and he plunged forward. 汽车突然停下,他的身子朝前一冲。
poke [pəuk] n.戳, 刺, 拨, 钱袋 v.戳, 捅, 刺, 拨开 例句: He poked (at) the fire with a stick. 他用棍拨火。 She poked her finger into the hole. 她把手指插入孔中。 He nearly poked me in the eye with his stick. 他的竿子几乎扎着我的眼睛。
polish [‘pɔliʃ] n.光泽, 上光剂, 优雅, 精良 v.擦亮, 磨光, 推敲,完善 Polish adj.波兰的, 波兰人的, 波兰语的 n.波兰语 例句: This car polish is an effective shield against rust. 这种汽车上光蜡很有防锈作用。 With this polish you can give a good high gloss to the wood. 使用这种上光蜡可使木器表面极为光亮平滑。 Don’t polish those badges; the gilt will wear off if you do. 不要擦那些徽章,否则光泽会给磨掉的。
pollute [pə’lu:t] v. 污染, 弄脏 例句: Every day the chimneys of factories pour a large volume of smoke to the air to pollute it. 工厂的烟囱每天把大量的烟雾排放到空气中去,造成空气污染。 I feel it is our duty not to pollute our environment. 我感觉我们有责任不污染我们的环境。 Many things pollute water, such as tires, trash, and plastic bags. 很多东西使水污染,例如轮胎、垃圾和塑胶袋。
ponder [‘pɔndə] v.沉思, 考虑 例句: We pondered whether to tell her. 我们考虑是否要告诉她。 They are pondering moving their offices outside London. 他们正在考虑把办事处搬出伦敦。 He pondered for some minutes before giving an answer. 他思考了几分钟才作答复。
pore [pɔ:] n.毛孔, 小孔 v.熟读, 钻研, 沉思 例句: Sweat exudes through the pores. 汗从毛孔中渗出。 He had spent several hours in the library poring over those musty documents. 他一连好几个小时呆在图书馆里仔细翻阅那些发霉味的文献资料
portrait [‘pɔ:trit] n.肖像, 画像, 描写 adj.(文件页面)竖的 例句: The portrait was his proudest possession. 那肖像是他最为珍贵的东西。 The portrait of her mother was her most prized possession. 她母亲的这张肖像是她最珍爱的物品。 I unearthed the portrait from the attic. 我从阁楼上搜出这幅画像。
portray [pɔ:’trei] vt.描写, 描绘, 饰演 例句: The picture portrays a beautiful sunset. 这幅画描绘了落日美景。 The book portrays the life of an actor. 这本书描述了一个演员的一生。
posit [‘pɔzit] v.假定 v.安置
possess [pə’zes] vt.拥有, 持有, 支配 例句: The police asked me if I possessed a gun. 警察问我是否有枪。 I don’t know what possessed him to drive so fast down that busy street. 我不知道他着了什么魔,在那条热闹的街上把车子开得这么快。
postdate [ˌpəust’deit] vt. 把日期填迟, 发生于 … 之后
postpone [pəust’pəun] vt.延期, 推迟 例句: The commander decided to postpone the big push until the spring. 指挥官决定把大规模的进攻推迟到春天进行。 We agree to postpone the shipping date, considering (that) there is no steamer recently. 由于(考虑到)最近无船,我们同意推迟装期。
postulate [‘pɔstjuleit] n.假定, 基本条件 vt.要求, 假定 例句: The school building programme postulates an increase in educational investment. 修建校舍的规划是在增加教育经费的前提下拟定的。 He postulated that a cure for the disease will have been found by the year 2000. 他推断到2000年能研究出治愈该病的方法。
posture [‘pɔstʃə] n.姿势, 态度, 情形 v.作 … 姿势, 摆架子 例句: The artist asked his model to take a reclining posture. 画家要求模特取斜倚着的姿势。 She has very good posture. 她举止很优雅。
potent [‘pəutənt] adj.强有力的, 有效的 例句: Capable of performing sexually as a male; potent. 有性交能力的作为男性能进行性交的能力的; 有性交能力的 Potent liquor; a potent toxin. 有效力的酒; 有效力的毒素
potential [pə’tenʃəl] adj.潜在的, 可能的 n.潜力, 潜能 n.电位, 电势 例句: The most perceptive of the three, she was the first to realize the potential danger of their situation. 她在他们三人中最敏感,首先意识到他们处境的潜在危险。 He hasn’t realized his full potential yet. 他还没有意识到他的全部潜能。
preach [pri:tʃ] vt.讲道, 说教 vi.传道, 训诫 例句: She preached economy as the best means of solving the crisis. 她大力鼓吹节约是解决危机的关键。 He was always preaching the virtues of capitalism. 他总是宣传资本主义的长处。
precede [pri:’si:d] vt.在 … 之前, 先于 vi.在前面, 领先 例句: He preceded his speech with a few words of welcome the special guests. 他在演讲之前先说了几句对特邀来宾表示欢迎的话。 He came in, preceded by his wife. 他和他的妻子一前一后地走了进来。
precious [‘preʃəs] adj.宝贵的, 珍贵的, 矫揉造作的 adv.极其 例句: Pandas are precious creatures. 熊猫是珍贵的动物。 You should make good use of every precious minute to study. 你应很好利用宝贵的每一分钟去学习。
precipitate [pri’sipiteit,pri’sipitit] vt.促成, 使 … 沉淀, 猛摔 n.沉淀物, 冷凝物 adj.仓促的, 迅猛的, 感情用事的 例句: The cart overturned and precipitated us to the ditch. 车子翻了,我们被摔进了沟里。 They acted with precipitate haste. 他们鲁莽仓促地采取了行动。
precise [pri’sais] adj.精确的, 恰好的, 准确的, 严格的 例句: I am not clear about the precise bearing of the word in this passage. 我说不准这个字在这段文章里的确切意义是什么。 He knew the precise psychological moment when to say nothing. 他知道什么时候该不说话的那心理上精确的一息间。 The state or quality of being precise; exactness. 精确精确的状态或性质; 准确性
preclude [pri’klu:d] vt.阻止, 排除 例句: My present finances preclude the possibility of buying a car. 按我目前的财务状况我是不可能买车的。 That will preclude him from escaping. 那将阻止他逃走,那将使他无法逃走。
predation [pri’deiʃən] n.掠食
predecessor [‘pri:disesə] n.祖先, 前任, 原有事物 例句: He undid most of the good work of his predecessor. 他把前任的大部分业绩毁掉了。 Our new doctor is much younger than his predecessor. 我们新来的医生比他的前任年轻许多。
predominant [pri’dɔminənt] adj. 主要的, 占优势的, 显著的 例句: Greater in power, influence, or force than another or others; predominant. 具有优势的比其他人具有更大的力量、影响或权势; 优越的 Which country is the predominant member of the alliance? 哪个国家在联盟中居于支配地位?
preeminent [pri’eminənt] adj.卓越的, 优秀的,超群的
pregnant [‘pregnənt] adj.怀孕的, 充满的, 意味深长的 例句: She is expecting (ie is pregnant with) her first child. 她不久要生头胎。 Women who do not ovulate regularly have difficulty in becoming pregnant. 妇女排卵期不正常就不易受孕。
prejudice [‘predʒudis] n.偏见, 伤害 vt.伤害, 使 … 存偏见, 使偏袒 例句: Lack of self-discipline prejudiced her chances of success. 她缺乏自制力对她获得成功有所影响。 She has a prejudice against modern music. 她对现代音乐怀有偏见。
preliminary [pri’liminəri] adj.初步的, 预备的, 开始的 n.初步行动,准备, 初步措施 例句: A preliminary draft or plan, as of a project or proposal. 草案初步的草案或计划,如工程或建议的草案 There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visit a foreign country. 在出访外国之前要做好许多准备工作。
premise [‘premis] n.前提 vt.预述, 提论,假设 n.房屋和地基 例句: British justice works on the premise that an accused person is innocent until he’s proved guilty. 英国司法运作的前提是被告在被证明有罪之前是清白的。 Keep off the premises.
prescribe [pris’kraib] v.开处方, 规定 例句: Regulations prescribe certain standards for building materials. 有规章规定建筑材料的某些标准。 Army regulations prescribe how rifles must be carried. 军规中对持枪方式有明文规定。
presentation [ˌprezen’teiʃən] n.介绍, 陈述, 赠送物, 报告, [美]讲课 例句: This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions. 这家报纸刊登不同意见始终做到不偏不倚。 She needs to improve her presentation of the arguments. 她需要改进阐述其论点的方式。
preside [pri’zaid] v.主持, 任主席, 统辖 例句: The old professor had presided over a seminar for theoretical physicists. 老教授主持了一次理论物理学家的研讨会。 The hostess presided at table with tact and urbanity. 女主人招待客人进餐时风雅而又得体。
prestige [pres’ti:ʒ] n.威望, 声望 例句: The company would do anything but risk their prestige at stake. 公司绝不愿将自己的信誉孤注一掷。 The old universities of Oxford and Cambridge still have a lot of prestige. 历史悠久的牛津大学和剑桥大学仍然享有很高的声望。