7.4 - What difference did detente make to relations between East and West? Flashcards
Chapter 7.4 - DETENTE
What initiated a new period of calm between the East and West?
The Cuban Missile Crisis
What did the deal between the USA and the USSR after the Cuban Missile Crisis include?
- Soviet warheads removed from Cuba
- American missiles removed from Turkey
- Telephone hotline set up to avoid communication delays
Why was much-needed social reform abandoned in the USA abandoned in the 1960s and 1970s?
The military investment needed for the Vietnam War
What treaty was signed by the USSR, USA and UK in 1963?
The Test Ban Treaty
What did the 1963 Test Ban Treaty ban?
Tests of the surface
What Treaty was signed in 1968?
The Non-Proliferation Treaty
Who were the only countries allowed nuclear weapons in the Non-Proliferation treaty?
USA, Soviet Union, UK, China, France
What does SALT stand for?
Strategic Arms Limitations Talks
When was SALT 1 signed?
26th May 1972
What did SALT 1 do?
Limited the number of ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads
How many nuclear warheads did the US have in 1972, when SALT was signed and how many did they have in 1980?
1972 - 7601 nuclear warheads
1980 - 10608 nuclear warheads
How many nuclear warheads did the USSR have in 1972, when SALT was signed, and how many did they have in 1980?
1972 - 2573 nuclear warheads
1980 - 7480 nuclear warheads
What did SALT 2 limit?
Limited the total of both nations’ nuclear forces to 2250 delivery vehicles
Why was SALT 2 not ratified by Congress?
Due to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979
When were the Helsinki Accords signed?
1st August 1975
What did the Helsinki Accords finalise?
The post-war borders of Europe
What did the Soviets make an agreement about, at the expense of gaining recognition of its territory in Eastern Europe?
Promised to recognise human rights
What did the US think of the Soviets’ agreement of respecting human rights?
They thought it was a diplomatic coup
What were the Helsinki Accords called at the time?
The new Yalta
Who was elected as West German Chancellor in 1969, changing West Germany’s relationship with the Soviet bloc?
Willy Brandt
What policy did West German Chancellor Willy Brandt develop?
What treaty was signed between the USSR and FRG in 1970?
The Moscow Treaty 1970
What did the 1970 Moscow Treaty do?
The USSR and FRG agreed that they have no territorial claims against each other
What two treaty was signed in 1970 as part of Ostpolitik?
The Warsaw Treaty
What treaty was signed in 1973 as part of Ostpolitik?
The Prague Treaty
What did the Warsaw and Prague treaties?
They were similar to the Moscow Treaty 1970, but for Poland and Czechoslovakia
What did the Four Power Berlin Treaty of 1971 allow?
West Berliners allowed to visit East Berlin
What treaty was signed in 1972 in which both the GDR and FRG recognised each other?
The Basic Treaty 1972
What did both the FRG and GDR join in 1973 after the signing of the Basic Treaty?
The United Nations