考博翻译常用短语 Flashcards
教育方针 Guideline(s) / guiding principle(s) for education
教育必须为社会主义现代化服务,必须同生产劳动相结合,培养德、智、体全面发展的建设者和接班人Education must serve the needs of socialist modernization, be integrated with production labor, and train builders and successors who are well developed morally, intellectually and physically.
适应社会主义现代化需要,面向二十一世纪,具有中国特色的社会主义教育体系A socialist education system with distinct Chinese characteristics that meets the needs of socialist modernization and is oriented to the 21st century
坚持社会主义方向 To keep to the socialist orientation
身体好、学习好、工作好 Keep fit, study hard and work well
德才兼备 To combine ability with character; equal stress on integrity and ability
成为有理想、有道德、有文化、守纪律的劳动者To become working people with lofty ideals, moral integrity, education and a sense of discipline
教育要面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来Gear education to the needs of modernization, the world and the future
爱国主义教育 Education in patriotism
国际主义教育 Education in internationalism
集体主义教育 Education in collectivism
共产主义道德品质 Communist ethics
政治思想教育 Political and ideological education
五爱:爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱护公物“Five love”: love the motherland, the people, labor, and science and take good care of public property
教书育人 To educate the person as well as impart book knowledge
培养独立分析问题和解决问题的能力To cultivate the ability to analyze and solve concrete problems independently
启发学生独立思考的能力 To help develop the ability of the students to think things out for themselves
培养学生的自学能力 To foster the students’ ability to study on their own
发挥学生主动性、创造性 To give scope to the students’ initiative and creativeness
自学成才 To become educated though independent study
启发式 Elicitation method (of teaching); heuristic method
填鸭式教学法 Cramming/forced feeding method of teaching
普及教育 Universal education
义务教育 Compulsory education; free education
一个中心,两个基本点 one central task and two basic points
以经济建设为中心,坚持四项基本原则(1)社会主义道路,(2)党的领导,(3)人民民主专政,(4)马列主义毛泽东思想,坚持改革开放 the central task refers to economic construction and two basic points are the four cardinal principles – adherence to the socialist road, to Communist Party leadership, to the people’s democratic dictatorship and Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought – and persisting in reform and opening up
改革是“社会主义制度自我完善和自我发展” Reform is “the self-perfection and self-development of the socialist system”
我们辨别的标准是看这样做是否有利于发展社会主义生产力,是否有利于增强社会主义国家的综合国力,是否有利于提高人民的生活水平The criterion for our judgment is whether the move facilitates the development of socialist productive forces, whether it helps increase the overall national strength of a socialist country, and whether it brings about better living standards.
社会主义的主要目标是解放生产力,消灭剥削,消除贫富两极分化,最终达到共同富裕 The main goals of socialism are the liberation and development of productive forces, the elimination of exploitation and polarization between the rich and the poor and the final achievement of common prosperity.
中国要警惕右,但更要防“左” China needs to be vigilant against the Right deviation, but primarily, it should guard against the “Left” deviation.
资本主义和社会主义并不是以计划经济的多少来判断的 Socialism and capitalism are not distinguished by the proportion of planned and market economy.
随着改革的深化,国家指令性计划的范围将会缩小,而市场调节的范围将会扩大 As the reform further develops, the scope for mandatory state plans will be narrowed, while the scope for market forces will be enlarged.
初步建立社会主义计划商品经济新体制 to establish at a preliminary level a new system of socialist planned commodity economy
经济结构改革 reform in economic structure
剩余劳动力 surplus labor
经营机制 operative mechanism
发挥市场调节作用 to give play to the regulatory role of the market
经济和法律的杠杆 economic and legal leverages
计划经济与市场调节相结合 to combine economic planning with market regulation
取消国家对农产品的统购统销 to cancel the state’s monopoly on the purchase and marketing of agricultural products
改革重点转移到城市 the focus of reform is shifted to cities
国家的根本任务是,集中力量进行社会主义现代化建设 The basic task of the nation is to concentrate efforts on socialist modernization.
逐步实现工、农业、国防和科学技术的现代化,把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主义国家 to modernize the country’s industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology step by step to turn China into a strong and prosperous socialist country with a high level of culture and democracy
社会主义经济制度的基础是生产资料的社会主义公有制,即全民所有制和劳动群众集体所有制 The basis of the socialist economic system is socialist public ownership of the means of production, namely, ownership by the whole people and collective ownership by the working people.
国有经济,即社会主义全民所有制经济,是国民经济中的主导力量 The state economy is the sector of socialist economy under ownership by the whole people; it is the leading force in the national economy.
国家保障国有经济的巩固和发展 The state ensures the consolidation and growth of the state economy
统一的、多民族国家 a unified/unitary multi-national country
中国各民族不论大小,一律平等 All Chinese nationalities, large or small, are equal.
在各少数民族间建立起平等、团结、互助的关系 to establish a relationship based on equality, unity and mutual assistance between different national minorities
在维护民族团结的斗争中,要反对大民族主义,主要是大汉族主义,也要反对地方民族主义 In the struggle to safeguard the unity of the nationalities, it is necessary to combat big-nationality chauvinism, mainly great Han chauvinism, and to combat local national chauvinism.
禁止对任何民族的歧视和压迫,禁止破坏民族团结和制造民族分裂的行为 Discrimination against and oppression of any nationality are prohibited; any act which undermines the unity of the nationalities or instigates division is prohibited.
民族平等,民族团结,民族区域自治,所有民族共同发展、繁荣 equality of all nationalities, national unity, regional national autonomy, and mutual development and prosperity for all nationalities
国家根据各少数民族的特点和需要,帮助各少数民族地区加速经济和文化的发展The state assists areas inhabited by minority nationalities in accelerating their economic and cultural development according to the characteristics and needs of the various minority nationalities
在少数民族聚居的地方实行区域自治,设立自治机关,行使自治权 Regional autonomy is practiced in areas where people of minority nationalities live in concentrated communities; in these areas organs of self-government are established to exercise the power of autonomy.