비디오 6 Flashcards
보궐 선거
Filling a vacancy
an election to fill 《up》 a vacancy, a special election (미), a by-election (영)
국회의원 보궐선거가 실시되었다
An Assembly by-election was held (to fill the vacancy).
1) (선거에) [명사] election, [동사] be elected, win (an election), (Am) carry (an election)
당선 소감을 밝히다 say a few words on being elected
2 (심사·공모 등에) [동사] win a prize, be picked as a winner
그는 수필 공모전에 1등으로 당선되었다 He won (the) first prize in an essay contest.
[명사] pledge, promise, commitment , [동사] pledge (oneself), promise, make a promise[pledge, commitment]
대선 공약 a presidential election pledge
선거공약을 이행하다
fulfill one’s election[campaign] pledges
세금 인하를 공약하다 pledge to reduce taxes
무상으로 free of charge[cost]
Free child care
실업 문제를 해결하다
solve the unemployment problem
frugally, thriftily
어머니는 알뜰살뜰 재산을 모았다
My mother has been frugally saving up.
그녀는 남편의 많지 않은 월급으로 알뜰살뜰 살림을 꾸려 간다
With her husband’s modest income, she manages her household budget frugally[wisely].
only, solely, alone, exclusively, (formal) but
그는 오로지 학문에만 전념했다
He devoted himself solely to learning.
우리가 나아갈 길은 오로지 하나다
There is but one way[option] open to us[for us to take].
그녀는 오로지 자기 이익만을 생각한다
She only has her own self-interest in mind.
(발을) jumping up and down (from cold, impatience)
추워서 발을 동동 구르다
jump up and down for cold
발을 동동 구르며 분해하다
stamp with vexation[chagrin]
1 (아주) so, very
그의 목소리는 워낙 커서 멀리서도 다 들린다
His voice is so loud that it can be heard from far away.
2 (원래) by nature
그는 워낙 사람들을 좋아하는 성격이라 금방 이웃들과 친해졌다
He loves people by nature, so he became close to his neighbors pretty fast.
[명사] supplementation, [동사] supplement
문제점을 보완하다 compensate the defect
단점을 보완하다 remedy one’s shortcomings
이 사안은 좀 더 자료를 보완해서 다시 의논하기로 합시다
Let’s discuss this issue further after supplementing the data.
foolish, ridiculous
같잖은 소리를 하다 talk nonsense
하도 같잖은 질문이라 대답도 안 했다
I didn’t bother to answer because it was such a foolish question.
(운명)destiny, fate, fortune
아이고, 내 팔자야! Why me?!
무소속으로 출마하다
stand as an independent
He ran for president as an independent candidate.
그 남자는 무소속으로 대선에 출마했다.
[명사] disguise, [동사] disguise (oneself), be disguised (as)
그는 변장에 능하다
He is good at disguising himself.
그녀는 남자로 변장했다
She disguised herself as a man.
[명사] campaign, electioneering, (Am) stump , [동사] campaign, canvass, (Am) stump
유세에 나서다
go campaigning[canvassing] (for votes), go on the stump
선거 유세에 대규모의 군중을 동원하다
mobilize large crowds for election campaigns