8.4 Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) Flashcards
1 ppm =
1 mg/kg
1 mg/L
1 microg/g
AAS is used to determine…
minuscule concentrations of metal ions in a solution
trace element =
element with avg conc of less than 100 ppm
use of AAS in agriculture
monitoring chromium, copper, zinc, as nutrient requirements for plant metabolism
use of AAS in med
metal constitution of blood
AAS process:
(1) use hollow cathode lamp with produces a wavelength of metal you’re measuring
+ burner, contains vaporised ions
(2) emission through sample.. only what allows it to move to a higher excited state
+ monochromator (single wavelength)
(3) shows up on monitor
the burner/flame…
converts the aerosol/gas mixture created by the spray chamber and nebuliser, into free, ground state atoms.
air-acetylene and nitrous oxide-acetylene.
absorbance is directly proportional to…
absorbance = mass x ppm
A = m x ppm