읽기+ 7 Flashcards
absent-mindedly, vacantly, blankly, aimlessly, with an abstracted air
우두커니 생각에 잠기다 be lost in thought
우두커니 바라보다 look vacantly(at)
그는 창가에 우두커니 서 있다
He is standing idly by the window.
노파) an old woman, an old maid a granny (구어), (하녀) an old housekeeper
마귀할멈: a witch, hag
(가구) furniture, furnishings; (사무용품) office supplies[appliances]
사무용 집기를 새로 구입하다
purchase new office furniture[appliances]
(음식 따위의)preparation, (마련)arrangement, procurement, acquirement, ―하다prepare, provide oneself(with), buy, make, get, ready
돈을 장만하다 make[raise, get] money
집을 장만하다 get[buy] a house
음식을 장만하다 prepare food
brook, small stream, (Am) creek
개울을 건너다 cross over a brook
개울에서 물고기를 잡다 catch fish in a small stream
개울가 by the side of the brook
A pebble
징검다리를 건너다
cross a stream on stepping-stones
clasp, clench, grasp, clutch, seize, catch hold of
밤을 한 움큼 움키다
grasp a handful of chestnuts in one´s hand
dizzy, feel faint/giddy
아래를 내려다보니 아찔하다
It makes me dizzy to look down.
그 일은 생각만 해도 아찔하다
I feel dizzy just at the thought of the incident.
lose[miss] one’s footing, miss one’s step
발을 헛디뎌 계단에서 굴러 떨어졌다
I missed my step and fell down the stairs.
발을 헛디뎌서 넘어질 뻔했다
I nearly fell because I lost my footing.
1 (견디기 어렵다) (be) unbearable, intolerable, insufferable, unendurable, (힘겹다) be beyond one’s power[ability]
나에겐 난감한 일이다
I am not equal to the task. or The task is beyond my power.
2 (난처하다) be at a loss, be at one’s wit’s end, be in a fix
일이 난감하게 되었다
Things have come to a pretty pass. or Now we are in a real fix.
pleased, delighted, satisfied, content, heartwarming
흐뭇한 미소를 짓다 smile delightedly
흐뭇한 표정을 짓다 wear[make] a satisfied[pleased] expression[look]
파랗게 질리다
turn[go] pale
무서[노여]워서 파랗게 질리다
be white with fear[rage]
두려움으로 파랗게 질리다 turn deadly pale with fright
recoiling[shrinking] with a fright[surprise], ―하다 recoil, shrink, pull back ((one’s head, neck, shoulders)) in surprise[fright]
흠칫 놀라다 be startled(at)
(마음이) lighthearted; (걱정이 없는) carefree, free and easy
홀가분한 마음으로 여행을 떠나다
go on[leave for] a trip in a lighthearted mode
시험을 치르고 고사장을 나오는 학생들은 홀가분한 표정이었다
Students who were leaving the test venue after taking the exam looked free and easy.
rummage, ransack, fumble, feel, finger, browse(책을)
편지를 찾으려고 서랍을 뒤적거리다
rummage a drawer for a letter
책상 위의 서류를 뒤적거리다
finger the papers on the table
책을 뒤적거리다 browse in a book
잔돈을 꺼내려고 주머니를 뒤적거렸다
I fumbled in my pockets for change.