8.4 - Consequences - German reunification Flashcards
Chapter 8.4 - Consequences of the Cold War
consequences of the cold war
What did the four former allies agree in 1990 in regards to German reunification?
That West Germany should absorb the old east
How many East Germans left for the West by the end of 1990?
Why was the USSR worried about the prospect of German reunification, which the FRG Chancellor Kohl had suggested?
They were worried that East Germany would become part of NATO
Why did France and Britain have concerns about a reunified Germany?
They were worried that a more powerful Germany might dominate Europe
What party campaigned for the fastest route possible for integrating East Germany into the FRG in the March 1990 elections?
The Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Kohl’s party
What % of the vote did the Kohl’s CDU win in the March 1990 election and what was the turnout?
48% voted for the CDU, 93% turnout
What was the most important point for East Germans in reunification and what did Kohl do to in order to advance German reunification?
East Germans wanted a one-to-one conversion of the Ostmark to the Deutsch Mark, when in reality the market value was around 4:1. Kohl decided to effectively subsididse the entire East German economy
Who had to agree to German reunification?
The four wartime Allied powers
How many British troops were still in West Berlin in 1990?
Who was an enthusiastic supporter of German reunification?
President Bush
What did Kohl promise to Britain and France to persuade them to support German reunification?
That Germany would stay in NATO and the EEC
How many troops did the USSR have in East Germany around the time of reunification?
What did Gorbachev promise to East Germany in December 1989?
‘No harm would come to the GDR’
How did Kohl convince the USSR to support German reunification?
The USSR would receive 12 billion DM in return for removing all their troops by 1994
What did the four wartime Allies agree in September 1990?
To give up all the rights they had held over Germany since 1945
What was the date of German reunification?
3rd October 1990