8.4 - Consequences - Gorbachev/August Coup 1991 Flashcards
Chapter 8.4 - why was Gorbachev removed from power/August coup
why was Gorbachev removed from power/August coup
What was Gorbachev seen as to the people of Eastern Europe?
A hero who had removed the threat of Soviet repression and allowed them to move towards democracy and freedom
What Gorbachev policy made him unpopular in Russia?
Perestroika - led to higher prices
How much did the Soviet treasury from Gorbachev’s anti-alcohol campaign?
Millions of roubles
Where were there nationalist opposition to the Soviet Union?
Georgia and the Baltic States
When did Lithuania declare independence?
March 1990
How did Gorbachev respond to Lithuania declaring independence in March 1990?
He sent troops into Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital, to impose Soviet rule
What did Gorbachev not want to see the break up of?
The Soviet Union
What did Gorbachev propose in April 1991 to keep the Soviet Union together?
A new Union Treaty
What happened right before the Union Treaty was to be signed in August 1991?
The August Coup
What did the leaders of the August Coup want to do?
Turn back the clock to the days of authoritarian rule
Who was effectively in charge after the failure of the Coup?
Boris Yeltsin
When did Gorbachev resign as leader of the Communist Party and disband the Central Executive Committee?
24th August 1991
When did the Soviet Union officially cease to exist?
25th December 1991
Who was Russian president until 1999?
Boris Yeltsin
When did Boris Yeltsin try to shut down the Russian parliament?
How many people died when Yeltsin shelled the White House?
How many people died in the Chechnyan war from 1994 to 1996?
What did Yeltsin form in 1995 to help him win the 1996 election?
An oligarchy